After all, Xu Ling failed to convince Xia Xinyu, so he could only watch Liu Jinchuan bring out the original Li Mojie, which is worth several hundred million yuan, as the color of the competition.

"Hey, are you going to join or not?" Xia Xinyu asked again.

Xu Ling did not answer, squatting in the corner, silently drawing circles with branches.

A gust of cool wind blowing, there are dead leaves swirling down, will set off the picture particularly desolate.

Xia Xinyu couldn't bear to ask: "isn't it an authentic work of Li Mojie, as for the heartache like this?"

Xu lingdun, whispered, "can sell a lot of money." Then he continued to draw circles with the branches.

Xia Xinyu helplessly helped the forehead, "if you really want to get the authentic painting, go directly to participate, as long as your team can win."

Xu Ling raised his head fiercely, and there was a flash of light in his dark star eyes. He threw out the branch in his hand and ran to the center of the field.

"Hey, slow down. Wait for me Xia Xinyu is following closely, Jiao shouts.

Full of money in mind, oh no, Xu Ling, who is the real work of Li Mojie, can't take care of Xia Xinyu and runs to song Shiren to sign up for the competition as soon as possible.

Song Shiren looked at the young man in front of him and asked with a smile, "young man, do you think he is a new recruit from the literature society

Xu Ling thought about it, nodded and said, "I think so."

Song Shiren nodded slightly and asked, "what about your team? The minimum requirement for our competition is to form a team of six."

"Well, I don't have a team. Can't I just be alone?" Xu Ling thought about it and asked.

Song Shiren shook his head and said with a smile, "it's not a one-man game. Well, one of my team has something to leave temporarily. Would you like to make it up?"

Xu Ling wanted to refuse, but song Shiren took the lead and said, "don't think too much, young man. This competition is just a show for fun. I'll tell Lao Liu that it's absolutely no problem for you to join our team. No one will embarrass you afterwards. What's more, the members of my team are all the best writers from the Provincial Writers' Association and even the whole province. After you join, you don't need to go on the stage at all. Just cheer up. The honor of winning is yours, of course

Hehe, I'm the one who wants to win the grand prize alone. How can I follow you and just shout "666"?

As for the honor of winning, it's just a false name. How can you give a few thousand yuan to be true?

Xu Ling muttered to himself, but he didn't say it on his face. He just said with a shy smile, "thank you for the kindness of chairman song. However, my literary literacy is relatively low, so I won't join your team, so I don't have to drag my feet."

Song Shiren took a serious look at Xu Ling, and saw his face full of resolute color, but he didn't force any more, "in this case, I don't force either. As for registration, I don't need to. Anyway, you only have five teams. "

Xu Ling nodded, "thank you."

Song Shiren thought about it and said, "do you really plan to form a team by yourself? There are four rounds of competitions, and the content of the competition is also wide-ranging. Do you want to add a team? "

Xu Ling waved his hand with a smile, "you said before, the game is just for fun, so it's not important to win or lose, I'm a team, very good."

"Nonsense, you are afraid of having teammates compete with you for prizes. If one person wins, he can take it alone."

Xia Xinyu didn't know where to come from, with a look of indignation.

Hearing this, song Shiren looks at Xu Ling in surprise.

Xu Ling's face was red, and he quibble, "what's there?" Not to mention that my team has only one person, but only my personal level, how can I compare with these literary masters? "

When Xu Ling stepped forward, he stared at Xia Xinyu and asked with a smile, "do you think chairman song's literary level is not as good as mine?"

"This..." Xia Xinyu embarrassed Leng in situ, don't know how to speak refutation.

What Xu Ling said is true. Song Shiren and others are people with high literary literacy and profound life experience. Xu Ling, a boy in his early twenties, wants literary literacy without literacy and experience without experience. What can he compare?

Yeah, what's the comparison?

Xia Xinyu asked himself, but he couldn't answer.

She takes a serious look at Xu Ling and is quite sure that the reason why this guy forms a team by himself is because he wants to take the reward alone.

But does he have the strength?

It's a fool's dream to pick a few people and be a giant in the literary world.

As a result, Xia Xinyu can not help but fall into contradiction.

Song Shiren can see clearly from one side that he certainly doesn't believe that this young guy in front of him will win the championship by himself, so why not let him form a team?

"No way." Although Xia Xinyu has not yet figured out how Xu Ling can win, she still wants to stop this guy from taking rewards alone. "I have to join your team."

"Aunt, can you stop it?" Xu Ling helplessly helped his forehead. He didn't want Xia Xinyu to step in and spoil his good deeds. "Aren't you already in your master's team? What are you doing with me?"

Hum, if you want to get rid of me, you can enjoy the reward alone.

"I'll just go back." Xia Xinyu said, "anyway, I'll form a team with you, whether you agree or not."

Xu Ling can't laugh or cry, "aunt, don't take you so unreasonable."

"I'm unreasonable. What can you do for me?" In order to stop Xu Ling's dirty ideas, Xia Xinyu does not hesitate to directly play a rogue, "don't forget, I'm your leader. If you offend me, I'm not afraid to give you small shoes when I work in the future?"


Can Xu Ling bear such a blatant threat?

Of course not.

I don't think Xu Ling will compete.

Get out of here.

Will never agree to Xia Xinyu's unreasonable request.

Determined Xu Ling grinned at Song Shiren, "Chairman song, can I add another person to my team?"

At this time, Xu Ling's mood is just like Wang Jingze's general appearance.

How delicious!

Xia Xinyu, who asked to be satisfied, was smiling. She patted the dejected Xu Ling on the shoulder and comforted her: "don't worry, if I join your team, I can't say that I will win the final championship, but I won't fall at the bottom of the ranking. You just steal the fun. "

Xu Ling shook and said seriously, "I'm afraid you'll drag me down."

"What did you say?" Xia Xinyu was displeased, "you greedy guy, don't you really want to win the championship and take the reward alone?"

"Ha ha, how can it be? How can I have that ability?" Xu Ling waved his hand teasingly, and after a pause, he said: "if, I say if, our team can win the championship, the honor belongs to you and the reward belongs to me, how about that? I know that you literati are the most proud and famous. You don't pay attention to some worldly things at all. "

Xia Xinyu waved powder fist, "don't think about it!"

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