As the chairman of a well-known company, Liu feiran even said that he could not put a few furniture there.

Xu Ling couldn't help laughing in her heart.

Don't want is don't want, also say what deposit, here who don't know who ah?

Think clearly these, Xu Ling is also don't want to do more tangled, don't want to, nothing stubborn, if move, true or quite troublesome.

"I see. I'll go first if there's nothing else." Xu Ling said lightly, and was about to leave.

This time, Xu Ling is very determined to go, even let Liu feiran not to speak again.

Watching Xu Ling's figure leave the office, Liu feiran smiles and takes out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hello, has the test sample been inspected? Is there any damage?" Liu feiran asked urgently.

"There is no change in body structure, but there are some signs of intestinal infection, which should be caused by eating junk food." On the other side was the voice of an old man, accompanied by the sound of the instrument scanning.

"Well, Dr. Lu, you should be able to solve these problems?" Liu feiran trusted the people on the phone and hung up.

"Alas, it's a pity that you found it, otherwise it would take longer to put it here." Hang up the phone, Liu feiran then shook his head, some regret to himself.

However, these circumstances obviously had little influence on him. Although he had regrets, he didn't feel upset. After clearing up his mood, he returned to the standard merchant smile.

As for Xu Ling, when he came out of the police station, he looked around, but no one was in charge of him.

The police station didn't pick up the car and send it to the police station! Xu Ling could not help but make complaints about himself.

I brought myself all the way here, and now I have to take a taxi to go back

Xu Ling's heart is bitter!

Fortunately, the police station is not very biased, and the taxi business is not cumbersome. After a while, Xu Ling got into the car and went home.

It's true that there are many things around Xu Ling. When the taxi was just a few kilometers away, three cars suddenly rushed out of a slightly remote place and surrounded Xu Ling's taxi.

Where did the taxi driver see such a scene? He immediately stopped the taxi and turned his head to look at Xu Ling pale. The meaning is: do you know what's going on?

Xu Ling thought it was a taxi driver, but

After seeing Xu Kun who was carried out of the car by two people, he suddenly realized.

Together, the enemy is coming!

Seeing the situation clearly, Xu Ling stepped out of the car. He didn't want to implicate ordinary people because of himself. Besides, this place doesn't belong to the police station any more. Xu Ling really didn't fear anyone about fighting!

"Here's 50000. You didn't see anything today!" One of Xu Kun's men walked in front, came to the driver's seat, threw in a stack of red banknotes, and then said with a warning.

The other side of the three car people, and down are all big men, the driver who dare to talk, as if a slow step will involve themselves in the same, received the money, fly away from the side.

As for the people on this road, there were not many people. In addition, they were intimidated by Xu Kun's people and ran away.

In an instant, only Xu Ling and Xu Kun were left on the empty road!

It's not that Xu Ling has never experienced one to many, but today's battle is really big.

Take a look, it's estimated that there should be about twenty people!

After all, two of the three cars are vans. It's not surprising that they can jam so many people.

And strangely, after these people came down, Xu Kun, the leader, did not directly order to beat Xu Ling, but just looked at him angrily.

Don't even say a cruel word

"Oh, how many of you greet me? This makes strange embarrassed, "since the other party has been silent, idle is also idle, Xu Ling began to speak Sao words," however, you this many people sit in a car, won't it be very crowded? "

"Hum, now you can talk a little faster. Wait a moment, I'll make you kneel down and beg for mercy!" Xu Kun really can't stand Xu Ling's provocation. He struggles to get up from his two younger brothers and yells at Xu Ling.

"Mr. Xu, can you speak? I thought you had to stay in bed for a long time Looking at the appearance of Xu Kun's brave talk, Xu Ling can't help but want to laugh.

Moreover, in addition to the injuries, Xu Ling found many bruises on Xu kundi's face and even heavy bandages on his arms.

"You..." Xu Kun was angry. He vomited a mouthful of blood directly and was about to fall down.

"Young master, are you all right?" Xu Kun so, directly to the people around him to startle, quickly came forward to help him.

"Mr. Xu, are you all right? Look at the injuries on your body. How can they become so many? Did anyone beat you again?" Xu Ling pretends to be surprised and asks Xu Kun.

"It's him, it must be him, who made me so miserable! Come on, give him a good beating Xu Kun is now in a state of madness. He points to Xu Ling and roars at the people around him.

"Young master, I can't do it now. The master said I'll wait until he comes!" Xu Kun side of a housekeeper like people, quickly voice persuasion.

"No nonsense! If I say it, my words are my father's words! Give me... "Xu Kun was very impatient at this time, and then forced himself to go forward two steps to yell. It seems that he has blamed Xu Ling for all his bad luck. If he knew that it was true, he would spit blood twice!

However, before Xu Kun finished, he was interrupted by the rapid sound of the horn behind him.

All the people turned around to look, but saw a black big ben with the momentum of indomitable, toward the people here.

"Dad When Xu Kun saw the car, he immediately called out.

But after shouting, he felt something was wrong, because the black car was almost tens of meters away from him, and he was still driving at a high speed. He didn't feel like slowing down at all.

At this moment, looking at the gradual rush to his car, Xu Kun was stunned.

Part of the reason is that it happened so suddenly that he couldn't promise.

Another reason is that all the younger brothers around him are gone, leaving Xu Kun alone. He is seriously injured and can't run away!

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