"Mr. Shen, you are asking me to go to class, not to make a speech?" Xu Ling is more and more unable to understand what Shen Wenzhi wants to do. At first, she said it was a speech, but now she has to go to class.

And it's still social psychology.

Xu Ling hasn't even heard of it. Psychology is just psychology. It's so social. It's not a fool, is it.

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu, don't have pressure. The profession of teacher is just like that. You don't have to think so complicated." Shen Wenzhi came forward and patted Xu Ling on the shoulder, with a relaxed tone.

Xu Ling could not say anything, but could only smile bitterly.

But Shen Wenzhi raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist and said to Xu Ling, "it's almost time, Mr. Xu. I'll take you to prepare for the classroom."

Xu Ling knows that place. In the past, when I was studying, teachers would go there to check the teaching plan before giving lessons to themselves.

Time has changed. I didn't expect that I could go to that place. Although Xu Ling still sighed a little, but after sighing, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

I have nothing in my hand. What do I do when I go there?

Do you want to visit?

Xu Ling now deeply suspects that Shen Wenzhi has won his apprentice Wang Jianting, so he has come to find a chance to make himself.

It's too hard for people!

But Shen Wenzhi doesn't give Xu Ling the chance to argue, so he greets Xu Ling and leads the way.

Walking slowly all the way, Shen Wenzhi is also very considerate to Xu Ling popular science as a teacher's attention and work style.

Of course, many of these things Xu Ling has heard from Liu Jinchuan, and it's not too difficult to accept at this time. Xu Ling nodded to show his understanding.

"We need to pay attention to these aspects. Has Mr. Xu had any experience before? It's like everyone knows. " At the beginning, Shen Wenzhi thought that when he was talking, Xu Ling would have a lot of problems. Unexpectedly, from the beginning to the end, he nodded his head very clearly, which made him feel puzzled.

Xu Ling smile, these days Liu Jinchuan to his counseling things to say.

"Ha ha, old man Liu is really considerate. He told you all these things in advance." Shen Wenzhi nodded happily and couldn't help praising.

Seeing Shen Wenzhi's expression, Xu Ling suddenly remembers that Liu Jinchuan and Shen Wenzhi are old friends for many years. Liu Jinchuan should have known about what Shen Wenzhi did to himself!

Looking back on what Liu Jinchuan taught himself these days, Xu Ling is more convinced of this idea.

These two people can really surprise themselves.

The teaching building that Xu Ling wants to go to is not far away from here either, and Shen Wenzhi did not walk together for a while to arrive at the destination.

Three words of the teaching plan room were written on the door.

"The classroom is in 8401, half an hour away from the class time. Mr. Xu, you go to prepare first. I have other things, so I'll leave first." Shen Wenzhi kindly helps Xu Ling open the door. Finally, he asks Xu Ling to leave without looking back.

It's too late for Xu Ling to stay.

From the filing room, a sweet voice came out, "teacher, are you here to prepare lessons?"

Xu Ling is slightly stunned. I didn't expect that there would be people here even after the weekend. Following the sound, a female student in school uniform is looking at Xu Ling suspiciously and asking.

The reason why we call Mr. Xu Ling is that we probably see the brand on the other party's chest. Otherwise, with Xu Ling's clothes, we all look like students like them.

"Well, yes, I'll have a lesson later." A little Leng Lengshen, although some strange why there are students here, Xu Ling or some not adapt to the ground back.

"Excuse me, which class is the teacher going to have?" The girl student didn't seem to realize how puzzled Xu Ling was when she appeared here. Then she asked.

"Well, social... Social psychology!" After recalling carefully, Xu lingcai remembered the course name Shen Wenzhi had just told him.

"Social psychology?" Who knows, after Xu Ling said this, the female student suddenly asked in a strange tone, "the teacher of social psychology is not you, are you here to take the place of the class?"

"Yes, the teacher has something to do temporarily, so I'll take his place in this class." Xu Ling quickly explained, and secretly complained that Shen Wenzhi didn't prepare well in advance since he did it.

However, it is not uncommon for university teachers to substitute for each other, and female students do not have too many questions. Then they search on the table in front of them.

At this time, Xu lingcai noticed that there were so many paper documents in front of the female students. Looking at them carefully, they seemed to be stacks of teaching plans.

"Teacher, this is your lesson." Just as Xu Ling was observing, the girl student took out a copy and handed it to Xu Ling.

As a result, Xu Ling looked down at the paper and realized why Shen Wen told him to come over empty handed. All these things are ready here. The teacher just needs to claim them here.

At this meeting, Xu lingcai couldn't help sighing that this is indeed the most advanced institution in China. For teachers, they are so intimate.

"Thank you!" With the teaching plan as the basis, Xu Ling was worried about something that he didn't know how to teach. At the thought of this, he immediately talked with the female students happily.

The female students have been working here for such a long time as a teaching plan arranger. For the first time, they saw a teacher who was so overjoyed to get the teaching plan. They were stunned and then said, "it's ok... It doesn't matter."

Now Xu Ling feels relaxed. With this, as long as he goes according to the above curriculum arrangement, this class can pass easily. Whistling, Xu Ling leisurely walks to one side of the table and opens the teaching plan.

When he saw the contents of the lesson plan, he flipped it back and forth several times. Then he became petrified and his expression solidified.

The next second, he yelled at the original teacher in his heart.

This guy is too lazy. There are only six pages in the whole teaching plan. Compared with others, it's less. But what's more excessive is the content of the teaching plan.

It can't add up to more than 60 words!

And most of the content is about last class, about this class, the teacher seems to have no plan.

Although this kind of course is a relatively unpopular one, it can't be so casual. Teachers all take this attitude to class. How can they expect students to listen carefully?

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