"You're serious!" Xu Ling listen to words, is also very accident, flurried out a voice to confirm again.

Without hesitation, sun Jiaman nodded. In order to convince Xu Ling, she rummaged through the bag she was carrying and took out a student ID card

The student ID card can't deceive people. On the ID card, it's really sun Jiaman's name and photo. Moreover, in the professional column, it's brightly written with four words - advertising marketing!

Xu Ling has never been to Communication University, so I really don't know the existence of this major. Now I see it, I've got a lot of insight.

Advertising marketing, that and the production of advertising is not the same? In this way, isn't it a huge welfare for what we have to face now? Xu Ling couldn't help getting excited.

However, Xu Ling thought of a serious problem.

Although sun Jiaman's major is advertising and marketing, it's the content of his study. I don't know if he has ever practiced it himself!

Thinking about this, Xu Ling couldn't help asking, "did you advertise in school?"

"Mr. Xu Ling, aren't you teasing me? I study advertising marketing. What do I do without advertising in school? There must be some! " Sun Jiaman explains helplessly, as if feeling Xu Ling's suspicion of her.

"Oh, that's good. That's good. Hahaha, you can see how to do this?" Sun Jiaman affirmed it one by one. Xu Ling was also full of confidence and immediately said it happily.

At the same time, he handed over the plan in his hand.

For those who study in this field, the plan is also very common.

Just now I had a glance around Xu Ling. I only knew it was an advertisement, but I didn't look at it carefully.

This meeting, sun Jiaman carefully observed the above content, immediately showed a smile of understanding.

The smile was immediately caught by Xu Ling, and he immediately asked, "how about it? Do you have a head

It didn't take long for sun Jiaman to get the plan and make a response. Although she was in a hurry, Xu Ling saw that the other party had a relaxed smile, so she immediately asked.

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu Ling, this advertising plan really hit the muzzle of the gun!" Hearing Xu Ling ask himself, sun Jiaman raises her head and smiles even more.

"What do you mean by..." Xu Ling's words are a little confused.

"Do you forget, Mr. Xu Ling? I told you during the interview that I had founded a talk show club when I was in University..." Sun Jiaman saw that Xu Ling was puzzled and immediately said it again. At last, he wanted to talk but stopped, as if he was guiding Xu Ling to think about this aspect.

"Can't you say..." Sun Jiaman is so persuasive that Xu Ling can't understand it any more, then he's really stupid and not worthy to be editor in chief.

Xu Ling showed a sudden realization of the expression, let Sun Jiaman is also quite, this meeting she immediately hands chest, smile nodded, "at that time, I had made a very successful advertisement for my club, at that time, I relied on that advertisement, also won the school scholarship!"

Since he is the founder of talk show in this world and also engaged in advertising marketing, it is definitely necessary to advertise for this program.

Xu Ling also thought of this, but what surprised him was that sun Jiaman's advertisement had such a big origin.

"Do you have any advertising copy? Let me see! " This meeting, Xu Ling finally can't suppress the excitement in his heart, and asks sun Jiaman.

"Yes, there are, but they are all in the box. I can't show them to you now." Sun Jiaman didn't expect Xu Ling to be so worried, so she immediately replied awkwardly.

"Oh, that's OK. I'll be able to watch it when I go back after the show." Xu Ling could not help but get a long face. He was obviously aware of the situation.

How can other people take their works with them all day long? Besides, it's not an important assignment. It's just an advertisement based on their own ideas. Although they have won the scholarship, they don't want to take it with them to show off.

"Oh, by the way, is there any advertising source file?" If you want to see the complete one-stop form, after all, if you do it well, you can really use it directly. After all, it's a work recognized by the school!

"All of them!" Sun Jiaman nodded and said with great certainty.

It's really like sun Zhongmou to give birth to a son. Sun Jiaman must be recruited to recruit people!

Such an urgent problem has come up with such a clever plan. If the other party were not a girl, considering the problem of incompatibility between men and women, Xu Ling really wanted to hold her and kiss her.

It's just in time!

"Jiaman, I didn't expect that you just came into the column group and made such a great contribution. I want to reward you!" It was such a troublesome thing that sun Jiaman broke it. How can Xu Ling not be happy?

"Reward?" Sun Jiaman really didn't expect that he could make Xu Ling react so much when he mentioned it casually, so he just repeated Xu Ling's words in a daze, but didn't react for a moment.

"Yes, reward! What do you want? " When dealing with employees, there should be clear rewards and punishments.

Xu Ling is also from the general staff, he naturally know what kind of boss is loved by employees.

For example, Xu Ling's former boss is a modern version of Huang Shiren. He is often scolded by himself and his colleagues behind his back.

Also because of this, led to the staff's work enthusiasm is not high, go slow what is more normal.

"I... I want to buy a cell phone." Xu Ling once again with a very confirmed tone to sun Jiaman said, the girl thought for a moment, then timidly said.

"OK, no problem. We'll buy it tomorrow!" Xu Ling didn't even think about it, so she agreed.

"Really Sun Jiaman obviously hasn't come back, this meeting still keeps a surprise mood.

"Of course it's true!" Xu Ling nodded with a smile to make sure.


How can sun Jiaman, a new comer, be given such a good reward just after she joined the company?

"Well, if you work under me, the benefits will be much greater in the future!" Xu Ling is very proud to know.

Sun Jiaman, who had already tasted the sweetness, naturally nodded happily. He had not recovered from the joy he had just had.

"Editor Xu, how about a whole cell phone for me?" Li Shengxian has been listening to Xu Ling's conversation on the side. At this meeting, they stopped, and he broke in immediately.

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