One after another, some people arrived at this antique restaurant, but after many people came, they just exchanged greetings. After leaving the gifts, they hurried back.

The last people who stayed were just two groups of people from the provincial Literature Association and the Provincial Writers' Association.

Xu Ling was eating melon seeds leisurely. His eyes wandered back and forth on the two groups of people from time to time, and he could not help but smile.

"Ha ha, a bunch of hypocritical guys."

When Xu Ling was a melon eater, he learned from many passers-by that the people of the provincial Literature Association and the Provincial Writers' Association were not so friendly on the surface. They fought fiercely on weekdays. They all wanted each other's Association to be dissolved tomorrow.

In particular, Liu Jinchuan and song Shiren, who were brought up by a master in the past, are fighting openly and secretly. Moreover, they are now working in two different associations, and the fighting is in full swing.

It can be seen from the prickly scene when they meet that if they change their ordinary identity, and then they are a few decades younger, they will definitely find a spacious place to have a good fight.

Move your hands. Never make a noise.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

All of a sudden, song Shiren came to the center of the scene with a loud voice. He didn't know that he was in his prime of life just by his voice.

Although the people of the provincial literature do not like to see the smiling tiger chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association, they still give face more or less on such a formal occasion. As for the people of the Provincial Writers' Association, needless to say, as soon as song Shiren came to the Central Committee, they just kept their mouths shut.

The scene quickly quieted down.

Song Shiren nodded his head with satisfaction and looked at Liu Jinchuan not far away. He said with a smile, "those of us who stay here are all men of letters with lofty character. They are different from the common people who came here before, no matter in realm or vision. Therefore, we have to change the way of congratulating Lao Liu's birthday. We should be different from other people and embody the special cultural exchange between literati. I propose that all of you here voluntarily divide into four groups, six in each group, and hold a competition. The content of the competition is mainly poetry, ode, couplet and couplet. The content of each round of competition is selected by drawing lots. A total of four rounds of competition will be held. Finally, the team with the best comprehensive ranking will win. The winning team will get a gift carefully prepared by me, What do you think? "

As soon as his voice fell, Liu Jinchuan stood up and echoed: "brother song, it's a good proposal. I support it with both hands. In addition, I will prepare a gift for the winning team."

Now that the two key figures have spoken, there is no reason why others here will not respond.

"This song Shiren is not old muddle headed, couplet and couplet are not the same meaning, how to still separate to compete?" Xia Xinyu murmured discontentedly.

Xu Ling gently shook his head, "of course, it's not a meaning."

Xia Xinyu is full of curiosity, "is there any difference?"

"Yes." Xu Ling nodded and explained: "now, many people call couplets or couplets on their heads, which seems to be the same thing. In fact, couplets and couplets are strictly different. Couplet, couplet, couplet and couplet, this is the inevitable form of couplet. The key point to identify couplets is whether the meaning of couplets is related, which can be positive or negative. In short, the relationship should be closer! The couplet has a positive antithesis, that is, the sentence and the antithesis are consistent in content and theme, and the logical relationship is also juxtaposed; Then there is opposition, that is, the meaning of the upper and lower couplets is opposite, which is characterized by great changes in meaning, sharp contrast, and mutual complementation. "

"Stop, stop." Xia Xinyu has no temperament to listen to Xu Ling's boasting. After impatiently interrupting, he asked, "I'm not interested in hearing you say these boring things. Just tell me, do you take part in the competition?"

Xu Ling spat out the melon seed skin in her mouth, shook her head and said, "if you don't participate, how nice it is to be a spectator who is eating fruit and having fun. Anyway, you forced me to come here today. I'm not familiar with these people. Why bother? "

"No, you have to." Xia Xinyu said firmly, "do you know what these rewards are?"

"You know?" Asked Xu Ling.

Xia Xinyu said mysteriously, "I secretly heard from my master that the gift he prepared was the authentic work of Li Mojie, a landscape poet of the Chu Dynasty. I didn't hear about song Shiren's gift, but it should be no worse than master's. There are two treasures as rewards, and the fool won't take part in it. "

"I know Wang Mojie, but Li Mojie has never heard of him." Xu Ling thought about it and asked seriously, "is his real work valuable?"

"Go, why are you so full of money?" Xia Xinyu gave him a blank look. "Please make it clear first. This is the real work of Li Mojie. Alas, there are only three pieces in the country, which are very valuable for collection. They are the treasures that many people dream of. How can they be measured by money?"

Xu Ling nodded with approval, "Oh, there are only three in the country, which is very valuable." He looked up at Xia Xinyu, who had a bad look, and asked sincerely, "you said, if you bid 100 million yuan, will anyone buy it?"

Xia Xinyu

Xu Ling tut tut mouth, and said: "look at your expression, it is estimated that the original, bid 300 million people to buy."

At this point, he asked Xia Xinyu unwittingly, "is your master old and muddled? If you don't want to sell such a valuable treasure and earn some money, even if you leave it to future generations as a family heirloom, it's a good choice. How can you think of it as an irrelevant competition? Miss Xia, are you right about what I said? "

Taking a deep breath, Xia Xinyu tried to calm her chest and explained: "this time, song Shiren took the initiative to attack. My master was forced to fight back. As for the precious gift he gave, he wanted to fight back against the current and let the people of the literary society give full play to their potential, so as to kill song Shiren and the prestige of the writers' Association. "

Xu Ling thought about it seriously and said, "well, I don't think your master is a fool. I really don't wronged him. He's old. How can he still learn from other people's children? It's not easy at all. He just wants to win and kill each other. But once he loses, won't he lose his wife and lose his army. So, go and persuade your master to stop being angry and sell me this authentic work. I'll give you a million yuan. What do you think? "

Xia Xinyu's face was livid. For a long time, she squeezed out a word between her lips and teeth

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