Asked about this question, Yu Wenwen's face immediately showed an expression of grievance. After several changes, she sighed a little, "it's totally different from what I thought. I'm almost tortured to death these two days."

Xu Ling smile, he has long guessed that Yu Wenwen will appear such a mood, when a star which is so easy?

But this is her own choice of road, Xu Ling is not good to hit him, can only comfort up, "at the beginning, it's all like this, later if you become famous, then you certainly don't need to be so tired."

Yu Wenwen's eyes were full of yearning for what Xu Ling said, but then she remembered the current situation, her eyes dimmed, her head bowed, and she was silent.

"Well, you've taken a big step for your dream to come true. You can't bear the most bitterness?" At this meeting, the fried rice with eggs ordered by Xu Ling arrived. While eating, he talked to Yu Wenwen.

The tone is full of instruction, not to mention, it's really a little elder style.

"Of course I know that. I didn't say I couldn't bear hardship, but it's different from what I thought. It's hard for people to accept it for a while." Yu Wenwen's face turned red when Xu Ling said it, and she immediately retorted.

"Well, just know!" Xu Ling nodded with satisfaction. For Yu Wenwen's road to fame, she paid a lot, and even owed Chen Yunxi a lot of favor. I don't know how to return this favor!

If yu Wenwen didn't know how to cherish it and gave up halfway, it would really make Xu Ling vomit blood three times.

"Brother, I want to ask you, why can you write songs for me so easily and so quickly? My sister-in-law has found a circle of people for me, but no one can write songs for me!" In order not to let Xu Ling continue to teach herself politics, Yu Wenwen quickly changed the topic and asked with great interest.

"Well, who made you my sister? How could I not help you? As for why I can finish it so quickly, it's a secret Xu Ling stretched out a finger and told Yu Wenwen mysteriously.

"Hum!" See Xu Ling also don't say to oneself, Yu Wen Wen's angry pout a small mouth, displeased complain up, "elder brother, you are really mean!"

When Xu Lingquan didn't hear it, he continued to eat fried rice with eggs. At noon, because he had been listening to Shen Wenzhi's explanation about the visitors, he didn't eat seriously. At this time, he was seduced by the smell of fried rice with eggs, which really made him hungry.

Not to mention, fried rice with eggs is not a delicacy, but it tastes like a delicacy. If you go on a dish, you will have endless aftertaste.

Although, Xu Ling felt that the fried rice with eggs made by this company should not be as delicious as that made by herself.

"Brother, have you finished? Come on, let's go back! " As soon as Xu Linggang delivered the last spoonful of rice to her mouth, Yu Wenwen jumped up from her seat and excitedly wanted to pull Xu Ling back.

"Slow down, slow down. Why don't girls look like ladies? What's the order of labouring! " As soon as Xu Linggang had a full meal, he was dragged by Yu Wenwen without wiping his mouth. He immediately criticized Yu Wenwen.

Of course, he knew why Yu Wenwen was so anxious to let herself go back, because he said that he would write songs for her after dinner.

Of course, Yu Wenwen, who has been loathed by the masses for such a long time, can't wait.

However, Yu Wenwen, who asks for help from Xu Ling, is more than a little bit better than usual. Even if she is so severely criticized by Xu Ling, she has no tendency to refute. She stands up on one side honestly.

And the pathetic look on her face, people can't help but want to protect her behind her, and don't give Xu Ling another chance to play.

After Yu Wenwen said sternly, Xu Ling also put on a more amiable tone and added, "I will definitely write the song for you. Don't be so anxious."

Then he touched the latter's head and walked back to his home.

Although she was scolded by Xu Ling, Yu Wenwen was still quite excited to follow her. She wanted to drag Xu Ling to talk about it. Suddenly she remembered what Xu Ling had just said to herself. She immediately withdrew her hand, suppressed her excitement and followed her step by step.

Seeing this, Xu Ling wanted to laugh, but he didn't want to laugh. He could only suppress his smile in front of him. In order not to expose himself, he was shaking all over.

Such a detail was immediately discovered by Yu Wenwen at the back. He didn't know what he thought in his brother's heart. He thought that there was something wrong with the person in front of him. Otherwise, why was he still shaking when he walked?

"It's OK. I choked on my meal just now." After hearing the other side's inquiry, Xu Ling quickly found an excuse for himself and responded to the past without any hesitation.

Although Yu Wenwen didn't believe what Xu Ling said, if she choked on the meal, why did she have nothing to do when she just finished the meal and only had problems for such a long time in the past?

Of course, because of the experience just now, Yu Wenwen didn't say her questions directly. She was very clever and nodded silently to Xu Ling's answer, without any intention of questioning.

In this way, Xu Ling is happy to see this situation, so he has to rack his brains to think about the reasons.

All the way back home without any obstacles, without waiting for Yu Wenwen to remind, Xu Ling went directly into the study, took out a few pieces of paper and began to write.

Yu Wenwen said nothing and stood behind Xu Ling honestly. She didn't need to say anything, because from the content of Xu Ling's writing, there was no doubt that what he wrote was a musical score.

As for Xu Ling, he is now quietly communicating with Xiaoya, and let the latter find the score of this song.

It's still a folk song -- "an He Qiao"!

Just at dinner time, Xu Ling had already planned for Yu Wenwen. After that song Miss Chen, only this song anheqiao is closest to its style. Therefore, it's absolutely appropriate to make this song Yu Wenwen's last work.

Of course, this song was originally sung by an old man, and the words in it didn't look like girls could sing. In order to satisfy Yu Wenwen's personality, Xu Ling had to open her mind and modify it carefully, changing some more masculine words into the type of young and beautiful girls.

Although such a change makes the whole song strange, only in this way can it be more suitable for Yu Wenwen.

It lasted about 20 minutes, and Xu Ling finally handed Yu Wenwen two pages full of music scores.

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