The police here didn't let Xu Ling wait for long. With the "click" of the side door, several people came in.

The first three are different from the two policemen just now. They look more fierce, and they are more robust!

At first glance, it's the kind of police officer who specializes in interrogation.

These Xu Ling see in the eyes, but did not feel what, however, the three police officers with, and one person.

When this person appeared in front of Xu Ling's eyes, Xu Ling was shocked.

This person is actually the famous star who has been cleaned up by Xu Ling - Xu Kun!

At this time, Xu Kun did not have the arrogant and domineering appearance at that time. He followed the police and looked like a law-abiding citizen.

"Mr. Xu, look, is that the man?" Three police officers brought Xu Kun over, pointed at Xu Ling and asked.

"Yes! It's him. I can know him even if he turns into ashes! " Xu Kun has a look of deep hatred.

"Xu Ling, do you have anything else to say? Or do you want to confess your crime? " The policeman nodded to Xu Kun, then looked at Xu Ling and asked sternly.

"Comrade police, I don't understand what you are talking about, and I have no crime to confess!" Xu Ling did not give in at all, and the police looked at each other and said in a loud voice.

Xu Ling, who was still at a loss, almost felt the situation when he saw Xu Kun.

I'm afraid there's something very fishy about it

I have long heard that Xu Kun has a certain position in both black and white. Unexpectedly, even the local police can call!

As for why Xu Kun can find himself, Xu Ling can understand. After all, in order to help Wu Qinglian, he exposed his identity to the scar man.

And scar man is Xu Kun's dog leg, so it's not surprising that Xu Kun can know his identity.

However, in this series of things, the most puzzling thing for Xu Ling is how to get the charge of murder?

"Oh, I don't think you will die in the Yellow River, do you? What else do you want to explain One of the three police officers, who looks the strongest, directly steps forward, stares at Xu Ling and says it fiercely.

"Where is the witness? Where is the material evidence? " Xu Ling also glared at the police directly.

"Well, well, if you honestly plead guilty, we'll forget it. I didn't expect that you still want to suffer some flesh and blood!" Listening to Xu Ling's tough attitude, several police officers rolled up their sleeves and surrounded him in the middle.

right enough!

Since it was brought by Xu Kun, there must have been a dark curtain, and now, it's time for them to show it.

It is a bad habit that some law enforcers can never be obliterated, whether they are forced by their superiors or by their interests.

Xu Ling knows that the false accusation is now tied to her own head.

However, how could Xu Ling be that kind of weak person? At this time, he saw three strong men surrounded him. He was not nervous at all. He still looked ordinary. Looking at a few people, "what do you want?"

"How's it going?" The police officer gave a sneer. "You may have lost your memory. Let's help you recall the situation at that time."

The police officer said that he was very fierce. He didn't look like a threat at all. Then he clenched his fist. When Xu Ling didn't respond, he directly kicked him in the belly.

This foot is fast and fierce. Even Xu Ling, who has the bonus of fighting potion, can't help but step back two steps.

"Well? I can stand still. It seems that I have two skills! " How much strength did he use? The policeman knew best. At this time, he saw that his foot only made Xu Ling take two steps back. He immediately said in surprise.

"Be careful, he has something!" In this room, there is another person who is not surprised by Xu Ling's appearance, that is Xu Kun.

That day's scene is still printed in his head, a man wearing an Ultraman mask, with no effort to put all his little brothers to the ground.

It is also the police foot, let Xu Kun confirm again, Xu Ling must be that day's "Altman".

Therefore, he immediately reminded several police officers.

"Be careful? Ha ha, Mr. Xu is worried too much. Just a moment ago, he was just trying. Now, we have to make him plead guilty! " The police officer immediately waved his hand to Xu Kun. He looked very skillful and forced Xu Ling close again.

Xu Ling knows that she must suffer some flesh and blood pain today. The current situation is that she is going to be beaten unilaterally.

The other party is the police, the charge of assaulting the police is not small, Xu Ling can not provoke this matter for himself.

And the room I am in now is one that exists specially for torture. Only a side door can get in and out. The sound insulation effect must be very good!


Just when Xu Ling was still observing the surrounding environment, suddenly from the abdomen, a burst of force came again.

This time it was a fist fight, so it didn't feel like that. Xu Ling didn't even retreat. He just blocked the blow with his body.

"That's right. Although I only used three parts of my strength in this punch, ordinary people will be hit and roll all over the floor. It seems that Mr. Xu said that you have something!" Xu Lingyue showed a tough attitude, and the more excited the policeman was, the more distorted his expression was.

Xu Ling didn't speak, but just stared at the three people in front of her.

Through the gap between the three, Xu Kun behind them is looking at the situation of Xu Ling with a fierce expression.

When Xu Ling was beaten, he also showed a very satisfied expression!

In the face of the police beating himself, Xu Ling is nothing, after all, his physical fitness has almost reached the limit of human beings.

However, seeing Xu Kun's complacent expression, Xu Ling felt a little angry. Recalling the way he used to tease Yu Wenwen, Xu Ling was even more angry.

Even more than that day at the scene!

While symbolically blocking the repeated attacks of the police, he stares at Xu Kun's position.

Suddenly, Xu Ling thought of a special idea!

Even if he did not feel much pain, but let Xu Kun there Bang se, but Xu Ling does not want to see.

Since the police can't move, but you are an ordinary person, can we always repair it? Xu Ling thinks so, immediately the body moved slightly.

Of course, he can't beat Xu Kun in front of the police. If that's the case, it's really provocative. After all, the four cameras in the room are still watching him!

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