Luoyang Central Hospital

Li Mengling, with two dark circles under his eyes, came out of the laboratory slowly.

Just came out, yesterday, the intern nurse came over and saw Li Mengling. She immediately corrected her face and knew, "Dr. Li, the dean is looking for you."

"OK, I see. I'll be right there." Li Mengling stretched and responded.

"Was Dr. Li in the laboratory all last night?" Seeing Li Mengling's appearance, the intern nurse couldn't help asking.

"Yes, there is something to study." Li Mengling explained.

"Doctor Li should pay attention to his health. Staying up late will accelerate his aging." Little nurse smell speech a burst of surprise, concern said.

We all know that Dr. Li is a workaholic. I didn't expect that he would work so hard. They are all official doctors and have been doing research all night.

"Nothing. I'm used to it." Li Mengling waved his hand to show that the other side didn't have to worry.

Now that the other party has said so, the little nurse will not say anything any more. Anyway, the words have arrived. Nodding, she will turn around and leave.

But just started, he was stopped by Li Mengling, "Xiao Lin, do you remember what I asked you last time?"

At the same time of testing the cup of water given by Xu Ling, Li Mengling first went to Xiao Lin and asked about what happened at that time. Naturally, the result was that the other side was at a loss.

Li Mengling didn't force Xiao Lin to think about it at that time. Instead, he asked her to go back to buffer her. After a whole night, it must have come to an end.

However, in response to Li Mengling, he shook his head helplessly. "I can't remember it at all. I don't know why. The memory of that day seems to have disappeared."

Speaking of this problem, Kobayashi's expression became painful. There was no way. No reason for his memory to be lost. It would be the same for anyone.

Li Mengling knew that there would be such a result in the early morning, and he didn't ask again. He comforted Xiao Lin and let her leave.

Although Kobayashi can't remember anything, but on the contrary, Li Mengling got a message, the other side, is indeed amnesia!

However, it is a pity that Li Mengling tested all night, exhausted all the methods, but could not find any impurities in that glass of water, which is a cup of ordinary boiled water.

Did I really misunderstand him? Li Mengling sometimes thought of it like this, but then he shook his head and abandoned it.

After all, Kobayashi's amnesia is a sure thing, and the only different thing she did before her amnesia was drinking the water from Xu Ling.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with my own method! Li Mengling secretly decided to have a rest after meeting the president, and then he had to continue to study.

We must find the most sufficient evidence, otherwise, it's hard to contact Xu Ling before that.

Li Mengling thinks that this guy has more hidden things than he imagined.

Coming out of the dean's office, Li Mengling was about to go home when she saw Chen Yunxi come into the hospital with a tired expression.

Although yesterday and Xu Ling arranged this task, I didn't expect that the goods could be so fast. Today, I really called Chen Yunxi over. Li Mengling thought Chen Yunxi would not listen to him.

"Mengling, let me have a physical examination." Seeing Li Mengling, Chen Yunxi shows a farfetched smile, which is enough to see how bad her health is.

"Xu Ling asked you to come here?" Li Mengling nodded, took Chen Yunxi to the physical examination room, and asked in a voice.

The other side just nodded.

"I didn't expect that you would listen to that guy. You didn't do it when I told you that day." The relationship between Li Mengling and Chen Yunxi is also good, which will make fun of them directly.

"I was busy two days ago. Today I relaxed a little bit, so I wanted to come over." Li Mengling's words made Chen Yunxi blush, and she had to find a reason to explain.

Li Mengling just laughed and didn't expose her again.

"By the way, do you think there is anything strange about Xu Ling now?" At the end of the topic, Li Mengling hesitated and asked again and again.

Since you can't directly ask Xu Ling, it's a good way to ask Chen Yunxi.

"Strange? No, why do you ask that? " Chen Yunqian frowned slightly, completely did not understand why Li Mengling would discuss the problem of Xu Ling, these two people are obviously eight poles can't fight, OK.

"Oh, he came to see your father yesterday. That's why he met him." Li Mengling responds that when he meets Xu Ling, Chen Yunxi is not there. This meeting explains immediately.

"By the way, speaking of my dad, I didn't expect to see you for such a long time. Your medical skills have become so brilliant and you have cured him so quickly. Now he is saying that you are very good." Speaking of this, Chen Yunxi couldn't help praising Li Mengling.

"No, that is to say, the old man is in good health, so he recovers so quickly." Li Mengling thought about it for a while, but decided not to tell Xu Ling about it. After all, it was too complicated in the past.

"Yunxi, do you really think there is nothing strange about Xu Ling?" In the process of drawing blood for Chen Yunxi, Li Mengling asked again.

"What's the matter? Did he offend you? " Li Mengling repeatedly stressed that Chen Yunxi was surprised.

"No, it just feels like he's different from what you said, and there are a lot of secrets." Like an ordinary chat, Li Mengling kept asking Chen Yunxi for information.

"If you really want to say that, he really has a lot of changes than before, but let me say it carefully, but I can't say it again." At this time, Chen Yunxi could not help but frown and think carefully, and sincerely expressed her feelings.

"Well, that's right." Li Mengling nodded and received Chen Yunxi's words. At this time, the blood test was almost the same. Li Mengling finally frowned and looked at Chen Yunxi seriously. "Yunxi, your body is really weak now. You must have a good rest for a few days!"

"Is it just a matter of rest?" Chen Yunxi seems very casual, and her tone is a little relaxed.

"Do you think it's a small problem? You are very weak now! Absolutely can't work hard any more, I'll give the old man a call and ask him to force you to rest! " As soon as Li Mengling heard Chen Yunxi's casual attitude, he immediately reprimanded her severely.

"Mengling, don't do that. I'm almost there. Don't call my father. I promise you that I'll have a rest immediately after I've been busy for a while." See Li Mengling all use this killer mace, Chen Yunxi quickly beg for mercy.

My career is booming, but I can't just stop.

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