All the poems submitted by the five teams have been included. They are displayed on the high platform for the judges and members to enjoy and comment.

The judges are provided by the provincial Literature Association and the Provincial Writers' Association respectively. There are four judges in total. They have good conduct and are all dignified figures in the cultural circle. They definitely can't act recklessly in favor of their own side.

In front of them, this group of old and young scholars, known as Li Dou, secretly never used mean means. This is the bottom line they always stick to, and it is also their lovability.

At least, Xu Ling thinks so.

In the warm applause, the four judges went up to the high stage to check the poems pushed by each team one by one from left to right.

The first poem was submitted by the young team of the Provincial Writers' Association. After the four judges read it carefully, they only left a sentence of "OK", without too much evaluation.

Other people followed the judges and read the poems written on the white paper carefully, with mixed praise and criticism.

"Is this poem written by Chen Yufan? I know the word. He is the pride of the young generation of the Provincial Writers' Association and the most famous poet in Beihai city. This poem is also stirring. Why did the four judges just look at it in a hurry and not write it down? "

"Well, you don't know, these four judges are famous for being picky. Xiao Chen's poetry is really good, but it's not enough to make them nod and praise. It's very good to get a good sentence."

"Tut Tut, so the younger generation has little hope of winning this game. It's up to the older generation. The poems written by Mr. Liu and chairman song are all excellent works of equal standard. I don't know which one of them will win. "

"I think chairman song is more likely to win. After all, he has been immersed in the field of poetry for decades, but Mr. Liu's research on history and literature may be inferior."

There was a lot of discussion among the onlookers. The focus was on the four teams of the Provincial Writers' Association and the provincial Literature Association. As for the teams of Xu Ling and Xia Xinyu, they were automatically included in the neglect list.

The two men's team is just a patchwork, and Xu Ling and Xia Xinyu are unknown young people. Who will pay attention to them?

During the public discussion, the four judges have carefully read the poems recommended by the young team of the provincial Literature Association from beginning to end, and the evaluation is almost the same as that of the previous team.

The third poem is selected by the senior scholar team of the provincial Literature Association, and the author is naturally Liu Jinchuan.

This time, the four judges did not look at the entries in a hurry, and then casually gave a lukewarm comment to end the matter; But after reading it carefully and repeatedly three or four times, the four got together again to discuss and give pertinent comments.

"This poem is written in depth, and its poetic expression is really perfect. Unlike the previous two poems, Mao is impetuous and his expression is not clear; Liu's attainments in poetry have been improved. Congratulations. "

Liu Jinchuan said with a modest smile, "I'm serious. My old Liu's poems are nothing more than artful works. They can't be regarded as perfect comments. It's the judges who praise them."

At this time, an old man surnamed Jin next to song Shiren stood up and said with a smile, "Lao Liu, don't be modest. I've read your poems just now. It's really better than those before. It's good."

At this point, Jin Jianguo changed his voice and said, "however, objectively speaking, there is still something wrong with this poem. It's a good idea to hang on to the past and cherish the present. It's just that you didn't write down the main idea. The turning point of three or four sentences is a little far fetched. The finishing effect of the last sentence is not obvious. In a word, Lao Liu's poem can only be regarded as an excellent one, I really don't have a perfect evaluation. Four judges, your evaluation is not very pertinent. It's Lao Liu's birthday. How can you give him face

The four judges looked at each other and laughed, but they did not reply. The two Provincial Writers' associations were even old faces.

After all, it's very embarrassing to be exposed in person.

Of course, it's not just the four judges who are embarrassed, but also Liu Jinchuan.

Liu Jinchuan naturally knows that his poetry level is not very high, and the evaluation of the four judges is just to compliment him.

After all, today is his birthday and a day to celebrate. Even if Liu Jinchuan's poetry is no longer good, he will not say it to his face, but will flatter him. Of course, this is not to say that their conduct is not good, it's just a white lie to warm people's hearts.

"In front of so many people, criticizing the teacher's poetry, without any face, is there a bit of literati style and bearing?" Xia Xinyu grumbled discontentedly: "this Jin Jianguo is really abominable. He must have been instructed by song Shiren to stand up and embarrass my master on purpose. Two black hearted guys, one is more cunning than the other. "

Xu Ling smiles a little, but she disagrees with Xia Xinyu.

Jin Jianguo, who came out of the blue, was hard to say, but his pragmatic attitude made people nod and praise him.

However, Jin Jianguo's next move made Xu Ling unable to appreciate it.

Jin Jianguo stepped forward, picked up song Shiren's poem, shook it in front of the public, handed it to the four judges, and said with a smile: "you guys, I don't mean to exaggerate. Only chairman song can make the poem perfect. Look at the beginning, the transition between the lines, and the finishing touch at the end, Which is not a classic sentence that makes people clap their hands? When this poem is written, the others are suddenly eclipsed. This is the real poem. The others, ha ha, I don't give too much evaluation to avoid offending people. "

After hearing this speech, Xu Ling directly labeled Jin Jianguo as licking dog.

Lick the dog!

Before performing for half a day, it turned out that the purpose was to kneel down and lick song Shiren, the chairman of the writers' Association, at the last moment.

It's really insightful that this guy, who looks great, can lower his breath to such a level.


People are also dissatisfied with Jin Jianguo's kneeling and licking remarks, but most of them still dare not speak up. After all, song Shiren is the chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association. Can they be offended by these little white clothes?

Of course, objectively speaking, song Shiren's poetry is really good. Even the layman can see that his poetry is higher than the other three poems, Mount Everest. Therefore, even if they are reluctant, they can only hold their noses and acknowledge Jin Jianguo's kneeling and licking and song Shiren's poetry level.

All the reactions of the people were in the eye, and Jin Jianguo nodded with satisfaction.

After exchanging eyes with song Shiren, Jin Jianguo once again said in a loud voice: "since everyone thinks that Chairman song's poetry is the best, then the winner of this round of competition is undoubtedly the team led by Chairman song. Let's congratulate them with warm applause."

However, his voice had just dropped, and a discordant voice rang out from the silent crowd.

"Wait a minute, our four judges haven't seen the poem yet. How can we announce the result easily?"

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