If we directly question the character of the director of the radio station, Xu Ling still can't do it, so he can only say so now.

"Oh, is that so?" Wu Qinglian nodded to show understanding.

This is also a relief for Xu Ling. Fortunately, Wu Qinglian didn't hear her potential meaning. Otherwise, she would be a bit embarrassed. After all, Wu Qinglian belongs to the leadership of the radio station.

Wu Qinglian felt Xu Ling's curious eyes and said, "you haven't met the director. It's no wonder that he has been abroad on business before and just came back recently."

"The director is on a business trip in person?" Xu lingpo was a little surprised. Shouldn't this kind of work be done by sending staff?

"Yes, because the director is a very serious person. I remember when I first came here, she had a show of her own." Wu Qinglian said, with a trace of worship in her expression.

To tell the truth, hearing Wu Qinglian say so, Xu Ling also has a little expectation for the new director.

Because no matter before or now, Xu Ling has never heard of going to live programs as a director.

After all, some radio trivia and personnel relations will take up the time of this profession after becoming a director.

"But with the expansion of the radio station, the director is more and more busy, and there is no way to continue that program." Wu Qinglian shook her head, a little bit sorry, "when the program was still there, the results were always in the front of the radio! Anyway, I used to like her best before! "

Speaking of this topic, Wu Qinglian showed incomparable excitement.

Looking at Wu Qinglian's appearance in front of her, Xu Ling knew something immediately.

No wonder Wu Qinglian didn't recognize the deep meaning in her words.

Just think about it, an almost perfect existence in her own mind. When other people say that it's black if they don't analyze it carefully, Wu Qinglian certainly won't think that Xu Ling is questioning the director's character.

"That's great!" Xu Ling at this time also sincerely praise.

At least from Wu Qinglian's description, this director must be different from Wang Hui and Guo Taichang, because this person really likes radio, not just a manager.

"Ha ha, what I'm talking about are all small things. I won't tell you more about the more powerful things that the director has done," Wu Qinglian said to Xu Ling with a smile. "Now the most important thing is that the director just came back and heard your deeds. He was surprised, so he had to see you in person."

"See me? I'm just a clerk! " In the original world, Xu Ling worked in the radio station for several years without saying a word to the director. If there is something for a staff member like himself, it is usually the team leader who can solve it

"Yes, just because you are a small staff member, you can also receive the attention of the director. After this meeting, Xu Ling, you are likely to have a chance to be promoted." Wu Qinglian did not beat around the Bush, but just excitedly informed Xu Ling.

About the promotion, Xu Ling really did not think of it. He just wanted to broadcast these excellent works honestly.

But now hearing this possibility, Xu Ling couldn't help thinking about it.

If I really want to start "Himalaya" radio station in the future, I really need to learn a lot about management.

"By the way, there's another thing," Wu Qinglian said to Xu Ling, clapping her hands while Xu Ling was still thinking about it. "It's about your two copyrights. The director already knows something about them."

At first, Xu Ling thought Wu Qinglian would tell him something about the etiquette of meeting with the director, but now when he heard these words, his eyes couldn't help shining

After all, although the two copyrights were not robbed by the radio station, they were controlled by the radio station. Moreover, the contract they signed with the radio station was time limited. At least during this period of time, the two copyrights were abandoned, and there was no benefit.

Now I hear Wu Qinglian say that the director is also concerned about copyright. Of course, Xu Ling is very concerned about it. After all, it is related to her own interests.

"I heard from Lao he that the two copyrights have been returned to you completely. Now the radio station has nothing to do with the two copyrights. If you want to sell or keep them, you can decide for yourself." Wu Qinglian thought about it and then told Xu Lingtong.

"Is that true?" Hearing this news, Xu Ling almost did not jump up happily. It was a happy event!

"Don't be so excited. It's what you created. After being detained by the radio station for so long, the director of the station said that he would personally apologize to you. As for Wang Hui, they were severely criticized by the director of the station." Wu Qinglian smiles and calms Xu Ling.

Well behaved, the director is really a man of vigorous and resolute conduct. As soon as he came back, he made so many decisions and even criticized the deputy director directly. Xu Ling couldn't help thinking.

Although the level of the director is indeed higher than that of the deputy director, in fact, both sides have real power, and the director actually criticizes the deputy director so directly, which is enough to prove how powerful the director is!

Xu Ling is even a little bit expecting to meet the new director.

"But it's a little strange that the director is not angry in general." at this time, Wu Qinglian naturally felt happy for Xu Ling, but when she was happy, she also said something strange. "Generally, after she came back from a long business trip, she just said something about the vice director's wrong decisions, corrected them, and did not criticize them, And this time, I can do this... "

Wu Qinglian looks at Wu Qinglian and wants to say nothing.

"Sister Wu, do you mean that the director is courting me?" Xu Ling is not stupid either. Wu Qinglian has said that. Naturally, he understands the meaning.

"As far as the present situation is concerned, it should be the possibility." Wu Qinglian also nodded in affirmation.

"No, sister Wu, I'm just a clerk." Although that is his own guess, but get Wu Qinglian's affirmation, Xu Ling on the contrary some suspicion.

"In other words, the director has valued your talent?" Wu Qinglian continued to speculate, thinking that her eyes suddenly brightened, she suddenly looked at Xu Ling and said excitedly, "does the director want to promote you as deputy director?"

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