"Well, can you do it or not?" Xia Xinyu disgruntled and said, "if you don't have the ability, don't boast. Linjiangxian, a poem with lofty artistic conception and rich poetic flavor, can you write it as a young man? Let's talk about it. "

With a smile, Xu Ling didn't refute anything. She reached out and picked up the brush on the table and wrote down a familiar word on the paper.

It's all done in one go.

After writing, Xu Ling takes a look at it, nods with satisfaction, and then passes it to Xia Xinyu, who is waiting impatiently.

"Look, what's your song about Linjiang fairy?"

Xia Xinyu took it suspiciously and fixed her eyes on it. She only looked at the first sentence at the beginning and was surprised to say nothing.

"When the river goes to the East, the waves will be washed out, and people of all ages will be famous."

Starting with Lingyun's vigorous lifting, Baoju is powerful. The vast river and the eternal human resources will be written together.

The artistic conception is broad and broad, and the emotion is vague and deep.

Xia Xinyu's eyes are instantly attracted, and she can't help but feel excited and finish the whole poem at one go.

"When the river goes to the East, the waves will be washed away. It's a man of the past. To the west of the old fortress, humanity is Chibi, zhoulang of the Three Kingdoms. The rocks pierce the air, the waves break on the shore, and thousands of piles of snow are rolled up. Picturesque landscape, how many heroes.

As far as Gongjin was concerned, Xiaoqiao was married for the first time. Feather fan Lun towel, talk and laugh, masts and sculls fly to ashes. When you travel in your hometown, you should laugh at me, and you'll get rich hair early. Life is like a dream, and one of them is the moon on the river. "

After reading it again, Xia Xinyu still didn't want to satisfy her hunger. She read it again from the beginning. Her heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Ci is divided into two parts.

Shangque is mainly singing Chibi, xiaque is nostalgic for Zhou Yu, and nostalgic for himself, with his own feelings as the conclusion.

Mourn for the past, think about the heroes in ancient times, borrow the achievements of heroes in ancient times, and think about the setbacks they have suffered. If you can't make contributions, you can't be rewarded for your ambition, and you can express your anger.

In terms of the artistic conception of the poem, this poem is indeed a masterpiece, which is higher than the level of linjiangxian.


Xia Xinyu suddenly raises her head and stares at Xu Ling's slightly emaciated cheek. She doesn't speak for a long time. She just stares at it, as if to see the flowers.

A thousand thoughts flashed through my mind.

Can such a young man really write such a powerful poem?

Not likely.

However, it is the first time for Xia Xinyu to meet this strong and passionate poem.

If it is done by others, it will never be unknown in the history of literature, leaving a strong ink and color, which is a sure thing.

Since not, it can only be made by Xu Ling.

In this way, Xu Ling's mood is really terrible and amazing.

Although the writing in the CI is frustrated, the style is heroic, which is obviously different from the works of frustrated scholars with the same theme.

Why can't it be seen that a young man who is not in charge of human affairs really has such a complicated state of mind?

However, when Xia Xinyu thought about it, he was relieved.

Xu Ling's career as a radio host is full of twists and turns.

First, because of plagiarism, he was expelled from the radio station; Then he worked outside for more than a year and returned to Taiwan again.

But since the day he returned to the radio station, the trouble never stopped.

During the interview, the two interviewers distrust and create difficulties; After entering the post, all kinds of sarcasm from colleagues; After the achievement of the work, he was directly removed from the program and became a helper.

Along the way, Xu Ling never lived in peace.

Isn't the present situation just in line with the artistic conception expressed in and out of CI?

Thinking of this, Xia Xinyu can't help but look at Xu Ling more. It's unexpected that the young man's temperament and mind are admirable.

"Why don't you talk, dumb? Or are you shocked by my poems? "

Xu Ling asked with a smile.

For this poem named niannujiao, Xu Ling is quite confident.

Not to mention the world's unique works, it's nothing to say.

After all, this is a famous piece written by Su Dongpo, a famous poet of Song Dynasty on earth.

Xia Xinyu didn't sneer at Xu Ling this time. She nodded solemnly and said, "it's really good. The artistic conception is far-reaching and the waves are strong. It makes people feel impassioned and heroic."

"Come on, come on, there's a lot of flattery. I don't know. I thought you copied Baidu Encyclopedia. " With a smile and a wave, Xu Ling interrupts Xia Xinyu's emotion, "do you think this poem can be better than Linjiang fairy?"

Xia Xinyu nodded, "absolutely. This poem is much higher than Linjiang fairy in terms of conception and poetic conception. Of course, it's not that Linjiang fairy is not a good poem. It's just that compared with niannujiao, it's really a disgrace."

"It's a fair assessment." Xu Ling nodded slightly, "now, do you believe I wrote these two words?"

Xia Xinyu's mouth rose slightly and stirred up a bitter smile. "I really don't see that you can write such strong poems when you are young. However, what makes me most amazing is that two poems with completely different artistic conception and mood come from you at the same time. Can you tell me how you do it?"

Xu Ling smiles awkwardly and doesn't know how to answer this sharp question.

Xia Xinyu is reluctant to give up and says step by step: "do you have a double personality, or do you have a double personality?"

At this point, Xia Xinyu did not go on, leaving a meaningful smile.

In the face of fox like cunning smile, Xu Ling has a kind of shudder feeling, after the neck is also a faint cool passing, "this, that what." Xu Ling hemmed and hawed for a long time, but still couldn't find a reason to explain, so she had to change the topic.

"The first few teams have submitted the best selected works. We are the only ones left. Don't you hurry up?"

Xia Xinyu has a special look at Xu Ling, but she doesn't pursue her further. She runs to the stage with the white paper that says niannujiao.

"Hoo, that's dangerous."

Seeing Xia Xinyu leave, Xu Lingchang sighs. Fortunately, the girl doesn't continue to break the casserole. Otherwise, she really doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Did you write this word?"

In the jury, Liu Jinchuan took over the song from his apprentice Xia Xinyu, who was full of surprise.

Xia Xinyu shook his head, "it's not me. It's a colleague of mine. His name is Xu Ling."

"Xu Ling?" Liu Jinchuan frowned, "the name seems to have been heard somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while and a half."

Xia Xinyu said with a smile: "master, I usually say you are old and don't believe it. Do you believe it now? I can't remember a person's name. Who's old if you're not old? "

Liu Jinchuan

This is my apprentice, no problem!

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