"You haven't figured out who you're looking for, have you?" Looking at the tangled expression on Xu Ling's face, Wu Qinglian immediately thought of this.

When Wu Qinglian came to the point, Xu Ling was even more embarrassed, and he could only nod helplessly, "after all, this topic hasn't arisen yet. I don't even know if anyone has heard of it, which makes me not know how to make the request."

"Well, it's really a problem," said Xu Ling. After Xu Ling's reminding, Wu Qinglian couldn't help thinking deeply. It's certain that talk shows are unpopular.

When I first heard the word from Xu Ling, I was also at a loss. Now it's not easy to give the staff a request.

"I think you'd better simplify this column first. Can you express it in an easy to understand way, so that others can see your requirements more directly." Wu Qinglian thought for a while and then gave a suggestion.

"Now we have to do the same. Alas, it's going to take a lot of thinking." Xu Ling sighed a little and couldn't help complaining.

As for the definition of talk show, it's hard to say in Xu Ling's original world, because it's a culture developed for a long time.

There are a lot of folk talk shows, and all kinds of them are different, which makes Xu Ling quite confused about this.

Even if you copy, you don't know which one to move. Although you are a cultural Porter, you have to respect culture, don't you?

Helplessly shaking his head, Xu Ling began to immerse himself in the state of thinking about it.


At eight o'clock in the morning, Xu Ling arrived at the door of the radio station on time and stopped the car. Without hesitation, he went to the youth column group.

At this time, Zhu Xu also kept his promise and met him early at the entrance of the column group.

"Brother Xu, you came early enough. Last night, the program of the late night column group was broadcast live. It's really hard for you!" Zhu Xu said with concern.

"What is the hardship of accepting the guidance of editor in chief Zhu?" Xu Ling quickly waved back.

"There's no guidance. It's just a little experience. It's a pity that you can see it." Compared with before, Zhu Xu didn't know how much he had changed. Now he began to be polite.

"So... Where do we start?" Without much nonsense, Xu Ling went straight to the subject and asked.

"Go where you can find people first!" Zhu Xu went on to talk.

Looking at Xu Ling, he said with a smile, "follow me!" Said, first in front with the road left.

Xu Ling followed him honestly. After a while, they left the radio station!

Taking Zhu Xu's car, Xu Ling couldn't help asking, "chief editor Zhu, where are we going?"

"Talent market!" Zhu Xu said in a loud voice, then started the car and drove towards the suburb.

Xu Ling also knows about this place. When he first came here, he came here to look for a job. Unexpectedly, things have changed. He came here as an interviewer.

"I said hello to the market manager yesterday, and asked him to add a position in our radio station. If the news is sent out, it should attract many job seekers." While driving, Zhu Xu talked to Xu Ling.

Xu Ling really didn't expect that Zhu Xu could attach so much importance to his request. Just one sentence, he even asked him to ask others.

At this point, Xu Ling couldn't help looking at Zhu Xu more.

"What's the matter? Look at me that way. " Naturally, Xu Ling's eyes were also noticed by Zhu Xu. He slightly tilted his head and asked suspiciously.

"It's OK. I just want to thank you for preparing so much for me." Xu Ling said it from the bottom of her heart.

"You're welcome to raise a finger." Zhu Xu immediately waved his hand and said casually.

With nothing to say, they came directly to the talent market.

There is a lot of noise

The situation of the talent market is the same no matter where and at what time.

After the crowd, Xu Ling followed Zhu Xu to the administrator's office.

"Ah, Lao Zhu, come here so early?" The administrator seemed to have a good relationship with Zhu Xu. When he saw Zhu Xu, he immediately came forward to say hello.

"Yes, let me introduce you. This is the editor in chief, Xu Ling, who came to recruit people today." Zhu Xu also responded with a smile, then pointed to Xu Ling and introduced him to the administrator.

"Oh, you are so young and promising! Hello, I'm wang Defa, the administrator here. " The middle-aged administrator took a look at Xu Ling, immediately praised him, and then introduced himself.

It's just the name

Xu Ling almost couldn't help laughing.

"Hello, Mr. Wang. It's my first time to do this job. I'm not familiar with it. Please bear with me for my mistakes." Control the mood, Xu Ling immediately said in advance.

"Hahaha, I'm so modest when I was young. I like Lao Wang. Don't be polite to me. I'm a little bigger than you. Just call me brother Wang for face!"

Xu Ling's attitude aroused Wang Defa's high appreciation. At this time, he gave Xu Ling a hearty smile.

"Well, I'll call you brother Wang." In this case, Xu Lingdao is also very happy to see, this will also laugh and shake hands with each other.

Wang Defa was very hospitable. After Xu made friends with Xu Ling, he was just like a good friend he had not seen for a long time. He asked questions and exchanged greetings.

This makes Xu Ling who wants to recruit people here feel uncomfortable. But he is the administrator here. He can't say it clearly. He can only respond to each other without saying a word.

"I said you two don't want to be friends. We're here to do business today. Lao Wang, what I asked you to prepare is ready." Zhu Xu is probably aware of Xu Ling's embarrassment, which will also be timely to say.

From Wang Defa's sudden expression, Xu Ling also understood that he really forgot the purpose of their coming here.

"Yes, yes, Lao Zhu. Can you do what you asked me to do?" Wang Defa immediately patted his chest and replied in a loud voice.

Then, he went back to his desk, took out a stack of paper from the drawer, and handed it to Zhu Xu, "Nah, these are all resumes for your radio station. I specially put them in my office. As for the content, you'd better screen them yourself."

Zhu Xu took the resume, did not look, directly handed to Xu Ling.

"Your position is A12. Don't let me take you there." Wang Defa, who finished his resume, then looked at the form pasted on the wall and told Xu Ling.

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