Xu Ling has nothing to explain, so he tells Yun Zhongjie to go to the radio station at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and take him to the roadside to take a taxi.

After coming back, he also told Wu Qinglian about sun Jiaman's situation.

This is Xu Ling's apartment, so Wu Qinglian naturally won't have any objection. Moreover, after Li Ziqian left, the room was empty, so it's better to help others.

In sun Jiaman's opinion, Wu Qinglian, whom Xu Ling called sister Wu, was the owner of the house. So after getting Wu Qinglian's approval, sun Jiaman quickly came up and grabbed Wu Qinglian's hand and cried out, "thank you, sister Wu! Thank you, sister Wu

Wu Qinglian also had no choice but to smile

"Mr. Xu Ling, can I go to the radio station with you tonight?" After helping Wu Qinglian clean up the table, sun Jiaman comes to Xu Ling and suddenly says.

Just at the dinner table, she also knew that Xu Ling was the anchor of the late night program, so she came to ask for instructions.

"What are you doing? I'm tired after running all day. Let's have a rest early. I have to get up early tomorrow! " If it wasn't for work in the evening, Xu Ling would like to go back to the house to have a rest now, so he would naturally know sun Jiaman's feelings.

"I'd like to see how you work first. I just graduated from University, and I don't have any work experience. I'm afraid that when I go tomorrow, it's too strange and I'll disgrace you." In the face of Xu Ling's persuasion, sun Jiaman did not give up his idea, but continued to explain.

Looking at the timid girl in front of her, Xu Ling is also pitiful. Just imagine a young girl who has just graduated and has not yet felt the warmth of society. When she comes to a new city, she is cheated to be penniless and even can't go back home.

Now, although I have found the job I have been pursuing all the way, I feel afraid because I have no experience.

Of course, this is also a common feeling of college students who have just graduated.

Xu Ling remembers that when she was just born, she had the same feeling. However, her experience was not as miserable as sun Jiaman's.

Although considering sun Jiaman's physical condition, Xu Ling would like to continue to refuse her offer, but a pair of her extremely expectant and even begging eyes

"OK, I'll come back as soon as possible after the program. Let's have a general understanding first. I'll take you around tomorrow!" Xu Ling finally told a, agreed to the request of sun Jiaman.

Sun Jiaman naturally nodded, as long as Xu Ling could agree with her in the past, it would have been thank God.

After a short rest at home, Wu Qinglian coaxed Xiao Bao to sleep. They got into Xu Ling's car and went to the radio station.

In order to let Sun Jiaman know more about the radio station, Xu Ling went very early this time.

During this period, there was no Jiangshan in the office, and there was no recruitment for the column group. It happened that Jiangshan's seat would be given to sun Jiaman.

"Yo, Xu Ling, I find that you bring a girl every three to five? Who is your lovely little sister this time? " Sitting behind Xu Ling, Li Shengxian looks at Sun Jiaman and asks Xu Ling.

With the rise of entertainment programs and the addition of all kinds of good things recently, Li Shengxian, who had been crying a few weeks ago, was like a new man.

Lee Seunghyun as like as two peas in the original machine is the same as Jiangshan's weight loss. The expression of his mouth and his beating is just like that of Jiangshan.

"What? I don't know. Don't talk nonsense. She's sun Jiaman, and then your colleague! " Xu Ling immediately cast a white eye at Li Shengxian, and then introduced him.

As soon as I heard that it was my colleagues, the big guys gathered around and left it to sun Jiaman to say hello cordially.

"Did she come to take over Jiang pangzi's program, but she didn't hear that Jiang pangzi was going to leave the program?" Li Shengxian thought a lot and immediately frowned and analyzed it.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go? Sun Jiaman doesn't know the work flow of the anchor yet. I want to ask you to teach her about this, OK? "

"Hi! You see what you said, please. Isn't that all in one sentence? Just give it to me and promise to arrange it for her... No, it's learned and clear! " As soon as Li Shengxian patted his chest, he spoke in a loud voice.

The boy wanted to chat up with sun Jiaman just now, but he had no excuse. Xu Ling just gave him such a suitable opportunity.

After assuring Xu Ling, he immediately turned his attention to sun Jiaman, "come on, sister, I'll take you to my live studio first, and by the way, I'll introduce the usage of various devices."

Li Shengxian originally came from the northeast, and this meeting was so excited that he directly integrated his hometown dialect. This kind of tone naturally brought with it a sense of joy, which almost made sun Jiaman laugh.

Out of politeness, Li Shengxian finally held back, nodded and followed Li Shengxian to the studio.

In addition to Xu Ling's good relationship with Li Shengxian, Li Shengxian's elegant appearance with glasses has made a great contribution.

Seeing sun Jiaman and Li Shengxian leave, Xu Ling is busy with her own affairs. She has been running around all day with sun Jiaman to deal with things, but she is not ready for everything.

Fortunately, last night was almost done, and today came so early, so Xu Ling was not in a hurry.

Calm down to deal with, not a moment, Xu Ling stretched a waist, a long sigh of relief.

"Ah, Xu Ling, Jiang Shan came to see you just now. I didn't disturb you when you were busy. I'll go to see him when you are finished!" Xu Ling's stretching action was immediately caught by one of his colleagues. Maybe this is the landmark action for Xu Ling to complete the work at hand.

So the colleague immediately told Xu Ling.

"Jiangshan?" Xu Ling was a little stunned. She didn't expect that she was too selfless in her work. She didn't even pay attention to Jiang Shan's coming. And Jiang Shan really knew himself. She didn't disturb her when she was looking for something. She also asked someone to pass on a message.

"Well, you go quickly. It seems that he is quite worried." The colleague then emphasized.

Xu Ling immediately nodded and walked quickly to Jiangshan's office.

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