Of course, this time for Yu Wenwen, it's just speed, even if it's not the first time to get Xu Ling's help, but she is still a little unbelievable to study the music score on her hand.

As she watched, she hummed a tune. After singing a tune, a light flashed in her eyes. Then she couldn't wait to sing the lyrics in a low voice.

Xu Ling sat and listened quietly, not to mention that her younger sister's singing voice was really beautiful. Even if this song was completely sung by the old man, under the modification of Yu Wenwen's voice, Xu Ling only felt better than the original one!

"Well, not bad!" After singing a song, Xu Ling immediately applauded.

"Brother, I'm just..." singing from her mouth, Yu Wenwen can feel the charm of this song. The instant excitement makes her not even speak completely. After a while, she suddenly hugs Xu Ling, "I love you so much, this song is fast and good!"

I don't know when, Xu Ling is immune to Yu Wenwen's sudden attack. When I think about it, he will be at a loss because of Yu Wenwen.

Now, he just pushed Yu Wenwen away a little and said in a heavy tone, "take it back quickly. Who let me promise you that I will help you become a big star, so I have to be responsible!"

Yu Wenwen giggled at the edge and couldn't close her mouth happily.

"Well, the song is also written for you. Can it make me sleep?" Although the time of writing songs is not long, but the total time of the previous delay, this meeting is already more than 10 o'clock in the evening.

Last night, because of the preparation of the seminar, Xu Ling went to bed very late. Today, Xu Ling was going to have a good rest, but she met Yu Wenwen and asked for help.

As early as when he was just writing a song, Xu Ling was very sleepy. If he hadn't watched Yu Wenwen waiting, he would have quit.

So this will not be easy to complete the task, Xu Ling immediately yawned asked.

When he asked, he got up from his chair and stretched his waist. Then he suddenly remembered something and immediately added, "by the way, you can stay here today and have a rest!"

Now it's too late to let Yu Wenwen go back alone. Xu Ling is still a little worried, but she really doesn't want to go out to see her off again, so she retreats to the second place and suggests.

However, Yu Wenwen directly shook her head, "no, after a while, Chen Bo's car is coming. The song has to be composed. The day after tomorrow, it will be on stage."

"Singing all night?" Xu Ling was surprised and sleepiness disappeared.

"Yes ~" Yu Wenwen's tone was full of complaints, but when she listened carefully, she was more helpless.

This kind of Yu Wenwen, Xu Ling is really unprecedented, it seems that she is really willing to become.

At this time, Xu lingcai carefully looked at Yu Wenwen's appearance, I do not know when, originally sunny face even more tired look.

"Wenwen, it's good to be famous, but you should also pay attention to your health!" After a long silence, Xu lingcai earnestly charged Yu Wenwen.

With the experience in the world before, Xu Ling knows the importance of the body, and he is not familiar with it, but as his sister, Xu Ling still need to remind.

"I know, brother. Body is the capital of revolution." Yu Wenwen was afraid that others would preach to her. As soon as Xu Ling started, she immediately interrupted.

Seeing this, Xu Ling had no choice but to shake her head. She had to understand this matter by herself. She learned a lesson before she knew it. I thought that she was also said by the elder radio station. At that time, her attitude was exactly the same as that of Yu Wenwen?

Yu Wenwen and said some of the no, the doorbell suddenly rang up.

Needless to say, it's Chen Bo who's here, because there's absolutely no one here, except for being called.

Xu Ling got up and went to open the door. Sure enough, Uncle Chen's face came into view. Not to mention, although Uncle Chen was old, he was very energetic. His eyes were shining and staring at Xu Ling. He called respectfully, "Hello, young master!"

The more I heard this name, the more strange it was. He quickly waved his hand, "Uncle Chen, don't be so polite between us. If you give me this face, just call me Xiao Xu." While saying this, Xu Ling invited Chen Bo into the room.

"Uncle Chen!" In the room, Yu Wenwen, who saw someone coming, immediately stood up and gave a sweet cry. It seems that she still has great respect for Chen Bo.

"Miss Wenwen, let's go now." When Chen Bo saw Yu Wenwen, he said hello directly. He had no intention of staying here.

Yu Wenwen did not hesitate. She immediately nodded and went to Chen Bo.

I think so. It's so late. It's going to take some time on the road. If you delay for a while, I'm afraid it's early in the morning.

So Xu Ling didn't say anything to keep them. While seeing them off, he told Yu Wenwen to rest again.

In this way, he is even more like an elder than Uncle Chen.

"Xiao Xu, I'll take special care of Wenwen here, so you don't have to worry about it. But you, the lady specially told me to tell you when I came over," after Yu Wenwen got on the bus, Chen Bo didn't get on the driver's seat directly, but turned around and said to Xu Ling, "don't worry too much about this side, don't work too hard, and thank you for curing the master!"

Then, without hesitation, he went directly into the car. With the sound of the engine, the car turned around and disappeared into the yellow street lamp.

The first two were OK, but the last one must have been said by Li Mengling.

I hope this elder sister doesn't ask the bottom like Li Mengling. She has a date like last time. Xu Ling doesn't want to experience another time in her life.

It's more tiring than a whole live program!

Speaking of the program, I have finished my work. I don't know what kind of work the radio will arrange for me tomorrow?

The final review of the column should be carried out almost in the past two days. Tomorrow, it should be a quality assessment. The radio station needs to determine the bonus for Xu Ling through various data.

At the thought of this, Xu Ling was very excited. Although the East China seminar was not very smooth, it could not stop Xu Ling's joy. After all, it was really about her own interests.

Time is like running water, you can't keep it. With the first ray of sunshine in the morning shining into the room, a new day is coming.

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