From small to large, Xu Ling has never been to a cram school in either the original world or the present world, but now he is really trapped in it.

Although Liu Jinchuan is an old scholar, his knowledge is very rich. From astronomy and geography to courtesy, righteousness and shame, he tells Xu Ling thoroughly.

Of course, most of them are about speeches.

In fact, Xu Ling can get all this knowledge from Xiaoya. However, when she is told by Xiaoya, she has to collect reputation value. How can Liu Jinchuan get the cost of free tutoring.

"Well, do you understand what I said today?" Liu Jinchuan closed the notebook in front of it and asked Xu Ling seriously.

In order to give Xu Ling a lesson, Liu Jinchuan is also quite well prepared.

"Mm-hmm, almost. I'll have a look when I get back. There's no problem." Xu Ling nodded and closed the notebook.

Come over after work. It's more than eight o'clock. It's impossible to remember the explanation for more than two hours. After class review has become a compulsory for Xu Ling.

Thanks to Liu Jinchuan, Xu Ling's life is very full now. Except for his daily arrangement and review, he has no spare time to rest.

"Well, that's all for today. Be careful on your way back." Liu Jinchuan specially came to teach Xu Ling these two days. He was also very tired. After saying goodbye to Xu Ling, he left.

Xu Ling naturally called a taxi as usual. As soon as she finished her address, her mobile phone suddenly rang.

Pick up a look, is a little familiar but can not remember who is the number.

This kind of feeling made him quite strange. After thinking for a while, he picked it up.

"Hello, who is calling, please?" Xu Ling asked politely. It's more important to find out the identity of the other party first.

"Nine o'clock tonight, nine degrees coffee, don't be late, or you know the consequences." The opposite side has no intention to tell Xu Ling about her identity, just said it sternly.

With these words, the other party immediately hung up the phone, completely did not give Xu Ling any room to refute.

Although the other side did not say, but just listen to the voice, let Xu Ling shiver.

Li Mengling!? Xu Ling said in his heart a thousand times ten thousand times impossible, but the voice from the phone is indeed Li Mengling, the woman who was drowned two days ago and should have forgotten herself!

No wonder Xu Ling feels that this phone number is familiar and strange, because after all, she has saved it in her mobile phone for two days and contacted herself many times.

In principle, Li Mengling should no longer have any relationship with himself?

Is it because the woman found a strange contact in her mobile phone, so she called to have a try?

At this time, Xu Ling thought of this reason, but only for a while, he was overthrown by himself. The tone of the other party was not what a stranger should be.

Moreover, the threat as like as two peas in the last two days, he did not forget the water.

At this time, Xu Ling's brain crazy rotation, thinking of the present situation, since he came to this world, he felt so nervous for the first time.

Nervous to he even called out Xiaoya, "Xiaoya, you give me forget water, is not fake, why give people drink useless?"

At that time, I really watched Li Mengling drink it. How could it be useless?

"The host, what Xiaoya gives us is real and useful. We never have fake products. If something goes wrong, the host doesn't use the right method." Xiaoya explained it cleverly.

"How can it be, that forgetful water is just for people to drink..." Xu Ling thought about the situation at that time, suddenly stunned.

Drink it!

These three words suddenly awakened Xu Ling. At that time, he only saw Li Mengling drink the water in the cup, but he didn't drink it down. He didn't confirm it at all!

Is that the reason? Although Li Mengling drank the water, she didn't swallow it at all. Did she find that she had dropped something in the water and was a little defensive? Did you spit out the water after you left?

This one by one may come out of Xu Ling's brain, at the same time, there are bursts of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Are you all right, sir? It's already here When Xu Ling's thoughts are extremely natural and confused, a cry in his ear suddenly pulls him back to God.

"Oh, yes." Xu Ling didn't respond. She was about to open the door and get off.

"I haven't paid yet, sir." Without this step, of course, the driver was not happy, and directly reminded him that his face was not good.

He was thinking about whether the passenger in front of him wanted to take the overlord.

"Ah! By the way, master, please take me to Jiudu coffee. I'll pay one yuan later. " At this time, Xu Ling suddenly reacted and looked at her mobile phone. It was half an hour before 9 o'clock.

Every time Li Mengling tries to find himself, he is fighting against time.

It's better to have a direct look at what's going on. Besides, when the other party is threatening to that point, there is only one way left.

"All right." Although a little doubt Xu Ling can not afford to pay the fare just thought of this delaying strategy, but the customer is God, since Xu Ling said so, there is no reason not to take the past.

It's a big deal. Let's not give the money then. With this in mind, the driver turned his car around and drove to the famous Jiudu coffee in the suburb.

I was scared all the way. Fortunately, I didn't embarrass the driver, so I honestly gave the fare for the two trips. Then I stood at the door of Jiudu coffee in the welcome of the other party's smile.

This time is not the same, the door did not see Li Mengling figure, want to come to the other side is to know that he is not the first time to come, so did not specially meet.

How do you do, sir Just push the door into the store, one side of the waiter asked politely.

"I'm looking for someone. Where is Miss Li Mengling's seat, please?" Xu Ling waved her hand and explained her intention to the waiter.

"Are you Mr. Xu Ling?" Hearing that Xu Ling had made a reservation, the waiter took out the book, confirmed it and asked again.

"Well, that's me." Xu Ling nodded.

"Yes, please follow me." The waiter who got a positive answer closed the book and went forward to show Xu Ling the way.

As like as two peas, the same way they came to the same place.

Sure enough, it's the same one!

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