Although they can't fight openly, but secretly, Xu Ling has already thought of a plan.

An important part of this is the policeman who is beating himself and his expression is slightly distorted!

The three policemen took turns to fight. When Xu Ling saw his target policeman coming up, he immediately saw the opportunity. As soon as he raised his foot, he wanted to rush to Xu Kun,

All of a sudden, Xu Ling startled all the people on the scene. The police officers are well-trained, and they must react faster. Especially the police officer with twisted face, he kicked Xu Ling with his own foot!

The police officers are all behind Xu Ling. They don't see Xu Ling's smile

When Xu Ling felt a strong force coming from behind, he directly took a physical meal. At the same time, the policeman just kicked Xu Ling on the shoulder.

Xu Kun is facing Xu Ling. Naturally, he sees a sneer on Xu Ling's face. But when he realizes that the situation is not right, it's too late.


After Xu Ling stopped and was really kicked by the police, he immediately screamed.

yes! It was the man who didn't say a word about how to fight in front of him. At this time, he made a very sad scream!

Then, like being kicked by one foot, he pounced directly on Xu Kun.

This happened between lightning and flint. Xu Kun is an ordinary man. How can he avoid Xu Ling flying from the air.


A dull sound came, and Xu Lingjie bumped into Xu Kun solidly!

Xu Ling has calculated all this for a long time. Where he flies, his head can just hit Xu Kun's chest. Such a high-speed impact is enough to make Xu Kun suffer a lot!

As Xu Ling expected, after Xu Ling bumped into Xu Kun, the latter directly stepped back to the wall and sat down, covering his chest with both hands. His mouth was wide open, but he couldn't make any sound.

This is exactly the reaction after the impact on the chest!

"Ouch, it's killing me!" Achieved his own goal, next, Xu Ling said to do and this matter put aside the relationship.

So he immediately held his head, covered his back, and rolled all over the floor.

"Mr. Xu, are you ok?" No matter how Xu Ling is, after seeing Xu Kun's painful appearance, the police quickly come forward and ask with concern.

Xu Kun has difficulty breathing now, let alone speaking. In the face of people coming, he can only wave his hand quickly to indicate that he is dying!

"Send Mr. Xu to the infirmary! I'll just watch it here! " The outspoken policeman immediately gave orders to the other two colleagues.

This person should also be the boss of the two police officers. Hearing the speech, he answered directly. Then he lifted up Xu Kun and ran to the side door.

However, perhaps the action was too anxious. When they were about to go out, the two policemen tripped at the same time, and then they threw Xu Kun out.

So Xu Kun drew a beautiful parabola in the air and landed heavily on the ground again.

Moreover, this time, Xu Kun landed his head first!

In just a few minutes, Xu Kun was hit twice. He lay on the ground with his head tilted and fainted.

Hearing the sound of someone landing, Xu Ling, who was still rolling on the ground, immediately laughed with satisfaction.

For the sake of Xu Kun, Xu Ling used all the bad luck stickers she had collected for many years.

Now it seems that this item is not expired

Listening to the footsteps gradually leaving, Xu Ling guessed in his heart how many times Xu Kun would be thrown along the way?

"You don't have to pretend any more. Get up!" Just when Xu Ling was still secretly happy about the success of his scheme, suddenly from his side, came a voice of forest.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Xu Ling really has no need to put on any more. Hearing the speech, he slowly gets up from the ground, looks at the police officer and grins.

"To make trouble?" The police officer didn't make a direct move like he did just now. Instead, he asked as a warning.

"Comrade police, I don't have that! I was kicked out by you just now. I'm also a victim! " Xu Ling a face of grievance, but also a symbolic rub his back.

"Then why are you running to Mr. Xu?" The policeman questioned again. Although he didn't know why Xu Ling had planned so skillfully, his intuition told him that there must be a problem.

"You beat me like this, don't you allow me to run?" Xuling directly very angry to ask back, and then returned to the aggrieved appearance, "scurry, how do I know I ran there?"

"You..." the police officer was speechless and raised his hand to continue the violence against Xu Ling.

In this regard, Xu Ling immediately protect the face, a look of being slaughtered.

In fact, Xu Ling doesn't even need to protect her face, because the police officers who will torture and extort confessions generally know that this kind of thing can't be done too obviously.

After all, according to the law, it is not allowed to beat criminals at will, and the people in front of him are specially arranged by Xu Kun to bring people to beat them, so the consequences can not be shown.

As for how to not let people see after beating others, it is natural not to beat the exposed body parts.

So these police officers are very keen to attack Xu Ling's abdomen, back, thighs and other places wrapped in clothes!

However, this time, although the police officers raised their hands in an attempt to attack, they never did.

At that time, Xu Kun was embarrassed to stop. After all, he took advantage of each other. But in fact, when he hit Xu Ling, he already felt a little strange.

First of all, the feeling of fist touching Xu Ling's body is not like hitting on the human body. If you really want to say it, it's like hitting on an iron plate!

Even just now, in a hurry, he used all his strength to kick Xu Ling's back. Up to now, his foot is still numb!

It was these facts that made the police more sure that Xu Ling's collision with Xu Kun was not just an accident

Xu Ling must have planned this for a long time!

Staring at Xu Ling coldly, the police officer felt a sense of frustration. He had worked in this business for many years and helped Xu Kun repair a lot of people. He didn't expect that he was planted in the hands of this young man today.

"How long have you been practicing your body?" After waiting for a long time, I didn't feel the other party calling. On the contrary, a question for advice suddenly came to Xu Ling's ears, which made him slightly stunned.

"What do you mean, comrade police?" Xu Ling asked in a puzzled way.

The master is frustrated. Shouldn't these dog legs be more furious? Now, it seems that the tone has eased a lot.

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