This conjecture surprised Xu Ling, and a cold sweat came out of his back.

What is the deputy director?

That's the only person in the whole radio station next to the position of director, and it's the most direct position to be promoted to the next director. Every deputy director, including Wang Hui and Guo, is not an old man who has been working hard for decades in the radio station?

However, it is only a few months since I came back to work in the radio station.

I'm afraid I'm not qualified enough to take the position of deputy director in such a short time.

"Sister Wu, don't make fun of me. I'm the deputy director of the TV station. It's hard for me to be a team leader now!" Xu Ling gave Wu Qinglian a bitter smile and said it helplessly.

"That's to say, it's possible." looking at Xu Ling's cold sweat on her forehead, Wu Qinglian couldn't help smiling.

This... Sister Wu, you are really naughty! Xu Ling couldn't help but feel bad.

"I think the director may have encountered some unpleasant things in this business trip, so he will come back with some temper." At this time, Xu Ling also followed Wu Qinglian to guess.

"I don't know about this. It seems that you can only understand it when you go to meet the director tomorrow." Wu Qinglian shook her head and said she didn't know what was going on.

"To-morrow?" Xu Ling immediately captured an important message in Wu Qinglian's words.

"Yes, if it hadn't been for Lao he Qian to persuade wan wan to let the director just come back and have a good rest, he might have been looking for you tonight..." Wu Qinglian nodded and explained to Xu Ling.

After listening to what Wu Qinglian said, Xu Ling was convinced of the director. Just now, he was sighing about the other party's vigorous and resolute behavior. It was when Xu Ling thought he came back yesterday.

But now the situation is that the director just arrived at the radio station at noon!

Looking up at the clock hanging in the living room, it's just before seven.

Even if we arrived at the radio station at 12 o'clock, it took the director only six hours to make a decision on the radio station situation, rewards and punishments in recent months.

What kind of divine efficiency is this!

No wonder after the director criticized the deputy director, he didn't hear that the two deputy directors were unhappy.

Is this director too good?

Even Xu Ling, with the help of Xiaoya, is not sure that he has such efficiency.

While Xu Ling was shocked, his mobile phone rang at the right time, which pulled Xu Ling back from the shock.

"Cluck, it should be Lao he. He told me just now that he wanted to contact you in person!" Wu Qinglian smile, a long known expression.

Nodding, Xu Ling picked up the mobile phone to have a look. It's really he Jianhua's number!

Seeing this, Xu Ling got through quickly

"Hello, Xu Ling, ha ha..." as soon as I got through, he Jianhua's uncontrollable hearty laughter came from the phone. Xu Ling slightly left his mobile phone from his ear. He Jianhua's laughter was really big.

After laughing for a while, he Jianhua stopped and then informed Xu Ling, "do you know? Our column group is going to have a happy event! "

"Well, editor in chief he, I know. Sister Wu just told me about it!" Xu Ling also smiles and recalls.

"Ha ha, now that I know, I won't say more. This time, Xu Ling, you really give our column leader a face! Chief editor, thank you very much He Jianhua continued to smile to Xu Ling, these words, also full of sincerity, completely without the feeling of hypocrisy.

Besides, there is no need for an editor to be insincere with his staff.

"Chief editor he, what do you mean? The progress of the column group is thanks to everyone. I can't have this ability alone. What's more, editor in chief he, you have good leadership, and you still choose to believe me in such an environment. I want to thank you for being too late! " He Jianhua's words quickly let Xu Ling refute back, he can't carry up such a great achievement.

"Thank you so much. You have been in my column group before. What kind of person are you? Can I not know?" He Jianhua takes his decision for granted.

Then, without waiting for Xu Ling to respond, he continued to say, "OK, our family doesn't have to say two words, and we don't have to say thank you. In a word, now our late night column team has received the close attention of the director!"

"Well, that's great!" As a member of the late night column group, Xu Ling is naturally happy.

"Oh, by the way, I was so happy that I forgot to get down to business with you." On the other side of the phone, I clearly heard he Jianhua clapping his forehead, which made Xu Ling smile.

Next, Xu Ling also knew that he Jianhua was going to inform himself of the meeting with the director.

In fact, he Jianhua was quiet for a while. He was probably sorting out his thoughts, so he informed Xu Ling, "considering that you still have work tomorrow evening, the director wants to meet you at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"OK, I see!" Xu Ling hurriedly answers the question. The director decides the time himself. Xu Ling doesn't want to bargain.

"After I told the director about you, she had a strong interest in you!" He Jianhua said to Xu Ling with a smile.

When he Jianhua said this, Xu Ling finally understood that the director had just come back to know him so well. It turned out that there was also his own chief editor who introduced him to the director.

At this point, Xu Ling thinks that Liu Xia should also help her a lot. Because of the copyright issue, Liu Xia has always felt that she blames Xu Ling.

Although Xu Ling comforted Liu Xia many times, it's not his fault, but Liu Xia still seems to be unable to get through this hurdle.

It can be seen from the late night column group that Xia Xinyu has been here several times for this.

"Well, I'm here to inform you about this. Don't be late tomorrow. The director hates people who have no sense of time." Although he Jianhua still believes in Xu Ling, he still gives a special advice.

"Don't worry, I will be ahead of time." Xu Ling and he Jianhua made a guarantee.

"Well, that's it." He answered and hung up.

"Hu ~" the moment he took down the mobile phone, Xu Ling couldn't help but take a long breath.

"What's the matter? And nervous? " Standing on one side, Wu Qinglian naturally caught Xu Ling's appearance and immediately asked with a smile.

In contrast, Xu Ling didn't hide her true thoughts, but gave Wu Qinglian an answer with a bitter smile.

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