Of course, the sunshine can't wake Xu Ling, even if he forgot to draw the curtain before going to bed last night.

When a glare came directly to Xu Ling's closed eyes, he just scratched his face, pursed his lips, turned slightly, and continued to breathe heavily.

However, he couldn't avoid the first day of junior high school, but he couldn't avoid the tenth day of junior high school, as if Heaven felt provoked. Xu Ling turned to sleep for less than an hour, and the phone on the bedside table suddenly rang violently.

Liu Huan teacher's loud voice, even if it is a pig, I am afraid no one.

As for Xu Ling, he ejected from the bed in an instant. His eyes were frightened, and he didn't seem to know what had happened.

Just sitting on the bed for a few seconds, I suddenly realized that my mobile phone was ringing. I quickly went to pick it up and had a look.

It's Liu Xia.

This person has nothing to do is sure not to call himself, so see the name, Xu Ling directly picked up.

"Xiao Xu, come to the radio station immediately. There's something you need to do here!" Pick up the phone at the same time, not waiting for Xu Ling to speak, there came the voice of Liu Xia anxious.

"Oh, good!" Liu Xia said so, and Xu Ling had no room to refuse, so he quickly nodded and agreed.

"As soon as possible!" There Liu Xia again urged a, hang up the phone.

Xu Ling, who has just got up, is still in a state of half asleep and half awake. After the other party's phone has been hung up for a long time, he still sticks his mobile phone to his ear. It lasts for a few minutes before he silently puts down his mobile phone.

Just as he was about to pour his head straight up on the bed for another grand return, something Liu Xia had just told him suddenly flashed through his mind.

The other party is so anxious, how can Xu Ling continue to sleep? He quickly turned out of bed, put on his clothes, and washed them carefully.

As the drowsiness faded, he began to understand the matter.

Why did Liu Xia find himself so early? It's definitely a column thing!

I didn't expect that the efficiency of the financial department of the radio station was quite fast!

With such a sigh, Xu Ling went out to buy a breakfast, played a tune, and drove to the radio station.

All the way to his office, today's rare column group there are not a few people, in addition to sweeping aunt, colleagues did not come.

At this time, the night program has been off work, and the morning program has not started, so the whole radio station is very quiet.

Just to sit down in the office, benches have not covered hot, Liu Xia came in.

When he saw Xu Ling, his eyes lit up. It seemed that he had come to look for Xu Ling.

"Editor in chief Liu!" Seeing Liu Xia coming, Xu Ling immediately stood up with a smile to welcome him.

Originally, Xu Ling thought that Liu Xia should be right with his smile, but he didn't. Liu Xia still had a dignified face and looked at Xu Ling as if he wanted to talk and stop.

Seeing this, Xu Ling's smile gradually faded down, and an unknown premonition filled his heart.

"Xiao Xu, don't worry. I'll take care of it for you." Liu Xia looks at Xu Ling's changing face and finally says something. She pats her chest and assures Xu Ling.

"Editor in chief Liu, what's the matter?" Xu Ling doesn't want to be kept in the dark any more. Instead of waiting for others to help her deal with the matter, she might as well step up her own efforts.

Taking Xu Ling to his office, Liu Xia sighed and explained to Xu Ling, "people from Huaxia people's publishing house are coming..."

They went to the door of the office, knocked on the door, and Liu Xia opened the door in front of them.

In fact, just seeing Liu Xia like this, Xu Ling had already guessed such a situation in her heart, because now she has only such an uncertain thing.

That's about the copyright of Three Kingdoms.

After dealing with Liu Xia for such a long time, Xu Ling also understands that this person is a person who is happy and angry. If this is a happy event, he should come to congratulate himself the moment he sees himself.

When they came into the room, they were talking happily.

One of them, Xu Ling, has met director Guo who called himself to the office to talk.

The other is a middle-aged man with big black glasses. Needless to say, this should be the person from Huaxia people's publishing house.

Although Xu Ling thought that the radio station would be interested in her own copyright, she didn't think that it was director Guo who came to negotiate with her. You know, before that, she told her that he had high expectations for herself and let her refuel.

Why is it now as like as two peas in Wang Hui?

"Ha ha, Xiao Xu is coming!" Seeing Xu Ling coming, director Guo went forward to greet him and introduced him to both sides. "Xiao Xu, this is Wang, chief editor of Huaxia people's publishing house!"

"Oh, you are Mr. Xu. I've heard so much about you The person in charge of the publishing house couldn't hide his adoration at all. He reached out to Xu Ling and said, "your products are really wonderful! Even our president is immersed in the stories you tell. This is what history should be like. The era of long and boring speeches should have passed long ago! "

"Editor in chief Wang praised me falsely. I found out something different by myself. It's not worth mentioning!" Xu Ling naturally wants to be modest.

"Ah, Mr. Xu is not only talented, but also has such a great family style. We really admire him!" No matter Xu Ling's modesty, editor in chief Wang still appreciates it.

Xu Ling thought that the other party was praising him for his modesty, but he was stunned by the following words: "it's hard to find such a group conscious person who has made such a great achievement and directly handed over the copyright to the radio station!"

It took Xu Ling a long time to respond to this saying. Without her knowledge, the copyright was directly taken away?

Originally, Xu Ling thought that it was necessary to discuss this matter. After all, there was a fairy tale incident, and Xu Ling had learned from it.

However, now she directly informs herself of such a thing. How can Xu Ling bear it? Originally, she thought that the relationship between director Guo and Liu Xia could be a little better, but now it seems that this great God is even more powerful than Wang Hui.

Anyway, when Wang Hui wanted his own copyright, he fought for it with him.

"Lao Guo, what's the matter?" Countless thoughts flashed in his mind, and before he had a seizure, Liu Xia was the first to ask.

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