A few minutes later, Wu Qinglian leads Xu Ling to the office area of the youth radio station on the third floor. The room is very broad. There are more than 30 desks. There are men, women, old and young sitting in it. They are chatting all over the world or playing mobile games in groups. As for the people who are really busy with their work, they are very few.

When they saw the leader coming, they just stopped their work and put their eyes in the same direction.

"Good afternoon, sister Wu."

Everyone said hello warmly.

Wu Qinglian nodded slightly, patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and said, "listen to me, this young man on the left is Xu Ling, a new colleague of our column. Although he is a new colleague, he has worked in this radio station before, only in the late night column, and we don't have much contact. Welcome, everyone

The applause was not enthusiastic, even perfunctory. Some people looked at Xu Ling with doubts.

Is such a young person competent for our column?

"Oh, isn't this the last ten thousand year king of the late night program? It's said that last year was not because of some vicious event, so I went away. How come I'm back today?"

At this time, out of the crowd came a middle-aged man holding a delicate thermos cup, looking at Xu Ling jokingly.

Wu Qinglian said in a cold voice: "Zhu Xu, this is our future colleague. Please be polite."

"You're welcome? Oh, what's the point with such a rotten person? " Zhu Xu turned his eyes to Wu Qinglian and said, "sister Wu, it's not me who said you. It's getting worse and worse. We can't decide which day we're going to get rid of on the radio. And don't forget what stupid things he's done before. "

Wu Qinglian's face was gradually gloomy, and said harshly, "Zhu Xu, how to pick people is my business. It's not up to you to tell me. If you have any opinions, you can directly reflect them to the leaders above. There's no need to be sarcastic here. Who can you show your face to? "

Seeing that Wu Qinglian was angry with himself for the sake of a new man, Zhu Xu had a bad feeling in his heart. However, due to the fact that his rank was not as high as Wu Qinglian's, he had to give up.

He glared at Xu Ling and turned away.

After calming Zhu Xu, Wu Qinglian said in a loud voice: "everyone, no matter what Xu Ling looked like before, in short, what I saw at the interview was a talented and powerful young man, so please stop looking at people with old eyes, get along well with him, and make selfless contributions to the column group."


Although people are still not optimistic about Xu Ling, they still respond to Wu Qinglian's words in unison. The response was more intense than the applause,

After all, they are not stupid either. Since Wu Qinglian brought Xu Ling to meet his new colleague and did not hesitate to offend Zhu Xu for him, is it not to tell others that Xu Ling is Wu Qinglian's person?

Whoever dares to offend Xu Ling in the future will offend the leaders.

What's the good end of offending leaders?

Of course, Zhu Xu is different from ordinary employees.

He has a background and is one of the main planners of the column. It is said that he has a close relationship with the deputy director. Of course, he is not afraid of Wu Qinglian. He even seizes the opportunity and has to fight. In case the other party is defeated, he can take the opportunity to take the upper position.

"Uncle Zhang, come here!"

After they were dissolved, Wu Qinglian beckoned for an old man who looked more than 60 years old.


Zhang Wenming agreed and ran over to ask, "teacher Wu, what can I do for you?"

Wu Qinglian pointed to Xu Ling beside him and said to Zhang Wenming, "in the future, Comrade Xu will set up a team with you. You are an old man in our column and have many years of experience in the front line. It's up to you to help the younger generation."

"Miss Wu, I dare not say that. I don't have any experience. I just spend more time on the radio." With a modest smile, Zhang Wenming said, "but don't worry, I will try my best to lead Comrade Xu well and never let the leaders down."

Wu Qinglian nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Xu Ling, "this is the teacher in charge of children's stories, Zhang Wenming. You can learn from him in the future. If you don't know anything, you can ask at any time. You can adapt to the work here as soon as possible. You can't be careless."

Xu Ling nodded and respectfully called Zhang Wenming, "teacher Zhang.".

Zhang Wenming said a few words to Wu Qinglian again, and led Xu Ling to his work place with a smile to get familiar with the environment.

He said that he was familiar with the environment. In fact, he just took Xu Ling around casually, and then went back to the office area of children's program.

After they sat down, Zhang Wenming said with a smile, "Comrade Xu, I didn't sleep well at noon. You should have a rest here first."

Xu Ling shook his head, "I slept at noon, and now I'm not sleepy."

Zhang Wenming said: "then you can play mobile games, or chase drama, anyway, how comfortable to play."

Xu Lingwei: "Mr. Zhang, I'm here to work, not to provide for the aged. Don't you have any work that I can do? "

"So." Zhang Wenming thought about it and then said, "it's very good for young people to be a little energetic. Well, our column will record a sound at five o'clock. This was originally my job. Since you want to find something to do, I'll leave it to you."

Xu Ling nodded, "teacher Zhang, do not know this recording can have a manuscript?"

"Yes!" Zhang Wenming pointed to a pile of documents on the right table. "You can take any document from anywhere and read it. You can deal with it in ten minutes."

Xu Ling is not happy: "Mr. Zhang, are you perfunctorizing me, or are you perfunctorizing me in the desk? I can't deal with it by looking for a document at random!"

Zhang Wenming was not angry. He just said with a smile, "to be honest with you, Comrade Xu, I don't want to muddle along like this, but I can't help it. I've been doing this program for five or six years, and the listening rate of the previous few years is OK, but this year, the program encountered a bottleneck and has not broken through, so the listening rate continued to decline, and the monthly comments were ranked first from the bottom, I think it won't be long before this column is taken down and replaced with another new program. "

"As for you, it's too much here. Sister Wu also wants you to be familiar with the youth group. After all, you were a member of the late night column group. When the new program is on, you will be transferred directly."

Xu Ling: "but..."

Zhang Wenming also said: "because this program is aimed at children and has many restrictions, there is nothing to say. Some old stalks have long been rotten by me. You, don't worry about it. You can spend a few days here. When you go to other columns, you won't have such an easy life. "

After that, Zhang Wenming took his big teapot in his arms, closed his eyes and took a leisurely nap.

Xu Ling did not expect to return to the radio's first job, it is a bottom program.

With a helpless sigh, Xu Ling thought that no matter whether the program was taken away or not, at least it was his first job. He had to do a good job to live up to sister Wu's hard work.

Pick up the documents on the table, Xu Ling over and over again, looking at these children's stories, he has a strong impulse to curse his mother, this is what broken story, boring!

After thinking about it, Xu Ling found Zhang Wenming, "Mr. Zhang, I've read all these stories. It's really boring. Can I change the story?"

Zhang Wenming looked at Xu Ling in surprise, "change the story?"

Xu Ling nodded.

Zhang Wenming frowned, "you must have copyright in all your stories. You can't exchange them blindly, otherwise you will have to take risks."

Xu Ling confidently said: "Mr. Zhang, you can rest assured that these stories are my own original, and there can be no copyright problem."

"Your own?"

Zhang Wenming looks at Xu Ling in disbelief. He looks like he's five big and three rough. He doesn't get married and have children. He doesn't understand the children's inner thoughts. Can he write fairy tales?

However, there are not many people listening to this program. Just change it. Anyway, the copyright is OK. He is idle.

Xu Ling, who got the agreement, was very happy.

Fairy Tales?

Ha ha, that is really how many have how many!

Cinderella, snow white, ice and snow, Wizard of Oz, which one is better?

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