"No, go on drinking tea and go to bed." Zhu Xu waved his hand, then called Xu Ling, and they entered the crowded hall again.

Fortunately, this kind of couple didn't last long, so they went to the business people's area.

Compared with the outside, it's better here, but it's not so bad.

The interviewers of various enterprises are running around, but they are not as easy as the interviewers.

A12 means the location of No. 12 in area A. when we get there, Xu Ling can see the gate of the talent market.

"This place is the best place in the whole talent market. Lao Wang also has a heart. Yesterday, he just mentioned it to him a little, so he attached great importance to it." Zhu Xu explained to Xu Ling.

In this way, Wang Defa is also a straightforward person. For his friends, it's really heartfelt.

"Editor in chief Zhu, what are we going to do next?" Holding a thick stack of resume in one hand, Xu Ling is still at a loss.

"The back is simple. We just need to sit here." Zhu Xu pointed to his two chairs and shrugged to Xu Ling.

As a cute new man, Xu Ling naturally followed Zhu Xu's advice and went to the chair to sit down.

Looking up at the crowd, sitting here seems very abrupt.

"Don't be nervous. I'm used to doing this kind of thing. Let's have a cup of tea first. I'm tired after walking all the way." At this time, Zhu Xu didn't know where to take out two cups of tea and gave Xu Ling a cup.

"Thank you... Thank you!" Although it is constantly stressed in my heart that I am not nervous, it is really on the surface. Xu Ling always feels that those passing by are looking at himself.

Of course, Xu Ling also knows that these people are not looking at themselves. They are looking at whether the position here is suitable for them.

Zhu Xu is right. Sitting here, Xu Ling gradually gets used to it. After drinking two cups of tea, she finally meets the first candidate.

"Hello, two interviewers. I'm Yun Zhongjie. I'd like to interview a radio anchor." In front of me is a handsome guy. It seems that he has prepared a lot for the interview. He is dressed in suits, but he is very formal.

"Hello! The other side so down, Xu Ling only returned two words, and then quickly found the person's resume.

I graduated from Huaxia Communication University!

This school is the most excellent media major in China. Such a high school even came here to apply for a small anchor. Xu Lingyi didn't know what to ask for

Just as the scene gradually became awkward, Zhu Xu took a sip of tea and saved the scene at the right time. He handed a piece of paper to Yun Zhongjie and said, "come on, read the above content to me."

Yun Zhongjie also seems to know this routine very well. After taking the paper, he immediately began to read it with emotion.

The content on the paper is Xu Ling's notes on Tomb robbery!

Xu Ling was quite surprised by this. It seems that Zhu Xu knew that he was going to recruit people, so he specially found his own manuscript, which is more in line with Xu Ling's requirements.

Yun Zhongjie seems to like this manuscript very much. When he read it, his face was always full of smile. Until the end, he said with admiration, "this is the manuscript of Mr. Xu Ling. I like his work best. It's so amazing!"

"Oh? Do you like Xu Ling very much? " Zhu Xu put down his tea cup and looked at Yun Zhongjie with a smile. He also glanced at Xu Ling on the side.

Yun Zhongjie quickly nodded to confirm Zhu Xu's words.

Xu Lingdao also didn't expect that the first person in the interview was his own fans. At this time, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

Because of her own personality, Xu Ling has never been involved in taking work photos on the radio. Therefore, on the Internet, Xu Ling only has information, but no images.

This makes these fans only know Xu Ling, but they don't know what Xu Ling looks like.

This also leads to the fact that Yun Zhongjie's idol is in front of him, but he doesn't know him.

"So what's the purpose of your coming to our radio station?" Zhu Xu then asked.

"Of course, I want to learn from Mr. Xu Ling, and strive to make the radio station better and better just like Mr. Xu Ling. Moreover, I am also from Luoshi, so I can make some contribution to my hometown." Yun Zhongjie said out loud without thinking about it.

Zhu Xu was very satisfied with his remarks, but after all, he didn't come to recruit people. So after nodding, he looked at Xu Ling and asked, "what do you think?"

Yun Zhongjie never thought that his adored teacher Xu Ling would come to be an interviewer, and Xu Ling was not dazzled by the other party's full compliment.

Xu Ling was just looking and said to the point, "well, it's a good attitude, but I have to ask you a few more questions."

"Interviewer, please!" Yun Zhongjie nodded, but he didn't have any stage fright.

"Do you know the talk show?" Without hesitation, Xu Ling asked.

This sentence directly confused Yun Zhongjie, who was full of confidence and kept smiling.

Not only Yun Zhongjie, but also Zhu Xu almost sprayed out the water he had just drunk.

With a stiff smile on his face, Yun Zhongjie shook his head blankly.

What kind of immortal question is this?

"Well, it doesn't matter if I don't know. Well, you can improvise to me." To know such a situation, Xu Ling was not at all surprised. After clearing his throat, he went on.

"Duan... Duan? Interviewer, what's this Yun Zhongjie face more at a loss, and even more embarrassed, but as an interviewer, it is impossible to be so stunned, so he summoned up the courage to ask.

"Look, I'll show you." Xu Ling is still not surprised. After all, these words can be understood without being known here.

Today's method is what Xu Ling thought out yesterday. No matter how many theories there are, it can't be compared with the field practice.

Instead of preparing more theoretical knowledge, it is better to demonstrate it directly.

Since the interviewer said so, Xu Ling could not refuse, so he nodded and stared at Xu Ling nervously.

The interviewers who can practice in the talent market can be said to be unprecedented in the whole talent market.

Xu Ling this meeting, directly stood up, slightly sorted out the mood, then boldly began to perform in the noisy talent market.

He modeled himself on the popular program of "Tucao" in his own world, though it may make complaints about the show, but it is a very popular program after all.

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