"Mengling, you... Don't scare me. A person's heart is useless. How can he still be alive?" Xu Ling only felt a burst of fear. How could this kind of thing be believed.

"You don't have to be too surprised about this. In fact, this technology can be realized a long time ago, just because the cost is too high to be popularized." Li Mengling talked about it in a smooth tone, without any surprise.

"How high can it be?" Xu Ling couldn't help asking.

"I'm not sure about the details. It's India and the United States that invested in this technology," Li Mengling said after thinking about it. "I only remember that India and the United States were trapped for decades because of this plan!"

"Hiss ~" hearing this, Xu Ling couldn't help but take a breath of cool air, "in order to develop this technology, the country has lost money?"

"Yes, after all, India and the United States are the most developed countries in medical treatment in the world. It is reasonable to have such investment." Li Mengling affirmed Xu Ling's problem.

"Listen to you, Li Ziqian has something to do with India and the United States!" Xu Ling had a hard time guessing, but he couldn't figure out why Li Ziqian would come to him.

"It's not clear. It's said that the technology of India and the United States has been bought, but no one knows exactly what it is. And whether Li Ziqian has anything to do with India and the United States is also beyond speculation." Li Mengling solemnly informed Xu Ling.

Finally, she said with some worry, "but I don't think it's an accident that such a person came to you specially!"

What Li Mengling said was very mysterious, which made Xu Ling feel a chill on his back again. Then, without waiting for his response, Li Mengling's voice came back again, "that's why I asked you to thoroughly check Li Ziqian's identity."

"I see." Listening to Li Mengling's last advice, Xu Ling was silent for a while, and finally nodded back.

"Well, that's it. I'll study more of the clues." With that, Li Mengling hung up.

At the same time, Xu Ling also heard someone inside the room calling his voice again.

After Lang Sheng answered for a while, Xu Ling shook her head, calmed her mood, and then turned to push the door in.

What Xu Ling didn't notice was that just after he turned around and entered the house, a black car parked not far from his door drove away slowly.

In the car, a person wearing sunglasses one night, while driving the car, took out his mobile phone, found a number and dialed it.

"I'm looking for Mr. Liu. It's urgent!" In a short time, the phone was connected, and the sunglasses man, without saying a word, gave a very serious notice.

With the unknown words of the sunglasses man, he drives the car and disappears into the yellow street lamp

As for Xu Ling, although he had heard about Li Ziqian from Li Mengling, he did not show any difference. He continued to talk and enjoy dinner.

As soon as the picture turns, it's in a large nightclub somewhere.

At this time, a group of six or seven people are running out of the gate.

These people are probably regular customers here. As long as they see them in the shop, they greet them cordially.

The first one was Xu Kun, the star who had been severely repaired by Xu Ling before.

"Brother Kun! Brother Kun! You're here! " However, among these greetings and loud music, a very penetrating cry came directly to the leader's ears.

Soon after the voice came out, a figure came quickly, with a flattering smile, complimented Xu Kun, "brother Kun, you haven't come here for a long time, I almost miss you!"

"Oh, it's scar! You're fast enough to get the news. As soon as I stepped in, you're coming up. " Xu Kun probably didn't come out for a long time, and his expression was very happy.

The man who comes to flatter me is the scar man!

"Brother Kun would like to come to my shop. I'm sure I'll send someone to watch me! Even if I haven't come for such a long time, I dare not be careless! " In the face of Xu Kun, Xu Kun has no courage to be the boss. Now it seems like a dog.

"Don't talk about it, because last time, the company just banned me to the present, so did my father. He didn't stop me at all. I was suffocated by staying in the room for so many days." Xu Kun immediately waved his hand, full of complaints.

"Oh, that's really hard, brother Kun." Scar man also had a melancholy face, as if he had the same feelings about Xu Kun.

"Ha ha, now that I'm out, I'm going to have a good time today." Although he was forbidden to reflect on himself, scar man didn't change at all. He looked around the red light and wine green nightclub, and suddenly became excited. Then, with a wave of his hand, he said to scar man, "I'll pay for all the people's consumption in today's stadium!"

Scar man dare not neglect, directly nodded, and then let the next little brother to do it properly.

That little brother seems to have never heard of this kind of saying, for a time, he was stunned. Then, under scar man's severe criticism, he reacted and ran to DJ station.

Soon after, the music in the whole nightclub stopped suddenly. Before everyone could understand what it meant, DJ suddenly yelled at the top of his voice.

"Ladies and gentleman, all your expenses tonight will be paid by Mr. Xu. Let's -- hey up!"

"Oh, oh"


As DJ finishes the story, the frenzied music comes out again. At the same time, there are customers who become crazy after hearing the news.

They screamed wildly, shouting for master Xu, just like a God.

"Ha ha ha, yes, that's the way to play! Scar, take me to the old place As the creator of the figurines, Xu Kun didn't feel sorry for the millions he was going to spend. He laughed and said to scar man.

"OK, brother Kun, this way, please. Even if you don't come, I'll keep it for you." Scar man then flatters a smile, to Xu Kun said a, then in front of the road.

And Xu Kun, with a happy smile on his face, directly hugged two beauties with exposed clothes from his side.

I don't know whether they are the same people who play together or the special service ladies here, but no matter who they are, they all look happy when they are hugged by Xu Kun.

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