Although Li Ziqian refused to go to the hospital, she didn't seem to have any opinions about the physical examination.

"No... you don't have to go to the hospital. It's just a private examination." Xu Ling grasped this point and quickly said to Li Ziqian.

"Is emmm... True?" Sure enough, what Li Ziqian really hates is the hospital.

"Yes, yes, I know you hate hospitals, so I specially contacted my doctor friend to give you a special examination." Xu Ling saw that Li Ziqian's idea was exactly the same as his own. He immediately followed the saying and informed Li Ziqian.

In fact, Li Mengling didn't talk to Xu Ling about it. Xu Ling himself said the situation now. Xu Ling didn't know what to do first and then. But apart from that, Xu Ling really didn't know how to get Li Ziqian to agree to check.

"Oh, it's like this..." Li Ziqian finally lost her anger just now, and her tone slowed down a lot. After thinking for a while, she nodded to Xu Ling, "OK, just check."

"Ha ha, that's great. I'll contact the doctor right now." hearing that Li Ziqian finally agreed to come down, Xu Ling immediately smiles. After saying this, she takes out her mobile phone, finds out the number of Li Mengling who hung up not long ago, runs to one side and dials out.

Like Li Mengling to discuss whether not to check in the hospital, or not to let Li Ziqian know better.

"Hello, Xu Ling, are you bringing Li Ziqian?" After a while, Li Mengling's voice came over. Because she had just hung up, she knew Xu Ling's purpose immediately.

"Almost, but there's one more thing I want to do for you, sister Mengling." Xu linglue awkwardly said that it was really a matter of cutting first and then playing. She had no bottom in her heart, so she said that Xu Ling was afraid that she would not be able to finish.

"Well?" Sure enough, Li Mengling had a little doubt about Xu Ling's flattering words. However, since Xu Ling said so now, it must have something to do with Li Ziqian, so Li Mengling didn't tangle much in this aspect. Instead, he smelled, "how can I help you?"

"Just to ask, do you have any separate instruments there?" Xu Ling may feel that his summary is not good, and then added, "those that are not in the hospital, or that are your extra examination instruments."

"More?" Li Mengling is said by Xu Ling to be in the clouds, completely at a loss.

"Oh, Li Ziqian is very reluctant to go to the hospital. If she wants to have an examination, she promises to be in a private place..." Xu Ling saw that it was useless to explain, and directly told Li Mengling what happened just now.

"Hospital phobia?" After hearing Xu Ling's words, Li Mengling said in silence for a while, "it seems that Li Ziqian's life experience before is more complicated than I imagined..."

"By the way, you and she have lived under the same roof for a long time. Do you know her life experience?" After thinking for a while, Li Mengling asked Xu Ling again.

When it comes to this issue, Xu Ling is embarrassed. Last time, he was criticized by Li Mengling because he didn't know Li Ziqian.

This time, if you want to answer again, you have to let Li Mengling come to cut himself.

After thinking about it, Xu Ling sorted it out and responded, "it's not very clear exactly what kind of person is, but now it's certain that her family should be someone with power and power, and she's sneaking out."

"Running away from home?" Li Mengling immediately summed up Xu Ling's words.

"Yes Xu Ling affirmed Li Mengling's statement, then seemed to think of a thing, and quickly knew, "by the way, the president of boxing enterprise also attaches great importance to Li Ziqian!"

"Liu feiran?" After Xu Ling finished, Li Mengling actually said a name directly.

Xu Ling was startled by the name, "do you know him?"

Xu Ling just wanted to emphasize that even the presidents of big companies know Li Ziqian, so as to let Li Mengling know that Li Ziqian is a very important person.

Unexpectedly, Li Mengli knew the name of Liu feiran.

"Well, he has invested in many of the facilities in our hospital. He is a philanthropic entrepreneur." Li Mengling immediately explained to Xu Ling.

Hearing what Li Mengling said, Xu lingpo was a little surprised. Maybe his practice really forced Liu feiran's real appearance. Otherwise, with his crazy and fierce appearance, he would never have thought that this man would do charity!

"It seems that Li Ziqian is a descendant of some powerful person, just like you said." As soon as the name of Liu feiran came out, Li Mengling also paid attention to it.

It seems that in the upper reaches of society, Liu feiran is also a very famous person.

"Forget it, now it's meaningless to consider these. You bring Li Ziqian here first, and the address will be sent to your mobile phone later." with a slight sigh, Li Mengling no longer thinks about this situation, and informs Xu Ling, "there are instruments eliminated before the hospital in my warehouse. Although the operation is a little more complicated, they can still be used."

"Yes! I'll be right there. " Hearing what Li Mengling said, Xu Ling immediately replied.

After these instructions, Li Mengling hung up.

Having said so much, Li Ziqian has been waiting impatiently for Xiaobao to play with him.

"Qianqian, let's go." Seeing this, Xu Ling said hello to Li Ziqian.

"Wait a minute, I've finished this set!" Li Ziqian's tone is quite irritable. It's really a little annoyed waiting for Xu Ling to make such a long phone call.

However, as Xu Ling got closer, he found that this was not the case

At this time, Li Ziqian and Xiao Bao are playing Gobang, which Xu Linggang taught them two days ago.

Although there are high-end chess such as go in this world, gobang is not popular, so Xu Ling moved her excellent culture again.

After they accepted this kind of chess playing method, they were very interested. So these days, as long as they play together, they just play this thing.

As for the current situation on the chessboard, Xiaobao is in the top position and is already the master of the situation. On the contrary, Li Ziqian can only defend passively and even lose the game with a little mistake.

Seeing such a situation, Xu Ling was surprised. Li Ziqian was still normal, but Xiaobao's chess skills were tricky!

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