Xu Ling asked with a smile: "three teachers, have I passed this level?"

Liu Xia thought for a while and finally nodded.

Such a wonderful word, even if he wanted to be embarrassed, he could not find an excuse.

Wang Guoqing glared at Xu Ling fiercely, turned his head to pity Wu Qing and said, "teacher Wu, it's your turn to set the topic."

Wu Qinglian waved his hand, "I appreciate this boy very much, so I won't embarrass him. I gave it directly."

"It's... it's not in line with the rules." Wang Guoqing was stunned at first, and then strongly opposed, "Mr. Wu, this guy has not given less trouble to the leaders in Taiwan before, and what he has done before is already a serious violation of the rules. We can't have such a person!"

Wu Qinglian said, "Mr. Wang, the matter is over. We should look forward. What's more, when he came back to Taiwan to apply for a job again, he must have realized his mistake and wanted to reform. What's more, he's quite different from before. He's a talent that can be shaped. Let's recruit him to the stage. It's not a good thing to kill two birds with one stone

"But even if we pass this kind of person, which column group dares to ask him, not afraid that he will destroy the whole column!"

"No column wants Xu Ling, I want it!" Wu Qinglian snorted and waved his hand.

Wang Guoqing sneered: "teacher Wu, you have to think clearly, what you do is youth program, he is a big man with poor voice, what can you do when you go to your column, only the end of the crane."

"That's my business. It's none of your business." Wu Qing pitied and patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and said, "I'll mix with you in the future. I'll cover you!"

Xu Ling grinned, "good!"

Wang Guoqing's face is very ugly to turn away, see two people make unhappy, Liu Xia wry smile, also followed.

When the two left, Wu Qinglian came to Xu Ling, stretched out a slender jade hand and said with a smile, "Xu Ling, welcome back!"

Xu Ling shook hands with her and said sincerely, "sister Wu, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will not let you down."

Near noon, Xu Ling happily returned to his residence outside the third ring road.

Although they are nominally husband and wife, they do not live together.

Chen Yunxi lives in a mansion in the center of the city, while Xu Ling lives in a duplex apartment, the only legacy left by her parents.

Opening the door, Xu Ling stretched out her arms and lay on her back on the soft big bed with a smile on her face.

He finally found a steady job.

Although the salary is not high, but no longer need to be a little white face, rely on women to survive.

Enjoy the happy life after YY, Xu Ling calls out his golden finger Xiaoya AI intelligent system.

For this golden finger, Xu Ling is still quite satisfied, this time can smoothly enter the radio work, Xiaoya credit.

Xu Ling has read some rebirth novels, in which almost all the protagonists rely on memory to reproduce classic novels, songs and even comics.

At first glance, I feel that it's a fraud, even I feel that I can do it. However, when he went through it, he found that this kind of plot is a big bug. How can ordinary people have such a strong memory? It's bullshit.

Take Xu Ling himself as an example. It's no problem for him to remember some famous songs and poems. It's impossible for him to copy all the novels with hundreds of thousands or even millions of words in the notes on Tomb robberies. Even some plots are hard to remember clearly.

Therefore, the search function of Xiaoya is a powerful helper for Xu Ling at this stage.

At the call of Xu Ling, a virtual screen that only he can see appears in the field of vision, with several options.

[function]: keyword search

[reputation]: 83

[mall]: not opened

[lottery]: not opened.

(Note: reputation can be used to activate the search function, purchase goods in the mall and draw prizes. The increase of reputation is related to the popularity, exposure, achievement, charm and popularity of the host.)

Xu Ling glanced at the reputation value with tears in his eyes.

At first, there were more than 500 prestige values, but in the twinkling of an eye, there were only two figures left.

Then, Xu Ling looked at the details of reputation consumption.

"Turn on the search function, consume 100 reputation points; Download song [a smile from the sea] consumes 150 reputation points. "

"Turn on the search function, consume 100 reputation points; Download the poem "linjiangxian" and consume 100 reputation points. "

It's really expensive to turn on the search function.

Xu Ling felt his wallet for the lack of reputation.

It's shriveled and has little money.

Mushroom, blue thin!

After lying in bed for a while, Xu Ling turned over, went to the computer desk and sat down.

Reputation can't be improved for a while and a half, but it's easy to make some money.

Xu Ling turned on the computer and posted a notice for renting houses on the same city post bar.

Apart from the two houses used by Xu Ling, there are still three vacant rooms in this duplex apartment.

Xu Ling thinks that idle is idle anyway, so it's better to rent out, mix some rent and subsidize the household.

Now that she has decided to divorce Chen Yunxi and no longer be a little white face, Xu Ling has to make a good plan for her future life.

However, money is an indispensable factor, even crucial, in planning for a better future.

With Xu Ling's cultural level, it's only a matter of minutes to write a notice for renting a house.

After writing, Xu Ling also checked it confidently, and then hung it on the post bar.

Turning off the computer, Xu Ling took out a bucket of instant noodles and some ham sausages from the snack box - this is his lunch.

After cleaning up a bucket of instant noodles, Xu Ling lay in bed for a short while, then left home in a hurry and rushed to the radio station.

It can be seen from Wu Qinglian's dress that she is a person of vigorous and resolute conduct. Xu Ling doesn't even have time to prepare for a day at home. She passes the interview in the morning and rushes to the radio station in the afternoon to deal with her work.

"Sister Wu."

While waiting for the elevator, Xu Ling ran into her boss Wu Qinglian, so she had to miss the elevator and stop to have a chat with Wu Qinglian.

"Here comes Xiao Xu." Wu Qinglian nodded to Xu Ling.

"This morning's interview was wonderful. I didn't expect that you had such a big change after a year away from the radio station."

"I didn't understand before. I really learned a lot this year. I'd like to thank Mr. Wu for giving me this chance. Otherwise, I may not be able to come back." Xu Ling thanks very seriously.

"When you come back, do well and tell them that you have chosen the right person." Wu Qinglian patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and encouraged him.


"Come on, let's get to know your colleagues."

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