All of a sudden, Xu Ling felt like the hope of the whole village. An unknown pressure suddenly came on her.

He didn't expect that the director should attach so much importance to this matter, far beyond his imagination.

Originally, Xu Ling just thought that he was just the experimental object selected by the director. Now, I'm afraid that's not the case.

Now Xu Ling even feels that she is a bit of a rare commodity.

"It's hard for you After thinking for a moment, Xu Ling took back his mind and said to Jiang Shan sincerely.

"Ha ha, I haven't helped you much. If you want to thank editor in chief Wu and deputy director he, they can help you the most." Jiangshan immediately waved his hand with a smile.

"Next time I'll thank them from all walks of life!" Xu Ling nodded and said the same thing.

"But now your task is so tight, can you do the advertisement in two days?" Jiangshan can't help but ask the question in his heart.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. The task has come down." Xu Ling had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"I can't. I'll tell the director that I can do it in such a short time. Don't ruin my body." Jiangshan seems a little worried. He didn't know about Xu Ling at the beginning. Today, after receiving the notice, he finally understood that Xu Ling's preparation progress was so urgent!

"Forget it, I'll work hard, I should be able to finish it." Listening to Jiang Shan's words, Xu Ling knows that this elder brother hasn't had much contact with a director. If he can have deep communication, he must know that it's impossible to change his decision according to the director's character.

"It really doesn't matter?" Jiang Shan was still a little suspicious. He thought Xu Ling was trying to show off his ability. "If you can't hold on, just tell me. I'll explain the situation to the director. I should be able to give you two more days off!"

Jiangshan said with confidence, although Xu Ling knew that even if he really said it would not have any effect, he was still moved.

"Thank you!" Xu Ling once again said thanks. This time, he made a special trip to Jiangshan.

"Who are you and me? If you have any difficulties, just tell me. It's not polite to say thank you! " Jiangshan immediately patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and said something like reproach.

Speaking of this, Xu Ling couldn't say anything more. She nodded and responded with a smile.

"Ha ha, well, I'm going to talk to you about it. Now that I've finished talking about it, you can go and do it quickly." After getting Xu Ling's affirmation, Jiang Shan said again, and then he went to his desk. There must be a lot of things left to deal with.

When Xu Ling returns to the office, Li Shengxian and sun Jiaman have already come back. At this meeting, they are gathering on Xu Ling's seat and discussing something in a low voice.

"How's it going? Have you learned? " When Xu Ling comes over, Lang Sheng asks sun Jiaman.

They are so absorbed in their conversation that they don't notice Xu Ling coming. Suddenly, a voice comes, which frightens them.

"What are you two talking about so much?" Looking at their appearance, Xu Ling couldn't help laughing, revealing a taste of gossip in her eyes.

"Ah! Mr. Xu Ling is not Sun Jiaman immediately caught the strange information from Xu Ling's eyes. At this time, he quickly waved his hand to deny it. "Teacher Li Shengxian is giving me something to pay attention to when I am a popular program anchor!"

"Yes, yes, I'm telling Jiaman something important. What's the matter with you all of a sudden?" Li Shengxian is very dissatisfied with Xu Ling's coming, as if he has broken his good plan.

"Oh, I don't interrupt. You go on. I'll just sit in the seat of Li Shengxian." With a smile, Xu Ling bypassed her seat.

"Mr. Xu Ling!" Feeling that Xu Ling didn't believe himself, sun Jiaman called anxiously and wanted to continue to explain.

"Study, study is important." Xu Ling immediately waved her hand and interrupted sun Jiaman's explanation.

"Leave him alone, this guy is just teasing us!" Li Shengxian is quite aware of Xu Ling's behavior, quickly explained to sun Jiaman.

Then, after sun Jiaman nodded thoughtfully, he thought a little and asked awkwardly, "where did we say just now?"

When Xu Ling heard this, she almost didn't choke on her own saliva. She was so nervous that she forgot what she said and insisted that she didn't say anything else?

Isn't this the best proof that there is a ghost in your heart?

Slightly shook his head, Xu Ling is no longer in charge of that side, sun Jiaman is just his own staff, he also can't manage other people's private life.

After teasing, Xu Ling calmed down and began to think about her own affairs.

The most important thing at the moment must be the advertisement plan in hand.

He was also involved in a field he was not familiar with. Xu Lingyi could not help but feel some distress for a while.

Speaking of advertising design, although Xu Ling is a layman, he knows something about it. First of all, the most important point is advertising effect.

And radio advertising and television is not the same, television can also be through visual effects to add points for the entire advertising, but the radio is only relying on sound to solve these things!

Among them, the most important thing is to write excellent advertising copy.

If the copywriting is not good, even if your voice is good enough, in other people's eyes, this advertisement is rubbish.

At the same time, when doing these things, we should also highlight innovation, especially for columns like Xu Ling that have never appeared before. How can people remember that this is the most important part of advertising.

This requires a long time of experience, which is the main reason why advertising companies refuse to produce this column advertisement.

Because I have never done this kind of thing before, let alone have any experience.

Now this matter falls on Xu Ling, although he is full of promise, but to tell the truth, his heart has no bottom.

"Mr. Xu Ling, what are you looking at? Why are you so sad? " However, when Xu Ling was still entangled in this matter, a voice of concern suddenly came from his side.

When Xu Ling looks up, sun Jiaman stares at Xu and says something worried.

"It's OK. It's just a small advertisement. It's nothing serious. " Although he is very tangled, but for this matter, Xu Ling still maintained a very relaxed thing.

"Advertising?" Sun Jiaman showed a very surprised expression, "I am very good at advertising. My major in university is advertising marketing."

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