"What tricks are you playing, boy?" Liu Xia quietly pulled Xu Ling's wrist and asked in a low voice, "how did they mock you before they heard you? Thank you very much. I can't forget such polite remarks. How can I write a poem for them? "

Xu Ling said with a smile, "brother Liu, don't worry, just watch the good play."

After stabilizing Liu Xia, Xu Ling stepped forward, walked to the center of the office and cleared his throat.

When all the people's eyes came together, he recited slowly with both voice and emotion.

"It's a dead ditch of despair,

The breeze can't make any ripples.

It's better to throw more scrap metal,

Pour your leftovers

As soon as the first half of Xu Ling's poem came out, everyone changed their faces.

A ditch of desperate stagnant water?

Do your family know that you are so blatantly mocking?

"This guy's a real stickler. You can do whatever you want with a little literary talent. You are really a scum of literati. "

"I thought the boy had changed. Before he left, he played the emotional card and left a good impression on everyone. I didn't expect that he was still so inflexible."

"What's the matter? There's no poetic meaning at all. You don't dare to scold people openly. You're no better than Chen he."

As for the scorn and scorn of colleagues, Xu Linggen didn't take it seriously. He took another breath and continued to read his poems.

"Maybe the copper will turn green into emerald,

Several peach blossoms are embroidered on the tin pot;

Let the greasy weave a layer of LUOQI,

The mold steamed some clouds for him.

Let the stagnant water ferment into a ditch of green wine,

Full of pearly foam;

Little pearls laugh and turn into big pearls,

He was bitten by a mosquito who stole wine.

A ditch of hopeless stagnant water,

It's a little bit bright.

If the frog can't stand loneliness,

The dead water calls out the song again. "

At this point, Xu Ling suddenly pauses. Just after everyone thinks that his poem has been read, Xu Ling starts to speak again, raising his tone by a few decibels, with indifference and anger in his tone.

"It's a dead ditch of despair,

This is not the place of beauty,

It's better to let ugly and evil reclaim it,

See what kind of world he made. "

At the end of the speech, everyone was angry and speechless.

Those colleagues who said that Xu Ling didn't dare to curse directly before were directly confused, and their face was burning with pain. The taste of second slapping on the face was not good.

This also calls dare not blatantly curse?

Yes, Xu Ling is so bold.

In particular, the last paragraph of the poem is just chiguoguo's abuse.

I almost didn't point to everyone's nose and scolded them.

Moreover, this modern poem is so easy to understand that everyone can hear Xu Ling's anger.

He was complaining about the tragic experience of the previous two days.

The ruthless suppression of leaders and the downfall of colleagues

I've endured you for so many days. When I'm leaving, if I don't take back some money with interest, won't I have no chance of revenge in the future?

Xu Ling is a man who will pay for everything.

Do not give everyone the opportunity to fight back, Xu Ling sneer, natural and unrestrained turned away.

Left a group of angry colleagues, big eyes stare small eyes, for a long time did not come up with the words to fight back.

"Ha ha, you're good. I thought you wanted to leave a good impression on your former colleagues before you left. But I didn't expect you to scold them directly." Liu Xia and Xu Ling walked side by side with a smile on their faces.

Xu Ling said with a smile: "brother Liu, you don't know, I've been bullied by them these days. I've been asked to wash fruits, and I've been asked to serve tea and water. I'm really a waiter in a hotel. He also said that I would not get along with my colleagues. You see, who can get along well with my colleagues who are so down to earth? "

"Yes, I heard Zhang Wenming say something about you." Liu Xia agreed and nodded, "these weeds can betray your friends and join the enemy as soon as they are disturbed. Don't worry about them."

Xu Ling shook his head, "Yo, do you know Uncle Zhang?"

"I've known him 800 years ago. He and I have been in a team before. He is a very good person, but he doesn't have any background resources, so he has been staying in the youth group to be a lukewarm host. It's a pity. "

"There's no pity. It's so nice to have a plain day. I envy Uncle Zhang."

Liu Xia looked at Xu Ling in surprise and said, "if I didn't listen to you personally, I don't believe that a young man with promising future would say such a bad thing."

Xu Ling hands pillow in the head, a face of quiet and indifferent, "I really think so."

Storytelling section.

Liu Xia stood on the stage, clapped his hands, motioned to the colleagues around him to do the work in their hands, and listened to him carefully.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to a new colleague."

Liu Xia patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Xu Ling, an excellent radio host, once presided over the children's story program of the youth group. Although there are only two short episodes, each episode is highly praised and loved by children readers. It took me nine oxen and two tigers to dig him up from the youth group and build a team with us. We should take more care of him. "

My colleagues in the storytelling group are much friendlier than those in the youth group.

Although they have heard of some of Xu Ling's deeds, they have not revealed them, and no one, like Zhu Xu, has taken the initiative to stand up for provocation.

Everyone applauded for face, with a warm smile on his face.

Xu Ling bowed to everyone and said with a shy smile: "Hello, everyone. My name is Xu Ling. I'm a primary school student in the hosting field. Please give me more advice in the future."

Give me a wooden peach and give it back to Qiongyao.

Colleagues to give him face, Xu Ling of course also want to be modest attitude to the foot.

What's more, this time, Xu Ling inherited Liu Xia's favor. Of course, she can't create a prickly image that no one can accept.

After the introduction, Liu Xia led Xu Ling to an office.

"Dudu" knocks on the door of the office. Xu Ling walks around Liu Xia's back and looks around. This is a room for three people, but there is only one desk in it.

The rest of the space is occupied by a huge bookshelf, on which there are all kinds of books, and even modern popular thread bound books.

Xu Ling tut tut mouth, it seems that the owner of this office is very easy to learn.

When his eyes fell on the beautiful shadow of working hard in front of his desk, there was a strange color in his eyes.

This is a beautiful woman.

She was wearing a blue Strapless Chiffon Skirt, the bow around her waist was lovely and moving, and the layers of lace dotted on the beautiful skirt.

His black hair is like ink flowing down his waist, his eyes are as cold as a spring on a snow mountain, and he has a cool and proud temperament.

She is a little less sexy and a little more noble than Wu Qinglian.

However, if the two people are compared together, it is like Chunlan Qiuju, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, just like a river of spring and water, equally dividing the autumn.

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