Xu LINGJI is unwilling to be pulled into this antique restaurant by Xia Xinyu.

"Elder sister, can we let go and let me walk well?"

Xu Ling has no choice but to smile. It's hard to feel when her arms are pulled. Especially, the tip of her elbow always touches a soft place intentionally or unintentionally. The feeling of being relaxed and happy makes Xu Ling, a little virgin, blush and shy.

"It's OK to let go, but you can't run away, or your salary will be deducted."

Xia Xinyu released her hand and gave a cold warning.

Xu Ling grinned bitterly and nodded, "yes, but can you tell me what we are doing here? Even if the people here have something to do with you, I'm afraid it's not right for us to celebrate our birthday empty handed? "

"Hum, what's wrong? I wish my master's birthday. It's nobody else." Xia Xinyu curls her lips discontentedly.

"Well, I wish you master's birthday, but I also need to bring a gift." Xu Ling's face is full of helplessness. This girl is not only vigorous in her work, but also in her work.

I'm afraid your master made a mistake in his last life when he accepted you as an apprentice.

Xu Ling said: "even if you go empty handed, what can I do?"

Xia Xinyu waved his hand impatiently, "you are the same. I tell you that my master is a man who pursues spiritual civilization. As for material needs, he is still very low, and he doesn't care about these vulgar manners."

Xu Ling said: "but others have brought gifts?"

Xia Xinyu replied, "those people bring gifts just to flatter my master. We don't ask for them. Just bring a gift. People can get it from their heart. Everything else is outside their body."

Xu Ling angrily touched his nose, "what he said seems reasonable."

The two continued to move forward. Many of the people who came and went knew Xia Xinyu. Most of them would stop to exchange greetings. Some of them who had a good relationship would make fun of Xu Ling and ask him if he was Xia Xinyu's boyfriend, which made Xu Ling embarrassed for a long time.

After a hard time in the backyard, Xu Ling looked up and said, good guy, is this a birthday celebration or an exhibition?

In the middle of the huge backyard, there are tables full of famous people's calligraphy and paintings, or antique vases. What's more, they take out a pile of high novel books and send them out as soon as someone passes by. It's like distributing leaflets at random in the vegetable market.

"The painting style in front of me is a little hot."

Xu Ling touched his nose and couldn't bear to look directly at him. Especially when a bald old man was pulling him to introduce his calligraphy, he was embarrassed and speechless.

"Take it easy. These old men are just like this. They usually spend their days in research institutes dealing with a lot of ancient books and antiques. How can they not indulge when they are able to participate in many parties?"

Xia Xinyu hands an apple to Xu Ling with a smile. "Come on, eat an apple and you'll be shocked."

Xu Ling shook his head helplessly and sat down in a quiet place. He was not familiar with all these old men, and he was not interested in celebrities' calligraphy and paintings. So he had to stay in the corner, drink tea and be a melon seed eater.

Xia Xinyu ran to her master, Liu Jinchuan, a professor of history.

At this time, Liu Jinchuan is talking with a group of bald old men, burst out hearty laughter from time to time, which is no different from the young and vigorous young man.

These old scholars are very strong.

Liu Jinchuan saw Xia Xinyu in strong clothes from a distance, and a kind smile suddenly appeared on his face. He took the initiative to wave, "come on, girl, let master have a look. Are you busy and thin recently?"

Xia Xinyu steps forward quickly. After greeting the old scholars, she cleverly moves a Mazha and sits next to master Liu Jinchuan.

Liu Jinchuan looked up and down at Xia Xinyu and said with a satisfied smile, "I'm not thin, and I'm a little fat. It seems that the canteen of your radio station has strengthened food in recent days."

Xia Xinyu pouted her lips like a little girl, "it's not fat, it's wisdom expanding!"

"Ha ha, that's a good answer. Miss Xia really has a sharp mouth."

"Well, well, well, it's a wise saying."

"Miss Xia is still so smart. Old man Liu, you precious apprentice, but you envy me."

"Ha ha, Miss Xia, this old man Liu has no culture. Sometimes he doesn't speak well. Why do you think he is a master? Well, I'm short of an apprentice. Why don't we get together?"

A group of old scholars narrowed their eyes and said with a smile that everyone envied Liu Jinchuan for having such an excellent apprentice as Xia Xinyu.

Liu Jinchuan is more directly happy to bloom, "you, want to pry away my old Liu's apprentice, it is wishful thinking, Xinyu this girl will be with me for life, you don't want to get involved."

Xia Xinyu nodded with a smile, "yes, I'm sure I won't leave the teacher." At this point, she suddenly winked playfully, "unless the teachers take me to eat delicious food every week."

"You girl, you are still a foodie." Liu Jinchuan said with a smile.

Xia Xinyu spits out her tongue playfully. After chatting with a group of old scholars for a while, she is about to find an excuse to invite Liu Jinchuan to a nearby corner to talk about smashing the court. At this time, there is a commotion outside the door, and then a group of people rush into the backyard.

"Ha ha, Lao Liu, if you don't tell us your birthday, my brothers almost missed it. You're not authentic. "

The old man in Tang costume, the leader of the group, came forward quickly, took Liu Jinchuan by the hand and reproached the strange way discontentedly.

"It's not a birthday. It's just a little gathering of old friends. I don't dare to disturb brother song." Liu Jinchuan explained with a smile.

"Lao Liu, you said that. Can't I be your good friend?"

Song Shiren is not forgiving, and he continues to make mistakes.

Liu Jinchuan waved his hand in a hurry, "it's nothing. It's just that brother song, as the chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association, manages everything every day. I'm afraid you can't spare time to attend our party."

"If not, I'm the most idle one in the association." Song Shiren pointed to a group of people behind him, "come on, Lao Liu, let me introduce you to the young talents of the Writers Association."

At this time, Xia Xinyu had already come to Xu Ling's side, and when she saw the master and song Shiren exchanging greetings for a long time, she could not help humming coldly, "false benevolence and false righteousness."

Xu Ling spat the melon seed shell in her mouth on the ground and said, "don't you speak ill of your master behind your back?"

"..." Xia Xinyu gave him a blank look. "What's the look? I'm talking about the guy named song."

Xu Ling said curiously, "why, did he provoke you?"

Xia Xinyu nodded, "because I'm the chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association, I stink. I often embarrass the people of our literature association. I'm a hateful guy. If I were a master, I would ignore this smiling tiger."

Xu Ling smell speech, eyes a bright, quickly grabbed a melon seeds, into the pocket.

"What are you doing?" Xia Xinyu puzzled to ask, "not enough to eat here, but also ready to take back?"

Xu Ling shook his head, "I have a hunch that there will be a good play later, so I'll order in advance. Sit back and eat melons. "

Xia Xinyu

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