
With a dull crash, all the people on the scene watched Xu Kun again, and he was hit by a car and flew out

Xu Ling looked at all feel very painful, thought this bad luck paste is also too cruel, so a hit, don't hit the sky.

And the Big Ben finally stopped after it hit other vehicles parked here.

As soon as the car stopped, an old man with a crutch rushed out of the car. He looked around in panic and ran to Xu Kun, who was lying on the ground.

"Call an ambulance! Hurry up The old man burst into tears and panicked. He immediately gave orders to the people around him, which was enough to show his worry about Xu Kun.

In this way, the old man should be the old man that the housekeeper said, Xu Kun's father.

When these people do these things, they are still very fast. Soon after the old man's words, the ambulance comes, takes Xu Kun and leaves here as soon as possible.

Originally, it was for the purpose of encircling and suppressing Xu Ling. Because of this episode, it was over.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Ling is also a direct slip, can save trouble, this is Xu Ling's all-out style.

But in this matter, Xu Ling thought too little. He just stepped out, and two big men stood in front of him, blocking his way.

Seeing this, Xu Ling also shook his head helplessly. It seems that it is impossible to save trouble today.

"You must be Xu Ling, aren't you?" After stopping Xu Ling, a voice came.

To Xu Ling's surprise, it was the voice of the old man. Xu Kun's father didn't leave with the ambulance.

"Well, it's me. Who are you?" At this point, Xu Ling had to sigh a little, turned to look at the old man and asked.

"Ha ha, I'm Xu Kun's father, Xu Qianyang. Hello, Xu Ling!" The old man was very polite to introduce himself.

"Oh, what can I do for Mr. Xu?" The other party's son is so miserable that Xu Ling doesn't think the old man is here to make friends with him.

"It's nothing. I just know that Xu Ling and Liu feiran have a good relationship, so I want to pay a visit here!" This Xu Qianyang is very unconventional, open mouth, its meaning, almost the same as making friends.

Once again from each other's mouth to hear the name of Liu feiran, Xu Ling will know that this matter is not simple.

Liu feiran almost covers the sky here. Even the police chief has to be so polite to him.

And now that the old man knows that he is on good terms with Liu feiran, and brings so many people to block him, I'm afraid the reason is not so simple! At this time, Xu Ling's brain spins and begins to analyze the situation under his eyes.

"Oh, Liu feiran and I just take what we need. We are not as good as you said." Before figuring out the situation, Xu Ling should hold a stand.

Who knows if the old man has a grudge against Liu feiran?

With such a big situation and the hearsay about Xu Kun, I can probably know that Xu Kun can do that. This old man should have helped a lot!

"Yes? I also want to welcome Xu Ling to my house for two cups of tea! " Xu Qianyang smiles and invites Xu Ling.

This hand of Xu Ling is unexpected. He can't figure out what the old man wants to do, or whether he is a friend or an enemy!

"Mr. Xu, don't be so polite. I have some private affairs to deal with. I'll leave first. If I have a chance, I'll go to your house to harass you." For the sake of caution, it's better for Xu Ling to stay away first.

Then he turned around and wanted to get around the three strong men and leave by the way.

But Xu Qianyang should be determined not to let Xu Ling leave today. When Xu Linggang just turned around to take the road, several strong men came up and blocked his way.

"Mr. Xu, you are..." but Xu Ling had to turn around and look at Mr. Xu Qianyang and ask.

In the facial expression, revealed a stream of anger faintly!

"Ha ha ha, Xu Ling doesn't need to be angry. In fact, I want to talk about the deal with Xu Ling this time." Xu Qianyang looks at Xu Ling's appearance and immediately laughs to ease the tense atmosphere at the scene. Then he corrects the color and says his purpose.

"Deal?" Hearing this annoying word again, Xu Ling immediately raised her vigilance.

It is because of the experience of trading with Liu feiran that Xu Ling is wary of talking with strangers.

"It's not convenient to talk here. You'd better come to my house." Looking around, Xu Qianyang did not say it directly, but invited Xu Ling again.

Moreover, after the invitation, he directly turned and walked into a brand-new running car.

"Please When Xu Ling was still hesitating about this, several big men behind him said impolitely to Xu Ling.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't understand the situation and didn't want to have a bad time with Xu Qianyang, Xu Ling would not be able to solve it easily just by these big guys?

"Let's go!" Seeing Xu Ling honestly sitting in the car, Xu Qianyang smiles and pats the driver's seat in front of him and gives a notice.

In this way, Xu Ling's car left here.

Jump out of a ring, and then into a ring, Xu Ling can only cry a bad luck.

On the way to the destination, Xu Qianyang didn't have any leisure. He kept asking for information from Xu Ling.

Of course, many of them are about Xu Ling's family trivia and so on. Xu Ling answered without a word. They look like friends they haven't seen for many years.

Do powerful people like them like to be so familiar? To make complaints about this, Xu Ling could not help but Tucao up.

"Here we are After driving for about half an hour, the car stopped, Xu Qianyang said, then opened the door and went out.

Naturally, Xu Ling didn't stay in the car much, and even left.

Along the way, Xu Ling didn't pay much attention to Xu Qianyang's words, but had a deep understanding of the route of the car.

Unexpectedly, the Xu family's real estate was in Luoshi, but it was in the northern suburbs.

It's true that the more money you have, the more you know how to enjoy it. For example, Li Mengling's villa and Xu Qianyang's mansion are now standing in front of you.

Honestly followed behind and went to the villa. Now that they had come to this step, Xu Ling had no idea of returning.

As Xu Ling followed him, he realized that his eyes were too narrow. Xu Qianyang's mansion was a manor.

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