Xu Ling has some silly eyes. How can she learn to be a naughty rascal and play tricks?

Seeing this, Xia Xinyu chuckled: "it's not that I don't trust you. It's really that what you said is far from my understanding of the history of the Three Kingdoms. I reserve my previous opinions before I get the relevant experts' proof."

"Er..." Xu Ling said nothing.

The implication of Xia Xinyu's words is very obvious - it's reasonable to distrust Xu Ling's words.

Xia Xinyu pursed her mouth, thought about it, and said, "however, we don't send this manuscript first. When we get off work, I'll take you to a place."

"Where?" Xu Ling's face was full of curiosity.

Xia Xinyu unexpectedly is unexpectedly witty blinks an eye, "keep secret first, wait to know."

Xu Ling is helpless. Xia Xinyu doesn't want to say more. He can only leave for a while and turn around to do something else.

After Xu Ling left, Xia Xinyu took out her mobile phone, opened a familiar Feiyan and sent a message.

"Hey, master, at noon, I'll go to your place for dinner, and I'll take someone to make a mess."

Although I don't know where Xia Xinyu is going to take him and what kind of people he will meet, the man's sixth sense tells Xu Ling that this is a proper Hongmen banquet - most likely a fierce debate with several history experts.

With Xu Ling's stubborn character, he was allowed to attend the Hongmen banquet alone.

But you have to be prepared before you go.

Save time in front of a group of experts.

Xu Ling really knows the history of the Three Kingdoms like the palm of his hand, but after all, what he knows is the history of the Three Kingdoms on earth. As for the parallel world of the Three Kingdoms, it needs further investigation.

Xu Ling is a conscientious and careful man, even a bit critical.

So, after finishing his chores, he went online and searched the history of the Three Kingdoms with a search engine.

Fortunately, the final result did not disappoint Xu Ling.

As like as two peas in the world, the history of the Three Kingdoms parallel to the world is almost the same as that of the earth.

The reason why he said "almost" is that most of Xu Ling's materials are related to his previous correction of Xia Xinyu's shortcomings. As for historical events and figures, he has no time or interest to check them.

After adequate preparation, Xu Ling looked at her watch, and it was almost time to get off work. She quickly cleaned up and waited for Xia Xinyu's invitation.

"Oh, this is a lot of information?" Xia Xinyu came in and saw a stack of manuscript paper on Xu Ling's desk, which was full of words and even difficult to understand.

Xu Ling nodded, put the manuscript paper into the drawer, put on her coat and stood up.

"Aren't you very confident? Do you need to check the information?" Xia Xinyu joked with a smile.

Xu Ling had no choice but to smile, "after all, it's too big to be unprepared for experts in history. If you're ready to laugh, won't you lose your face? "

"You're not too stupid to know where I'm going to take you next." Xia Xinyu praised and said, "they are laughing at you. What does it have to do with me?"

Xu Ling took it for granted: "you took me there, anyway."

"Well, that's the reason." Xia Xinyu's pretty Daimei frowned slightly. "Well, if you make me embarrassed in front of those old men, your assistant's qualification will be cancelled, and this month's salary, of course, will not be available."

Xu Ling squinted and asked confidently, "if I give you face, is there any reward?"

"Er..." Xia Xinyu bit her sexy red lips and thought seriously for a long time, "No."

Xu Ling

As soon as September comes, autumn comes. It comes at a foggy dawn and disappears at noon.

When Xu Ling went out, he regretted putting on his coat. The temperature outside was higher than his imagination. Before he took a few steps, the sweat had already filled his forehead.

When Xu Ling took off his coat and stood in the shade of a tree to enjoy the cool, a silver Audi A8 galloped from a distance. After turning a corner, it stopped steadily in front of him.

The window rolled down, revealing Xia Xinyu's familiar pretty face.

"Oh, Miss Xia, I didn't expect you to be a rich second generation?"

Xu Ling went to the co pilot very consciously and said with a smile.

Xia Xinyu shook his head, "I'm not."

"Oh?" Xu Ling looked at Xia Xinyu in surprise. "How many years do you have to work in the radio station to afford this luxury car? Do you still have a sideline to make money? "

Xia Xinyu drives attentively. He is silent for a while and says, "my grandfather is."

"What did you say?" Xu Ling confused, Xia Xinyu's answer, some chicken talk with duck suspect.

Xia Xinyu didn't rush to explain. When he drove to a crossroad and stopped waiting for the red light, he said faintly, "didn't you ask me before, is it the second generation of rich people?"

Xu Ling nodded, "you have already answered this question."

Xia Xinyu took a look at Xu Ling, a bit like a fool, "I'm not a rich second generation, but my grandfather is."

Xu Ling

Poverty limits Xu Ling's imagination.

As a poor loser, Xu Ling finds that he has no way to communicate with the rich fourth generation.

Towards noon, Xia Xinyu's car slowly drove to a small attic in the west of the city.

From the front of the small attic, this is an antique Hotel, the second floor.

However, there is a big yard behind, with a branch of a big tree stretching out from the yard, overlooking the scenery outside.

The size of the hotel is not very big, but the decoration is exquisite, revealing the flavor of antique everywhere. In addition to the stone lions in the town house, there are two big red lanterns hanging high at the door.

A lot of cars were parked in the parking lot outside the door, and people came into the hotel one after another. Apart from smiling, everyone was wearing celebrity paintings and calligraphy, which made Xu Ling feel confused.

"Are we in the wrong place?"

Xu Ling looked back and asked.

Xia Xinyu shook his head, "no, it's here."

Xu Ling pointed to the endless stream of people, "then what are they doing? How could it be like giving a birthday to a wealthy family in ancient times? "

Xia Xinyu looked at Xu Ling in surprise, "Oh, I can't see that you are not stupid, but also very smart. I haven't said that yet, you know?"

Xu Ling waved his hand, "don't make trouble. People wish their birthday. What are we doing here. Go back quickly. "

Wind tight, Xu Ling of course to pull.

But before going back, he was held by Xia Xinyu with a smile, "don't, if you leave, what about my birthday present?"

Xu Ling

"Hey, I'll explain to you later. Go ahead and talk about it."

With that, whether Xu Ling agrees or not, Xia Xinyu leads him directly into this antique restaurant.

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