After he Jianhua left here, Wu Qinglian was fully responsible for all matters in the column group.

As for Jiang Shan, as deputy editor in chief, because he just took this position, he is not familiar with all kinds of things, so he has been studying under the guidance of Wu Qinglian these days.

Xu Ling hasn't seen Jiangshan for a long time. He suddenly wants to find himself. There must be something wrong.

"Buckle, buckle!"

At the door of the office, Xu Ling knocked on the door first. Although Jiang Shan was his former friend, the other party was already deputy editor in chief, so the basic courtesy still had to be there.

"Come in, please Jiangshan's voice, although only two words, can be heard from the tone, less original hippy and casual, more calm and serious.

I have to say that Wu Qinglian's guidance was quite adequate.

"Vice editor Jiang, are you looking for me?" Open the door to enter, Xu Ling immediately asked.

Seeing that the visitor was Xu Ling, Jiangshan immediately stood up from his seat to greet him, with a smile on his face, "Hi, what do you call that? That's what you call me, isn't it? Just call me Jiangshan as usual! "

"Hey, this newly trained deputy editor in chief looks like a second to break the Gong?" Looking at the mountain, Xu Ling immediately began to laugh.

"Xu Ling, I haven't seen you for a few days. Did you bury me as soon as we met? It's not for other people! " Jiangshan immediately complained to Xu Ling.

"Ha ha ha, I'm joking." Jiang Shan had a little bit of helplessness, so Xu Ling stopped joking. Then he patted each other on the shoulder and said, "you know, I haven't seen you for a few days?"

"Ah ~" when he said that, Jiang Shan could not help sighing, "I've been listening to editor in chief Wu's guidance these days. After that, I still need to see the column group rules given by the director, but I'm so busy!"

"Ha ha, is it so easy to be a deputy editor? Besides, I'm afraid there are not many of you in the whole radio station when you are so young to be deputy editor in chief Listen to Jiangshan's complaint, Xu Ling is also a voice to comfort up.

"That's true!" Jiangshan's expression changed. He replied with a smile that he was tired and even a little happy.

"Your boy..." the expression of Jiangshan expression is fast, let Xu Ling do not know how to make complaints about it.

Shaking his head, Xu Ling took back the feeling of ridicule, and then asked, "well, don't pull these, so many days are not free, now you call me to what?"

"Oh, right, right..." Jiang Shan got Xu Ling's reminder and immediately patted his head and went to his desk.

Together with this goods patronize and Xu Ling chat Sao, unexpectedly even oneself recruit people to come over purpose all forget.

"The director said that he wanted to make an advertisement for your new column, but he didn't understand the connotation of your column, so he wanted you to do it yourself!" As he said this, he came back to Xu Ling and handed over some pieces of paper.

Above is the advertising plan of the talk show section.

Looking at the conspicuous headline on the paper, Xu Ling remembered that although she had given the column planning book to the director, she did not even think about the column name, let alone the advertisement.

As for advertising, it's usually solved by the advertising company in the TV station.

As for why he came back to Xu Ling to do it himself, it's all because after the radio station and the advertising agency said it, the other side directly looked confused.

After asking about all the advertising plans in the company, it turns out that no one knows the field of talk shows.

For the unknown field, advertising companies generally do not go to pick up, if the donkey lip is not the horse mouth, it is simply to their company's reputation dark things.

So turn over and over, this matter again fell on the head of Xu Ling.

"Well, I see. I'll make it as soon as possible." Nodding, Xu Ling took over the plan.

In fact, Xu Ling is still a little lucky to let herself do the advertising. After all, it's all a matter of self planning. Naturally, it's the best thing for her to do the advertising.

"That... There is one more thing to inform you," although Xu Ling took over the plan and should come down this matter, but Jianshan showed an embarrassed expression and said weakly.

"Anything else?" From the expression on Jiangshan's face, Xu Ling smelled a bad smell.

"You don't have to say anything as soon as possible, the director said. Before you come to work the day after tomorrow, you have to make the advertising audio and hand it to her office in person." Jiangshan himself feels that this is a very difficult task. After all, it takes a week for the advertising company to complete this task!

In any case, it's the director's order. No matter how difficult it is, Jiangshan still has to inform Xu Ling.

Well, that's it! Xu Ling didn't have the slightest emotion fluctuation. He just wondered if the director didn't say the time when he explained this matter?

Just after thinking about it, Jiang Shan said the time limit.

"Oh, I see!" Xu Ling, who has been squeezed working hours so severely for several times, is used to it. She sighs a little and agrees again.

"Ah, by the way, Jiangshan, these things should be told by sister Wu every time. How did the director ask you to inform me this time?" When Xu Ling agreed with the director, she suddenly thought of the situation on this side of Jiangshan. Even though she was puzzled, she asked.

"Editor in chief Wu has been arranging time for your column these days, and the director knows that she is not free, so he handed these trivial matters to me. Why didn't editor in chief Wu tell you?" Xu Ling asked, but it made Jiangshan a little strange.

"Schedule my show?" Xu Ling doesn't know much about this. She has been busy preparing for the column these two days.

For broadcast time or something, I really didn't consider it.

"Ha ha, the director is really clever. She knows that you certainly don't know anything about it, so she handed it over to editor in chief Wu. After all, it's about the whole Taiwan, so everyone is involved." Jiang Shan explained to Xu Ling with a smile.

"The whole station is involved!" Xu Ling couldn't help exclaiming. Now he suddenly understood why Zhu Xu was so friendly to him.

Although part of the reason is Wang Hui's downfall, he is still the editor in chief at least, and his attitude towards Xu Ling during the day is totally different from that of an ordinary staff member.

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