Obviously, this is what two people started to learn together. Xiaobao's understanding of Gobang is so deep!


While Xu Ling is still admiring Xiaobao's amazing talent, suddenly Li Ziqian's cry comes, which indicates that she has lost the match.

"Ha ha, Xiao Bao is so powerful!" At the end of the game, Xu Ling immediately praised Xiaobao.

"I was too careless! No, I don't agree. Another round! " Li Ziqian is also a master who does not admit defeat. In this case, she will never admit that she will lose to a child who calls her aunt.

So immediately for their own to find a reason to shirk, shouting to challenge Xiaobao again.

"No, aunt Qianqian, Uncle Xu Ling is still waiting for you to go out! When you come back, let's play again. " Xiaobao said to Li Ziqian cleverly that he should have heard Xu Ling's voice calling Li Ziqian just now.

Li Ziqian heard Xiaobao say so, just raised his head, some surprised looking at don't know when to come over Xu Ling.

Li Ziqian didn't even know that she was so dedicated to the match, but she lost to Xiaobao who didn't know how much to use. It can be seen that Xiaobao's talent is so high.

"Let's go, Qianqian. Let's go and return early." At this time, Xu Ling also gave a timely notice.

"Well, Xiaobao, you wait for me, and I'll kill you when I come back!" Having promised Xu Ling, Li Ziqian doesn't change her mind temporarily. She turns her lips. Then she stands up and talks to Xiao Bao fiercely.

Although it was fierce, Xiao Bao laughed.

"Hey, you look down on me. No, come now! I want revenge Seeing Xiaobao's smile, Li Ziqian was not happy at once, and sat down again.

"Well, why do you sit down again? Get up quickly. We can go and return early." Looking at Li Ziqian's childlike appearance, Xu Ling immediately pulled her up with a bitter smile,

Although Li Ziqian is extremely unwilling, she is still dragged by Xu Linglian and pushed by Xiaobao to leave the apartment.

"I'm so angry! How dare Xiao Bao look down on me Although Li Ziqian had already sat on the car, she was still indignant and gritted her teeth.

"You really have a problem with a child? Ha ha, if you lose, you lose. " Li Ziqian's appearance at this time made Xu Ling laugh, and immediately made fun of him.

"There's no age on the chessboard!" Li Ziqian raised her head and said it haughtily.

Xu Ling was unable to refute, and could only shake his head helplessly.

After talking to Li Ziqian about this, Xu Ling's mobile phone suddenly vibrated. The appearance of this message also let Xu Ling know that it's time to start.

Turn on the mobile phone, and in the information bar, it is an address sent by Li Mengling. Copy the information content in the map, and Xu Ling will follow the navigation and go to the destination.

At this time, Xu lingcai finally understood why Li Mengling had invited herself in the coffee shop in the suburb for the first two times, and her home was not far from here.

Under such circumstances, recalling that Li Mengling specially sent himself home from the coffee shop last time, Xu Ling was quite moved.

Driving a comfortable sedan car, in order to relax Li Ziqian's later examination, Xu Ling kept talking funny things to her, so that she would not pay attention to her physical condition.

Driving on the spacious road, the car soon left the city and came to the green suburbs.

It's no wonder that some rich and powerful people like to return to nature and build houses in the suburbs to enjoy life after they have a successful career.

The scenery of this suburb is really good.

After driving a long hair two kilometers of unmanned area, gradually, a row of villas appeared in Xu Ling's eyes.

"Almost there." Hearing the broadcast in the navigation, Xu Ling also said it to Li Ziqian in the passenger seat.

After driving forward for a while, this place like a resort is completely exposed in front of Xu Ling's eyes.

Although it seems to be rows of villas from a distance, it seems that there are a lot of them. But when I drive near, I find that there are only six villas, but each one is very big, which makes it look like a lot in Xu Ling's eyes.

Six villas, arranged in order, with mountains and water, singing birds and fragrant flowers, are just two places from what we saw along the way.

·And came to the gate of the villa area, Xu Ling saw a familiar figure, Li Mengling was waiting for himself at the door!

Seeing this, Xu Ling quickly opened the window and yelled at Li Mengling at the door.

At this time, Li Mengling also saw Xu Ling who stretched out his head from the window and called for himself. He immediately came up with a smile.

At this meeting, Li Ziqian, sitting in the co pilot's seat, naturally saw Li Mengling. She was slightly surprised and asked Xu Ling, "is that the doctor friend you are talking about her?"

"Why, do you know her?" Xu Ling nodded, then asked with some doubts.

"She was the doctor who treated me in the hospital last time!" Li Ziqian turned her lips, as if she didn't like Li Mengling.

However, since she was not in the hospital, Li Ziqian did not care so much.

After parking, Xu Ling takes Li Ziqian out of the car and comes to Li Mengling. First of all, he introduces them to each other.

"Hello, Miss Li. I'm glad you can cooperate with the treatment." Li Mengling smiles and reaches out his hand to Li Ziqian.

"Well," Li Ziqian nodded, reached out and shook hands with Li Mengling casually, with a look of resisting people thousands of miles away.

Before on the phone, Xu Ling also said Li Ziqian's this characteristic, so at this time Li Mengling did not see this, turned to give Xu Ling and Li Ziqian two people to take the road.

The villa where Li Mengling lives is near the inside. Along the way, Li Mengling also introduced the situation here to them. Most of the residents here are busy entrepreneurs, so they rarely live here. This also leads to the reason why Xu Ling did not see a half figure after walking for such a long time.

"Come in, please." He followed Li Mengling as he looked around. After a while, he heard Li Mengling's voice. His sight was attracted. He saw that he had already come to the door of the villa, and Li Mengling also opened the door and invited them to enter.

Without hesitation, Xu Ling nodded and took Li Ziqian in.

The villa is not as magnificent as Xu Ling imagined, probably because Li Mengling is not the one who pursues these things. In the room, it is so simple that people can point out.

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