Xu Ling angrily patted the teaching plan on the table, which also attracted the female students not far away to look at it in surprise, "teacher, what's wrong with the teaching plan?"

"It's OK. It's my own problem." Hearing the girl student's voice, Xu Ling immediately realized that she had lost her manners. She immediately changed her attitude and began to speak to Xu Ling.

The girl students don't ask any more questions after hearing the speech. They turn around and start to sort out their own affairs.

But Xu Ling's eyes are back to the lonely teaching plan on the table, and some of them can't laugh or cry.

Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, what a terrible mess you have given me.

Looking at the time, in his own dazed Kung Fu, the distance from class time is only ten minutes, this meeting, Xu Ling just a little anxious.

It's just like, before my radio program is about to start, I have not prepared the manuscript, so I have to carry the gun to fight. How hard I feel.

And it's different from radio programs. If it's a radio program, Xu Ling can temporarily search the content with Xiaoya, but this is different. If she wants to search, she doesn't know what topic to search.

What we only know now is that last time we talked about the relationship between men and women.

It seems that the teacher has some research on the teaching content that the students are interested in. However, if enough research is done, the preparation is not enough.

Maybe the students did not respond well, so the teacher did not have any passion to prepare for the following courses.

For these things, Xu Ling's analysis is very clear, but for the course arrangement, he is still at a loss.

With the passage of time, Xu Ling's anxious stomach began to ache.

In order to avoid accidents in class, Xu Ling left the room with the teaching plan and went to the nearest bathroom to 8401.

When Shen Wenzhi came over, Xu Ling probably also found out the plane of the teaching building, so it was relatively easy to find it.

Looking for a compartment, Xu Ling squatted down slowly, holding a nearly blank teaching plan in his hand, feeling a burst of vicissitudes.

The more divergent thinking people are at this time, it's not a big deal. It wasn't long before Xu lingcai squatted down. Suddenly, an idea came out of his mind, which came from a video he had seen.

Video is also a lesson, this lesson is about the feelings of men and women!

Suddenly he had an idea, and Xu Ling was also very excited, so he concentrated on the content of the video. At this time, a sudden rush of class bell scared him to his knees and almost knelt on the ground.

It's already in class!

Xu Ling's forehead was sweating. Unexpectedly, she was late for her first class, which made Shen Wenzhi a little embarrassed.

But after the correct look, Xu Ling still did not move, and continued to think about half of the content just thought of.

If you want to teach this class well, these preparations are necessary, even if you are late.

In order to make the efficiency faster, Xu Ling directly summoned Xiaoya in her mind, and then described the keywords in the video content that she thought of to help her find the video.

Xiaoya is worthy of the most advanced artificial intelligence, only with a few fuzzy keywords Xu Ling said, we screened out a few more suitable videos.

Among the selected ones, Xu Ling quickly found out what she needed.

Although the call cost Xu Ling nearly 100 reputation, but in such an urgent environment, these costs are worth it.

In this way, Xu Ling is well prepared. After dealing with his body, he comes out of the bathroom.

Maybe there is no teacher like Xu Ling in the whole school. He has prepared his lessons in the bathroom.

After straightening up his clothes, Xu Ling strode to 8401.

These atmospheric words are suitable to describe Xu Ling. However, as he pushes the door of the classroom, he finds that the classroom is still a ladder classroom.

There are dozens of people sitting in seven or eight rows. To be honest, Xu Ling didn't expect so many people in this class.

"I'm sorry for the delay. I'm your substitute teacher, Mr. Xu." Regardless of the students' confused eyes, Xu Ling went directly to the platform and introduced herself.

When he said that, he wrote the word Xu Ling on the blackboard.

"Xu Ling? Do we have this teacher? "

"It wasn't him who took the class last time..."

"Who cares? Anyway, I'm here to mix credits. It's the same for everyone in class."


After Xu Ling's introduction, the discussion began immediately.

After listening to these discussions, most of the students said that they didn't pay much attention to this course, and the word "mixed credit" also appeared most frequently.

"I don't care what you're here for, but I'm going to continue this class. Well, time is running out. Let's start directly!" Xu Ling didn't have the Kung Fu to maintain the order of the classroom. She directly learned the teacher's appearance in the video and said it quickly.

Xu Ling's way of doing the opposite has attracted good repercussions.

Generally, when the class is so noisy, most teachers will painstakingly maintain order, say "don't talk", "quiet"... Such words.

I didn't expect that teacher Xu was very powerful. He just mixed up with the noise and began to have a class.

This can not help but let the voice down a lot, listening to teacher Xu on the podium.

"Last class, we talked about the relationship between men and women. In this class, let's talk about its side effect - how not to be used as a spare tire by people we like!" Xu Ling straightened his mind and said it to the students directly.

Another surprising topic was thrown out. The teacher Xu actually used the words that had been used for nearly two years, which caused a lot of noise from the students.

Xu Ling did not care, and then asked, "about the definition of spare tire, I would like to ask a few students to answer."

Then, Xu Ling took out the roster and gave a random name.

A studious student with glasses on his face immediately stood up, picked up his notebook and read, "spare tire is when you like someone, but they put you on the Internet that they don't want to develop love."

It's the standard answer!

Xu Lingzhen didn't expect that someone would find out the answer so soon. He nodded with satisfaction, "it's absolutely right. So, what are the signs that you have become a spare tire?"

Another question has been thrown out. These questions directly ignite the enthusiasm of the students in class. It's too strange.

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