After carefully browsing all the articles uploaded by Wenjiu, I was surprised to find that my previous worries were totally unnecessary.

This new writer is not only quick in hand, but also has a lot of writing; And the quality is very good, there is no downward trend.

The only regret for the future is that Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu are not the heroes and heroines.

Generally speaking, the protagonists of fast food novels must be there, but there are many flaws.

In terms of style, plot and setting, there is no doubt that this is a very good book with great potential.

The future is very promising.

In the future, I will reluctantly close the reading interface of the story of relying on heaven to slay the dragon, and I will finally click on the editing background to take down a new book from the recommended position and replace it with the new one.

Then, he sent the link to the editor in chief, with a special note.

The meaning of the future is obvious. He wants to let the editor in chief know the book, so that the recommended resources of the website can be more inclined to the story of relying on heaven and killing the dragon, and make achievements as early as possible.

After all, it's a rare good book that deserves a lot of publicity on the website.

After finishing everything, the future smiles with satisfaction and goes to bed.

Of course, Xu Ling didn't know his book, so she received such attention from a editor. She got up early in the morning and ran several miles to buy breakfast for Yu Wenwen.

After washing, he took two meat buns and a cup of soybean milk in his mouth and rushed to the company to catch the No.2 bus.

I have to go to the office to pack up today. I have to go to the storytelling column later.

To Xu Ling's surprise, someone arrived at the office earlier than him.

Liu Xia looked at Xu Ling, who was eating steamed stuffed buns while coming quickly, and said with a smile, "Yo, you've become a helper. Are you still here so early?"

Xu Ling three two solve steamed stuffed bun, smile to reply a way: "this is not to want to report to you there as soon as possible, to tell the truth, here I don't want to stay for a moment."

"Ha ha, you are sincere." Liu Xia wryly smiles and shakes his head, "I've finished the formalities for you. Hurry up and pack up and follow me."

"Well, just wait for me for a moment. It'll be ready in a minute."

Xu Ling didn't even have time to take a sip of the newly opened soybean milk, so she threw it aside and rushed to her desk to pack up.

Of course, there's nothing to clean up, just a few letters from readers that haven't been read have to be taken away, and they have to reply when they find a chance.

As the host of conscience, Xu Ling is afraid to do something sorry to the readers.

How can people live up to their sincerity?

After he had packed up the letters, other colleagues rushed to the office one after another.

"Oh, this is to let the bottom King roll blanket off the stage?"

"Yes, I haven't heard from you. However, because he has repeatedly offended editor in chief Zhu, it is impossible for Taiwan to tolerate him. "

"Hi, your news is already out of date. You know, yesterday, children's publishing house came to discuss the publication with Xu Ling. This guy just put the deputy director aside. He didn't listen to the opinions of the stage, and directly discussed with the comrades of the publishing house alone. Can you tell me if this guy has gone too far and paid half attention to the leaders in the stage? "

"It's good to kick him out. Young people don't know how to be astringent. They will suffer losses wherever they go. I hope he can have a long memory after this time."

"This guy has a long memory. What he did before is not enough for him to reflect on his life? Some people, ah, just lost their tutors, have a life, no one to raise trash

Xu Ling was not at ease with the public's comments, but when he heard this, he was furious.

Do you have colleagues who do this?

Even if I'm buried, how can I still talk about my parents?

Is it tolerable?

Xu Ling looked for a voice and said that it was Chen he, the young host and Zhu Xu's faithful dog.

"You boy, say that again."

Xu Ling cheered coldly.

"Say, say what?" Chen he see Xu Ling a face murderous do come over, momentum suddenly short a big section.

He is a standard little fresh meat. His whole body exudes the smell of Niangniang. It's OK for him to fight at ordinary times. But when he comes across the real situation, he will probably give advice. No, it should be said from the heart.

Xu Ling snorted, "even if you don't recognize what you said, you can't be a girl, don't you?"

Chen he said anxiously: "you are nonsense, nonsense, you are a woman, your whole family is a woman."

Chen Heping, newhalf, was even angry when he went to work. He even sneaked into the corner and put on a mask. He painted BB cream. But he never admitted that he was a mother gun, but he even dislike being scolded.

They are so cute. Of course they are boys.

Xu Lingpai said, "it's really a girl. You can't swear."

"Xu Ling, you say again, I'm not a woman."

Chen he, with his hands akimbo, was furious. He just looked angry. He really wanted to be a shrew who swore at the street. His colleagues secretly lowered their heads and laughed at him.

Xu Ling doesn't talk nonsense either. He rushes up with an arrow. He grabs Chen he's collar and lifts him up like a chicken.

"Oh, it's so light. It's a pity that you don't want to be a big lady. In addition, it's better to keep your mouth clean in the future. Otherwise, hum, if you are beaten, don't say I bully you, and don't go home to find your mother. Ha ha

Xu Ling catches Chen he in front of him and gives a vicious warning.

The latter, who had experienced such a thing, suddenly turned pale with fright. He did not dare to breathe, let alone fight back.

"You pay more than Zhu Xu. It's boring!"

Xu Ling casually throws Chen he aside. The boy doesn't stop and staggers back a few steps. He sits on the ground in a mess and tears are falling.

"Xu Ling, you violent maniac, i... I'll tell the leaders to take care of you."

Chen he sits on the ground and points to Xu Ling with hatred. He looks like a child who has been wronged in school. He dares not find the place by himself, but only reports to the teacher.

"Tell the leader? Coincidentally, my new leader is right here“ Xu Ling grinned playfully, turned his head and grinned at Liu Xia not far away. "Chief Editor Liu, there's someone here who wants to sue me."

Liu Xia hears the speech and walks over with a smile. He sees everything that happened before, and naturally knows who is right and who is wrong.

He walked up to Chen he and asked with a smile, "what are you going to sue?"

Chen he naturally knew Liu Xia and knew that he was more important than Zhu Xu on the stage. How could he offend him easily? However, he couldn't swallow this tone when he thought of Xu Ling's public insult, so he said wrongly: "Xu Ling, he, he beat me, he's a violent maniac. He should get out of the radio early."

"He hit you? When did I stand here all the time, and why didn't I see it? "

Liu Xia asked with a narrow smile.

Chen he said anxiously, "so many people have seen it. You can't open your eyes and tell lies."

"Is it?" With a noncommittal smile, Liu Xia raised her head and swept the crowd with her eyes. "Did you see Xu Ling beating people?"

Most of my colleagues here are on both sides. Knowing that Liu Xia is trying to help Xu Linghe, they dare not speak for Chen he, a little host. If they are Zhu Xu, they don't mind helping.

It's not a good deal to be a little host and offend a powerful editor in chief.

What's more, we all know that Liu Xia's backer is also a deputy director, and is likely to become the number one person of the radio station in the near future.

If one gets the right way, the dog and the rooster will rise to heaven.

When that person becomes the director, Liu Xia is likely to take over the position of deputy director.

If you stand up and offend Liu Xia at this time, when the other party is promoted, you must wear shoes.

As soon as Liu Xiayi spoke, no one came out to help Chen he.

Coincidentally, Zhu Xu hasn't come to work yet, which makes Chen he feel embarrassed. He really wants to lose his memory when that piece of tofu hits him.

Liu Xia nodded with satisfaction, squatted down and said with a smile to Chen he, "see, none of you here saw Xu Ling beating you. So ah, you maliciously planted Xu Ling. As for me, you are pathetic, and I will not pursue it. What do you say, Xu Ling? "

"Of course I don't mind." With a smile, Xu Ling stepped forward and stretched out a hand to Chen he, smiling: "it's very cold on the ground. Get up."

Chen he a Leng, didn't expect Xu Ling to care about him so much, is it conscience?

He thought about it, but he didn't mean to refuse. He held Xu Ling's hand.

Just want to borrow the strength to stand up, who knows Xu Ling in the key time, even let go, Chen he a unprepared, once again embarrassed to fall to the ground.

"Ha ha."

There are a few unkind colleagues, straight out of the pig laugh.

Chen he is painful to tears, just want to complain about Xu Ling, but don't want to each other, but preemptive.

"Oh, why did you sit back again? I feel that the chair has been sitting for a long time, and it's not comfortable to sit on the ground?" Xu Ling stood up with a smile and said, "OK, you can sit here. I'll give you some advice to the leader. Take your chair away and let you sit on the ground every day."

"Ha ha."

Hearing Xu Ling say this, people burst out laughing.


Chen he was angry, and his face became especially embarrassed. His teeth were cackling. He really wanted to swallow Xu Ling alive.

However, Chen he only dares to think about these things. He never dares to have a fight with Xu Linggang.

After all, he is a very conscientious person.

Xu Ling clapped his hands, glanced at the crowd, and suddenly said with a smile, "I am Xu Ling in the group these days. Thank you very much for your care. Now I'm going to another group. I really can't bear it. It's not a waste for our colleagues to write a poem here for you. "

When they heard this, they were a little surprised.

Is this guy crazy?

Since the cancellation of the program, who hasn't sneered at him?

Thanks for your care. I'm afraid it's Shi Lezhi.

Xu Ling had a good view of everyone's reaction, and a slight smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

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