It turns out that people think things are too simple. Although Xu Ling put her hand on the keyboard, there was no action after that, just like muscle memory.

"Xu Ling, do you remember anything?" Seeing Xu Ling's action, Wu Qinglian asks. She has been with Xu Ling for a long time, so naturally she knows more about the meaning of this action.

Xu Ling was silent for a moment, as if trying to think about something, but in the end, he just shook his head.

However, although there is no better effect, it also proves that Xu Ling has a great reaction to the things she used to do.

In this way, people have full confidence in what can wake Xu Ling back to normal.

"I... I also have one here. When Mr. Xu Ling accepted me, he performed many times. I don't know whether it will work or not." As the crowd continued to think about what to do next, Yun Zhongjie's voice came timidly from the crowd.

"What is it, make it out quickly!" Everyone is worried to come up with a good way, so after Yun Zhongjie speaks out, everyone urges.

In the current situation, there is no need to know whether it is effective or not. However, it is important to take out all means as soon as possible.

After being recognized by the public, Yun Zhongjie does not hesitate to come to Xu Ling and perform the talk show that Xu Ling taught him that day.

The whole process didn't take long, and it didn't take long for yunzhongjie to complete it. However, looking at Xu Ling, it still seems to have no effect.

"Is this... My performance?" Now Xu Ling looks confused. He just heard what Yun Zhongjie said. That's why he questions like this.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xu Ling, you taught me this program!" The biggest fear is that the other party has no response, but this meeting Xu Ling actually spoke, and Yun Zhongjie quickly replied.

"Xu Ling... Teacher? Am I a teacher? Are you my student? " Although the amnesia, but the basic identity relationship is still clear, listen to the name of Yun Zhongjie, Xu Ling immediately guess.

"No... no, because I respect you so much, I call you a teacher. In fact, you are a radio anchor." Yun Zhongjie was slightly stunned and quickly explained.

"Radio... Anchor? The radio station... "Yun Zhongjie's words seemed to touch Xu Ling's nerves. After he repeated them a few times, his eyes suddenly flashed. He looked at Xiang Yun Zhongjie again and asked," is it Himalayan FM? "

"Ah?" He asked Yun Zhongjie a question without any reason. He looked around and wanted to find someone who could take Xu Ling's words.

But I find that everyone has the same expression as himself

It's just that I don't know what Xu Ling said. After all, I haven't been with Xu Ling for a long time, but it's strange that other people are like this. It shows that Xu Ling never said this kind of content!

"Isn't it? I was wrong! " Xu Ling also read out the meaning from Yun Zhongjie's expression, even if she scratched her head, she said awkwardly.

Although Xu Ling said it casually, it made everyone pay attention to it, because this "Himalayan FM" is the only noun He has spoken since he came back.

And it is also the name of a radio station, which shows that Xu Ling has a deep feeling for this radio station!

However, it has never been heard that he worked in another radio station before he worked in Luoshi radio station. Xu Ling did not even mention his work experience in this field in his entry resume.

This kind of name, which was deliberately hidden, but is now spoken out, immediately attracted people's attention.

The next time, people used all kinds of ways to recall Xu Ling's memory, but in the end, they couldn't get the results like Yun Zhongjie.

"It seems that the only information I can get is the name of the radio station. I'll go back and check it now." As time came to night, Gu Jianping realized that it was no longer meaningful to stay here, so he said to the public, "try again to find more important information."

"The sooner we can do this, the better. Let's all go back and have a look!" Everyone on the scene has done what they think is the most impressive thing for Xu Ling, but it has no effect. If they continue to stay here, it has no meaning.

As people gradually left, only Wu Qinglian, Li Mengling, Xu Ling and his two apprentices were left in the room.

"Doctor Li, is there no other way to help Xu Ling?" When the crowd dispersed, Wu Qinglian finally asked the question she had wanted to ask a long time ago.

Wu Qinglian believed more in Li Mengling than in the sudden emergence of this ancient city. After all, he was the chief physician of Luo central hospital.

However, Li Mengling also shook his head. "Amnesia is not something that can be solved through treatment. It needs the cooperation of the patients themselves."

"Do you mean Xu Ling doesn't want to recall himself?" Wu Qinglian immediately heard the potential meaning from Li Mengling's words.

"I'm afraid that's what I guess." Li Mengling nodded solemnly.

"But why did he? Is there any bad memory that he chooses not to recall? " Although Li Mengling said it seriously, Wu Qinglian was even more puzzled.

Because there's no reason why Xu Ling doesn't think about what's happening now. Despite his injuries, Xu Ling is in a good period of prosperity.

The new program is about to be broadcast, and will be promoted to the position of editor in chief, because the program has also accumulated a large number of fans, but everything goes well in life. To say that when he was expelled from the radio station, he lost his memory and didn't want to restore the past, but now, how can such a thing happen?

But when she thought of the amnesia at that time, Wu Qinglian suddenly thought of another thing, "Dr. Li, I heard that Xu Ling had amnesia before, but it didn't seem like this."

"What? Has he lost his memory before? " Li Mengling is very strange about this. He has never heard of such a thing, even from Xu Ling's wife and her best friend.

"This is what he Jianhua said. When Xu Ling just went to the late night column group, he didn't know any of his colleagues. You know, Xu Ling had worked with them for several years, but Xu Ling's own explanation was caused by amnesia." Wu Qing pitied to see that Li Mengling seemed to have no idea at all, so she explained it in detail.

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