"Sir, Miss Li is in there. What else can I do for you?" The waiter stopped in front of the door and said to Xu Ling.

"It's all right. You can do it." Xu Ling shakes his head and responds.

The waiter nodded and turned to leave.

When the waiter had completely disappeared from his view, Xu lingcai straightened his face, arranged his clothes, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

At least you should not appear flustered, otherwise you will surely succeed.

"The door is unlocked. Come straight in." It was Li Mengling's serious tone.

After clearing his throat, Xu Ling didn't hesitate. He opened the door and went in.

Or the familiar room layout, although it was only a one-sided relationship, but the experience of that night was just like a needle felt, how can Xu Ling not be impressed?

Now, the situation may be more serious and dangerous than last time, because Li Mengling, who was sitting in the room, had a more mysterious smile on his face than last time.

"Xu Ling, it's good. It's still so punctual." Li Mengling stood up and praised first.

Xu Ling was silent, thinking that he could see through each other's thoughts. However, the other party didn't give him a chance at all. After greeting, he sat down and said, "why, I didn't expect that I could still remember you?"

The tone was full of the sense of achievement that played Xu Ling with applause.

"Dr. Li is really joking. We are friends. How can you not remember me?" The more so, the more can't let the other party Ruyi, Xu Ling laugh a few times, Lang Sheng replied.

"Ha ha," Li Mengling only made such a series of voices, and he didn't know what it meant.

"What's the matter with Dr. Li coming to me this time?" In order not to show some flustered emotions, Xu Ling must master the initiative of the topic.

"If you want to talk about something, it's nothing. I just want to get some information." Two people seem to be playing a riddle, because Li Mengling can't be 100% sure that Xiao Lin's amnesia is Xu lingdo's ghost.

She has been experimenting these days, trying for several nights, just to detect any impurities in the glass of water.

However, the fact is always unsatisfactory. After these days, even the test tube sample he kept is almost used up, but Li Mengling still can't detect anything.

In all kinds of desperation, she used the worst strategy. Without any evidence, she came to confront Xu Ling in person.

In fact, this is also a gamble, Li Mengling bet Xu Ling's psychological endurance is not so strong!

"Ha ha, I'm a small anchor of a local radio station. I don't know more than Dr. Li. How did Dr. Li remember to ask me for information?" Xu Ling did not answer directly, but asked in reverse.

"You don't have to worry about this. Next, I'll ask and you'll answer." Li Mengling holds his chest in both hands, and looks like the situation is under control.

"Well, ask." Xu Ling is also impolite. She sits on the opposite side of Li Mengling, takes the cup of coffee on the table and sips it gently.

I don't know if Li Mengling is trying to fix him. This time, the coffee is so bitter that Xu Ling's hair is erect.

It was not easy to resist the discomfort of the body. At this time, Li Mengling's voice rang again, "did you do Xiaolin's amnesia?"

Before finding Xu Ling, Li Mengling conceived many questions that she asked at the beginning, but they were all overthrown by her one by one.

After thinking about it, she finally decided to go straight to Huanglong and get to the point. Maybe she would let Xu Ling, who was unprepared, reveal something.

"Who is Xiao Lin?" Thousands of thousands did not expect that Xu Ling would throw out this question with a puzzled face.

"That's the intern nurse..." Li Mengling's voice was slightly smaller. She knew that she had made a mistake at the beginning. With this time, she was ready for Xu Ling's new idea!

"Oh, the intern nurse, she lost her memory?" After hearing about the amnesia, Xu Ling knew that Li Mengling was talking about the intern nurse. The previous question was just to leave time for him to think. At this time, when time was enough, Xu Ling looked surprised.

Then, without waiting for Li Mengling to respond, he asked with a wry smile, "and what does this have to do with me?"

Li Mengling blamed himself for his carelessness, but he didn't show it. He nodded and explained, "yes, she lost her memory, that is, after you left two days ago, she lost her whole day's memory."

It seems to explain, more like questioning, because when Li Mengling said this, his eyes did not leave Xu Ling's face for a moment, as if to catch any strange things from him.

Knowing that he couldn't show his horse's feet now, Xu Ling nodded and looked like he had just known. He asked again, "what's the matter? Have you found out the reason?"

Li Mengling did not notice anything, but also got an important message, that is, the intern nurse is really amnesia.

This shows that forgetting water really works. On the other hand, Li Mengling really didn't drink that glass of water!

This will make Xu lingcai really marvel at Li Mengling's inhuman caution.

"I didn't find the reason, so I came to ask you if you know anything." Li Mengling pressed hard and you were the suspect.

"I don't know!" Xu Ling didn't even think about it and replied.

For this, Xu Ling naturally can't admit it by himself. Since the other side is so tentative, there must be no evidence. Since there is no evidence, how can he say that this matter has something to do with himself?

Xu Ling now has a feeling of being bold and fearless, and now the scene is more and more in his hands.

Fight with me, little girl. You're still young. I've got two lives of experience. Xu Ling is a little complacent now.

"Xu Ling, are you playing silly with me? What did you add to my cup that day?" After Xu Ling's answer, Li Mengling's face was uncertain. After a long silence, he suddenly broke out. As soon as he patted the table, he stood up and pointed to Xu Ling and asked.

"Dr. Li, you can't spit out blood. Although I'm not a gentleman, I'm not so mean. I can't do anything about putting medicine in other people's water." Not to be outdone, Xu Ling stood up with the same slap on the table and responded sullenly.

He still has a handle in the other party's hand. Originally, Xu Ling was still struggling with whether he wanted to refute the other party, but suddenly he thought of another situation.

The more you do the opposite, the more you can surprise the other party. Judging from the previous situation, the other party can't be 100% sure that there is something wrong with you.

When you know that you are threatened, you can refute like this and prove your innocence.

This is, die and live!

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