"It's nice to be rich." looking at the scene I've never seen before, the younger brother who just came to report a message could not help sighing.

"So you can't stand it?" DJ, who was playing a disc, directly joked at his startled little brother, "this money is just a drop in the bucket for Mr. Xu!"

"Is that a drop in the bucket?" Little brother listen to DJ man so a say, is surprised to ask.

"Ha ha, that's of course," DJ man said with a smile, and then recalled to the younger brother, "at that time, you didn't come. It was Mr. Xu who set up a stage size swimming pool here!"

Say words, DJ male still use hand to depict the situation at that time to pass words younger brother.

Then, without waiting for the other party to respond, he said, "in the swimming pool, there are all precious red wine, a thousand bottles! That night, it cost more than ten million yuan! "

I'm afraid I can't make so much money in my life

Once again, he looked at Xu Kun from a distance. In his eyes, there was a full worship and yearning for that kind of life.

"Well, don't be in a daze. Go to work as soon as possible, or brother scar will see it and scold you again." Silence for a while, DJ man called the messenger, the younger brother is still in a daze, when even a voice to remind up.

"Oh, good!" The younger brother also understood the consequences of what DJ man said. He nodded and ran away.

Here, only DJ man is left, carefully operating the disc player in front of him. Because Xu Kun came here, the music style in the nightclub has also changed.

All the music has been changed into songs sung by Xu Kun, which is also to cater to the big man Xu Kun. At the same time, Xu Kun has such a habit that if he does not switch to his songs in time, he will be furious.

For this kind of music change, other people in the nightclub have no objection at all, and more people come to Xu Kun's table to praise the music!

There was no frown or disgust they felt when they heard the music change.

Of course, it can't be blamed on them. It's true that Xu Kun's songs are too few. Every time this guy comes, he has to turn the whole scene into his, listening to the same music for a long time. It must be annoying.

However, no one dares to put forward opinions?

Because the last person who said this when he was drunk never saw that person again.

"Ha ha ha... Well, since I like it, I'll jump up! Drink up Xu Kun yelled, but also crazy shaking his body.

All the people present were completely ignited by Xu Kun's passion and began to swing selflessly, just like wild animals

The scar on the edge, though also excited, revealed a tangled look on his face. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but looking at the excited and joyful Xu Kun, he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Time passed quickly in the crowd's crazy swing, because someone paid the bill. The people on the field called themselves indulgent, smoking the most expensive cigarettes and drinking the most expensive wine.

In a short time, I was already drunk. With the strength of wine, I even fell on the ground, but I was still with you.

Scar man didn't drink much wine. At this time, he saw that the scene had been going on to the second half, and Xu Kun was in a good mood all the time, so he braved himself and stepped forward to make a fork. "Brother Kun, I found a message that you might be interested in."

Xu Kun was half drunk and half awake. He still had consciousness in his brain. When he heard scar man's words, he immediately became interested, "what's the news? Let's hear it. "

"I don't know if you still remember, brother Kun, when you went to the coffee shop to find the draft player..." scar man hesitated for a moment, and said it.

Scar knows that Xu Kun's most annoying thing is that others turn over some of his embarrassing old stories.

Because of this, Xu Kun even had a fight with his father, who told the story of his childhood.


Sure enough, scar words haven't said anything, just mentioned a little bit, he was slapped by Xu Kun.

"The last thing I want to remember is this, that slut, who made me forbidden for such a long time, and the one with a mask. If I knew who he was, I would turn him into ashes!" Xu Kun recalled this matter, like a different person, fierce eyes, look sharp, gnash his teeth to say.

"Yes... Yes, brother Kun!" Scar is also a slap, was fan ignorant, hurriedly back a then back, how dare to say a word more.

"Well? You can't say that just to come and give me a slap, "although Xu Kun was violent, he had a little brain at least. After venting his emotions, he responded and waved back to let scar come to him." what's the news you said? "

"That's... That's the masked man who disturbed you in the coffee shop before. I know his identity." After a slap, scar didn't dare to talk nonsense. He went straight to the point and quickly informed Xu Kun about it.

Hearing such a sentence, Xu Kun's eyes flashed. Then he pulled scar's collar and pulled him to his eyes. With fierce eyes, he asked, "are you sure?"

And Xu Kun's eyes, scar can't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, difficult to nod, "I'm sure!"

At that time, what Xu Ling suggested was already so obvious. How could it admit its mistake!

"Good! Ha ha ha, good Xu Kun suddenly yelled, then loosened scar's collar and laughed. He poured a glass of wine, "scar, you have done something to make me happy this time!"

"Where, where, or Kun brother, you cultivate well, so that I can find that person." As a matter of fact, Xu Kun has already ordered scar to be given this matter, but Luo city is so big that it's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find someone who hasn't even seen his face.

But unfortunately, the needle really fell in front of him.

Of course, scar can't say that he was scared away by Xu Ling at that time, so he used this saying to inform Xu Kun.

"Who is that man?" Xu Kun is not nonsense, straight to the theme, full of hate in his eyes, questioning scar man.

"That guy's name is Xu Ling..." scar man felt the urgent emotion in Xu Kun's words, and quickly put Xu Ling's information to Xu Kun, without any reservation.

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