"I didn't ask..." Xu Ling was so happy that she almost agreed to Li Shengxian's words. But as soon as the words came out, she realized that her voice didn't seem to be right, "eh?"

Then, following the voice just now, Li Shengxian was staring at himself with a smile on his face.

The look of that expectation is almost like seeing through Xu Ling.

"Who are you? Why should I buy you a mobile phone?" Xu Ling directly refused Li Shengxian's request.

"Look at you. How can you turn your back? I'm your teacher, Jiaman Li Shengxian's resentment directly brought out what he had just taught sun Jiaman.

"Teacher?" This has taught us something and changed the name.

"It's true. I don't believe you asked Jiaman!" Li Shengxian insisted on this matter, and the meeting also called a witness.

Xu Ling also immediately put his eyes on Sun Jiaman.

Sun Jiaman was slightly stunned and nodded shyly.

At the sight of sun Jiaman's appearance, Xu Ling knows that it must be Li Shengxian who has cheated sun Jiaman, a simple child.

"Go on, I don't know about you? What's the use of lying to cheat Jiaman of my family? " Xu Ling knew Li Shengxian very well, so she immediately went back with a question.

Li Shengxian shrugged his shoulders. I don't understand what you mean.

"Jiaman, what did he tell you?" Xu Ling gives a cold smile. I can't talk from you. I won't start from other aspects?

However, to Xu Ling's surprise, sun Jiaman shook his head with difficulty, and he didn't mean to talk to Xu Ling.

"Jiaman you..." Xu Ling felt very incredible, several times to this guy in the end said what, unexpectedly let has been very obedient sun Jiaman at this time chose silence.

"Hey, hey..." Sun Jiaman didn't make a sound, but Li Shengxian gave out a bad smile on one side, mixed with the appearance of mischievous success.

"Forget it, I don't care about you. My program is about to start. Jiaman, will you come with me?" Xu Ling shook his head, and did not continue to talk rubbish with Li Shengxian. After looking at the time, he told sun Jiaman.

"Go Sun Jiaman's answer is straightforward. She seems to like the atmosphere of the studio.

However, after sun Jiaman agreed, Xu Ling thought of a serious problem. Her studio seems to be different from others

"Jiaman, I said first, don't be afraid when you come to me!" Xu Ling had to give a warning first.

"Scared? Why are you afraid to go to the studio? It's such a fun place! Mr. Xu Ling, let's go quickly. Don't dawdle! " As Xu Ling expected, sun Jiaman has a strong interest in such a place as the live studio.

This will she directly regardless of Xu Ling's reminder, urging to go out of the office.

"Cough, let's go!" Looking at Sun Jiaman's appearance, Xu Ling couldn't drag on any more. He coughed twice and took the road ahead.

Two minutes later

"Ah! What a ghost? " In the middle of the night, there was a scream in the corridor of the program group.

The voice was extremely sad and shrill, which made the listeners tremble.

People can't help but follow the voice to see the past, a young girl, is sitting in the corridor, in front of her, Xu Ling is a face to comfort each other.

Seeing this scene, people were relieved, and then they went to their own business with a smile.

This girl is not the only one running out of Xu Ling's studio.

"Jiaman, don't be afraid. It's full of posters. There's no ghost in it!" Xu Ling once again emphasized this fact to sun Jiaman.

"Wu Wu Wu..." Sun Jiaman covered his ears and shook his head. This meeting started to cry.

"This..." although Xu Ling's studio has scared many people, sun Jiaman is the first one to cry.

"Mr. Xu, you go first. The program is about to start. I'll deal with sun Jiaman here!" At this time, beside Qin Yan also saw Xu Ling's embarrassment, when even shook his head to Xu Ling said.

"Xiao Qin, please do this. I'll go first!" The time of live broadcast is really coming. Xu Ling has no way to spend it here. He also reluctantly asks Qin Yan for help.

"Don't worry!" Qin Yan immediately guaranteed it.

Without delay, Xu Ling plunges into the studio and starts the program on time

When she comes out again, Qin Yan really persuades sun Jiaman to come in. This meeting is sitting beside her, but it seems that she hasn't adapted to the environment here, and her body is shivering.

"All right, it's over!" Xu Ling came over, took a picture of sun Jiaman, who was still in a daze, and said it immediately.

The girl just like to hear the news of her liberation, directly jumped up excitedly, "great! Then let's go quickly, don't stay

"Well... Good." Xu Ling smiles bitterly. How much this girl hates her own studio.

"Ah, by the way, Xiao Qin, how did the audience react this time?" Xu Linggang was about to go out when he suddenly remembered that there was another thing he didn't ask, so he turned around and asked.

"It's not bad, it's almost the same as before," Qin Yan nodded, gave Xu Ling a positive answer, and then suddenly remembered something, "by the way, Mr. Xu, the mysterious man called again and said that he wanted you to go to Guangling District of Kyoto."

"Or the voice of that man?" Originally heard that everything was normal, Xu Ling was ready to go, but Qin Yan's next sentence asked him to stop and ask.

"Yes, that hoarse voice is easy to recognize." Sun Jiaman nodded and said to Xu Ling.

"Yes, I see." Xu Ling is a little dignified. Recently, this person has been calling more and more frequently.

The key is to use different numbers every time, which makes it impossible to prevent.

Since the first time I sent a letter to Xu Ling, the mysterious man disappeared for a long time.

But this week, I don't know what happened, but it appeared again. This time, the tone was not like the previous attitude of discussion, but gradually appeared a sense of threat!

This time, Xu Ling was directly asked to go to the designated place. In addition to being bored, Xu Ling was still curious.

To tell you the truth, it's strange that I've been harassed by the same person for such a long time, and what I'm saying is that mysterious tone.

"Mr. Xu Ling, who is that person you are talking about?" When she went home from the radio station, sun Jiaman couldn't help being curious and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. There are more people listening to the program. There will always be some strange people." Xu Ling shook his head and explained casually.

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