"Sit down and have a cup of tea. I'll get the materials." Taking them to the edge of the sofa, Li Mengling gave a direction and turned to go upstairs.

Presumably, the bedroom and study are all upstairs. As a guest, Xu Ling doesn't ask much.

He poured a cup of tea for Li Ziqian and himself, and they quietly waited for Li Mengling to come back.

"This villa is so spacious, and it smells of medicine. It's just like a hospital." After Li Mengling left, Li Ziqian began to make complaints about it.

"He's a doctor. He spends a lot of time in the hospital every day. What's the point of decorating his home so well? As for the taste of medicine, it should be found in every place where doctors live alone Xu Ling sips a cup of tea and carefully explains it to Li Ziqian. She is afraid that Li Ziqian will suddenly change her mind and refuse to accept the examination.

Simply Li Ziqian did not have such an idea, which also let Xu Ling slightly relieved.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time," Li Mengling came back with a stack of papers. "These are the blood test reports of Li Ziqian last time."

Then he put the paper on the table and motioned them to have a look.

From Li Mengling mouth to hear such a stack of blood test reports, let Xu lingpo some surprise.

Because I had a blood test, the report I got at that time was the size of A4 paper.

There are at least ten or twenty pieces of paper in front of us?

With full doubts, Xu Ling took out a few and carefully observed them. Li Ziqian didn't like them at all. She sat on the sofa and didn't look at the reports directly.

This girl's goal is clear. The only thing she has to do here is to cooperate with the physical examination. She ignores everything else.

After reading two pages, Xu Ling felt deeply how right Li Ziqian's decision was.

In the report, Xu Ling didn't know what was written on it, except that he could read the typefaces printed by the computer such as name, age, blood type, etc!

Sure enough, no matter where they are, the doctors are all the same. Except for their peers, no one should be able to understand them.

After looking back at a few of them, Xu Ling found that they were all written reports. Then she sorted out the whole report and put it back on the table.

"Just like what I wrote above, I found a substance in Li Ziqian's blood that does not exist in ordinary people, and that substance accounts for a high proportion in her blood! It has become an indispensable part of the body! " Li Mengling seriously told the two of them about it.

Then, she looked at Li Ziqian again, "do you have any memory about this? For example, what kind of surgery have you ever had, or have eaten some special food for a long time. "

For Li Mengling said these, Li Ziqian is to show a face at a loss, completely unknown, so shook his head.

"Is there really no impression?" Li Ziqian's negation was expected by Li Mengling. He nodded and Li Mengling did not ask.

After putting away the report on the table, he said to Li Ziqian, "in a word, it's better to have a comprehensive examination first. After all, the blood test report can only see part of the situation."

Then he got up to greet them and went to a side door.

Through a long corridor, at the end of the road, I finally saw a gate, and Li Mengling's destination should also be there.

Along the way, Li Mengling inquired deeply about Li Ziqian's identity, and asked more directly than Xu Ling. Of course, many questions were asked by Li Ziqian who didn't remember or didn't know.

Li Ziqian may be the only patient Li Mengling has ever met who is indifferent to his physical condition.

Even when it comes to the fact that Li Ziqian's body may die if the substance is not handled properly, even Xu Ling's heart is full of smoke, but Li Ziqian just gives a "Oh" voice.

I don't know whether she heard these words clearly or not.

In this way, Li Mengling will no longer ask, just a few people have arrived at the door of the room, take out the key from the pocket, she immediately opened the door.

With the sound of "creak, creak, creak", it also indicates how long the door has not been opened.

With the opening of the door, the house is completely black, except for the one or two meters of light radiation from the outside, the others are not clear.

"This is the warehouse for storing hospital equipment. Because it's not easy to get in, the door is a little old, but I just checked it, and these instruments can still be used." Li Mengling explained to them while turning on the light switch.

With a click, the whole room was lit up instantly.

In this way, Xu Ling finally saw the whole picture of the room.

Just from the appearance of the villa, we can't find that there is such a big warehouse here.

"Oh, oh"

Xu Ling and Li Ziqian, who went inside, could not help but scream at the same time, and even their expressions were synchronized.

"Come here," said Li Mengling, who looked at the two surprised people. With a smile, Li Mengling went on and led the way. Of course, there was also an introduction to these instruments.

With two people, Li Mengling came to the middle of the warehouse. Then he stopped, took a picture of the cleanest equipment in the warehouse, and said, "here it is. Before you came, I had someone clean the equipment. Although it's not as high-tech as the equipment in the hospital, it's an old testing device, There is no doubt about its performance. "

Looking at the machine introduced by Li Mengling, Xu Lingwei was a little surprised. "It looks quite new. I don't think it has been used many times."

"To be exact, most of the equipment here is brand new." Li Mengling nodded and agreed with what Xu Ling said.

"Er... Your hospitals are so entrenched. They are all brand new. Do you want to replace them?" Xu Ling couldn't help but make complaints about the fact that all these advanced equipment were expensive.

Although Xu Ling has never been in this business, he still knows a little about it. I remember that he saw in a news report that the delivery bed for pregnant women in a hospital alone costs 300000 yuan.

As for these instruments and equipment, they should look like two or three million at least

"That's not how powerful our hospital is. Do you remember what I told you about the donation made by the president of boxing enterprise to the hospital?" Li Mengling smiles and reminds Xu Ling of it again.

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