"Well, you haven't changed at all. You're just a workaholic. OK, I'll promise you this time, but you have to fulfill this promise. After this busy time, I'll take a week off myself! " After looking at Chen Yunxi for a while, Li Mengling shook his head and said helplessly.

"You're still talking about me. Look at your dark circles. It was all night last night." Chen Qianyun as like as two peas, who had grown up in the past, and their attitude towards life was just the same as those who could not be such good friends for many years. In addition to the reason why they grew up together, they said, pointing to Li Mengling's eyes, laughing and saying.

"Hey, how can you talk about me again? I just stayed up one night last night. I'm afraid you've stayed up a lot. If you didn't have makeup on your face, you'd have heavier black circles than me." Li Mengling immediately complained

"Cluck, OK, don't pull these, I'll have a meeting later, I have to go back quickly." Now that Li Mengling has finished the inspection, Chen Yunxi doesn't delay, so she stands up and says.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you some vitamins to improve your constitution a little bit." Li Mengling quickly stopped, got up and left. Chen Yunxi took out a list, wrote a big list on it, and then handed it to the other side, "you go to the pharmacy to get the medicine, I can't do it, I have to go back to sleep quickly, I'm so sleepy."

Originally, Chen Yunxi didn't come, and Li Mengling had already gone home. After this sudden encounter, she came to check Chen Yunxi with full sleepiness. At this time, there was a kind of irresistible posture. Sleepiness came. Li Mengling secretly sighed that her health was getting worse and worse.

"Cluck, workaholic, go home and go to bed quickly!" Chen Yunqian covered her mouth with a smile and returned the title Li Mengling had just given her.

"Hurry up and get the medicine. Let's talk to each other. Let's not talk about anyone!" Li Mengling waved away, then took off his white coat and left the room.

The rest of Chen Yunqian is staring at the list given by Li Mengling, which is written in the doctor's unique font. Those who have never been in this line can't understand it.

Of course, Chen Yunxi is not thinking about what is written on the list. At this time, he is thinking about Xu Ling.

After Li Mengling said that, she couldn't help thinking about it carefully. When did Xu Ling change.

That kind of a little familiar and a little strange feeling, as if a long time ago, but it seems that time is not long.

Shaking her head, Chen Yunxi is also very busy now, so she doesn't think about it any more. She gets up and goes to the pharmacy next to her. After taking away the medicine Li Mengling prescribed for herself, she leaves the hospital.

At the same time, in an antique restaurant, Xu Ling drinks tea and suddenly sneezes heavily.

"Miss Xu, you won't catch a cold, will you?" Liu Jinchuan, sitting opposite Xu Ling, handed a napkin to Xu Ling with concern and asked.

"No... it's OK. I don't know who missed me!" Xu Ling took the paper towel, wiped her nose and jokingly said.

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu is still so humorous. He will give a speech to Mr. Shen with such an attitude. He must be very outstanding." Liu Jinchuan's attitude towards Xu Ling was very fond of him, and immediately brought the topic back to him.

Xu Ling was called by Liu Jinchuan an hour ago, saying that he wanted to ask him about his will to make a speech. However, the actual situation is just a brainwashing meeting where Xu Ling agreed to make a speech.

"Master Liu, why did you talk about this topic again? I'm not very talented and have little knowledge. I really can't bear the heavy responsibility." Running for the principle that more is better than less, Xu Ling politely refuses. Although he knows that what he does may be meaningless, he still wants to struggle.

"Mr. Xu, you know, old man Shen asked you to pass by. I don't have much room to argue about this. Moreover, I think this may be an opportunity for you." Liu Jinchuan explained to Xu Ling again.

"A chance to make a fool of yourself?" Xu Ling immediately took over the conversation.

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu is really good at joking. You are sure to frighten people everywhere. How can you make a fool of yourself? I'm afraid it's too late to be famous." Liu Jinchuan is now vigorously sticking gold on Xu Ling's face.

Although Xu Ling is a member of the literary society, Liu Jinchuan has never been able to command his members to do something like he did when he was a president.

First of all, Xu Ling's last time at the last moment to give his own literature will compete for light, which is also regarded as a favor to himself. Second, Liu Jinchuan faintly felt that Xu Ling's knowledge reserve is much better than his own. People like him who have done most of his life's research naturally have a sense of worship for people with stronger ability.

Liu Jinchuan never dreamed that one day he would worship a younger generation.

Considering various factors, Liu Jinchuan came here today to invite Xu Ling to dinner and persuade him to agree to the speech.

"Mr. Shen is too enthusiastic. He wrote a poem at the poetry meeting and asked me to give a speech at Qingbei University!" Xu Ling complained in a low voice.

"Mr. Xu, you don't know. Old man Shen has investigated you secretly. He has studied everything from your fairy tales to your three kingdoms to your poems. I haven't seen him like this for a long time." Liu Jinchuan browed and revealed it to Xu Ling.

Well, I've already been targeted. With an embarrassed smile, Xu Ling understood what Liu Jinchuan said.

"And ah, Mr. Xu, as long as you can give our literature society another light, shine brilliantly in the speech, and get the affirmation of the National Research Association, there will certainly be a bonus." Liu Jinchuan said these, very chicken thief smile, and gave Xu Ling out a condition.

Xu lingwan did not expect that Liu Jinchuan, who always showed his integrity and nobility, now tempts himself with money.

But Xu Ling really wants this. For her great career, money is a must

"Well, in that case, Master Liu, please give me some guidance these days. I really don't know what kind of existence Qingbei university is." Now that all the words have been said, Xu Ling has no choice but to sigh and agree with Liu Jinchuan. However, in the end, he put forward a condition.

Who knows if some "monsters" in Qingbei University have some sensitive words. If they say something wrong, it's embarrassing.

After much consideration, Xu Ling still felt that he had to be fully prepared before "going out".

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