Xu Ling is the only one left in the study. Of course, he quickly opens the miracle works website and serves the readers in the book review area.

The first point is still to understand what readers don't quite understand. Some Mengxin are reluctant to read the previous comments, and Xu Ling will explain them patiently.

I can't help it. After all, I have nothing to complain about.

When I finished my novel, I looked out of the window, and it was already hazy. It was almost dawn.

With so many things on hand, it's obviously irrational to stay up all night.

Through a night, may be a whole day's state will be very bad, this is not worth the loss.

So although Xu Ling still has several manuscripts on hand, it can't go on like this.

After stretching for a while, Xu Ling turned off the computer, washed it a little, and then went back to his room. Lying on the bed, he fell asleep with his head covered.

When I regained consciousness again, I was awakened by the voice of a dispute.

It's the noisy voices coming from the living room. You can hear the voices of Wu Qinglian and Li Ziqian, but in addition to these two, there is also a strong male voice.

Xu Ling's first reaction was to promote sales, but the more she listened, the more wrong she felt. If she was promoting sales, the man's voice would be too harsh.

Moreover, it seems that Wu Qinglian is also a kind of soft and weak persuasion feeling

Is Li Qijun looking for trouble?

Although I don't know how Li Qijun found it, as the owner of this apartment, it's necessary to teach that guy a lesson!

When Xu Ling thought about it, he immediately became indignant. He quickly put on his clothes and rushed out.

However, as soon as he rushed to the living room and looked at the position of the gate, he was dumbfounded.

At the door, I don't know why, two uniformed policemen were standing, saying something to Wu Qinglian with a serious face.

Xu Ling so suddenly rushed out, immediately attracted the attention of two police officers, and then, they directly pushed away the second daughter, straight to Xu Ling in front.

"You are Xu Ling, aren't you?" The first police officer still had a picture in his hand. After a little comparison with the person in front of him, he asked.

"It's me, comrade police. What's the matter?" Xu Ling is full of doubts now, thinking that he has not done anything bad, how can the police come to him.

But just when Xu Ling was thinking about whether the police comrades were looking for the wrong place, after hearing Xu Ling's affirmative answer, the first police officer took out a pair of handcuffs from his waist.

With a click, Xu Ling's hands were handcuffed!

"Citizen Xu Ling, we suspect that you are suspected of fighting, provocation and murder. Please cooperate with us in the investigation!" Police with an unquestionable tone, staring at Xu Ling said.

In an instant, three charges hit Xu Ling's face, especially the last one to say it, which made Xu Ling's words stand still.

Now, it's like a dream

At this time, Xu Ling himself had not been relieved from being tortured

I have lived for such a long time, experienced ups and downs, how ever wear such a silver bracelet? Xu Ling's face is unbelievable.

"Wait, wait." Xu Ling didn't react until he was pulled away by two police officers. He quickly stood up and said, "Comrade police, is there a mistake? I've never provoked a quarrel

"Yes, comrade police, Xu Ling is so busy with his work that he doesn't even get out of his family. How can he make trouble?" Wu Qinglian also echoed on the side.

"You'd better leave these words to the police station. Just follow me now!" For Xu Ling excuse, the police did not move, escorted him to move forward.

"Well, well, I won't ask. Don't escort me. I'll go by myself." The feeling of being escorted made Xu Ling very uncomfortable. He said quickly, straightened up and walked on his own.

Police officers see it so, but also let go, the other side can cooperate so, but also save their effort.

"Xu Ling..." when she passed by Wu Qinglian, she wanted to explain something, but she was interrupted by Xu Ling.

"It doesn't matter, sister Wu. They must have made a mistake. When I go with them and explain the matter clearly, I'll come back. You don't have to worry." What Xu Ling said was very calm, but it was also an inevitable state. She had never done anything wrong. Why should she be afraid?

Wu Qinglian nodded silently. She still trusted Xu Ling very much.

However, it was Li Ziqian who surprised Xu Ling. After she came out, she did not say a word. She just looked at herself and didn't know what she was thinking. Of course, Xu Ling naturally nodded to her, indicating that she didn't have to worry.

After finishing these, Xu Ling strode out of the door and went into the police car that was parked at the door.

Driving on the way to the Luoshi police station, Xu Ling can't help but ask the police again about the specific matters about his arrest, but the answers are silent, or just let himself shut up.

In this way, it makes Xu Ling more and more strange.

As the saying goes, to die is to let people die. Do you understand that even if you arrest someone, you have to have some evidence?

When he was handcuffed, Xu Ling's head was blank, but he didn't think so much about it. Now I think it's not normal.

Are these two policemen fake? Xu Ling can't help but come up with a terrible idea in her heart.

Of course, he can't ask directly, otherwise if he misjudged, even if there was no crime, he would have to add a slander.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the two policemen to come to the place where they finally dispelled Xu Ling's suspicion.

Los Angeles police station!

genuine goods at a fair price!

After getting out of the car, Xu Ling looked up at the slightly dignified building with a bitter smile in his heart.

I didn't expect that I would be tortured and brought here one day. If it wasn't for the immediate situation, Xu Ling really thought that he had no chance with this place all his life.

"Let's go!" At this time, the police also got out of the car and saw that Xu Ling was just staring at the building, even when he urged.

Now that they have all come here, Xu Ling has nothing to think about. She nods to the police officer and walks towards the building with an open look.

Along the way, the police took Xu Ling to a place that was probably the interrogation room. They asked Xu Ling to stand still. Then they went out from the side door.

Xu Ling is the only one in the open room. He looks around. There is nothing here except a camera at the four corners of the ceiling!

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