"You said, will it have something to do with this, the brain has been stimulated many times, resulting in an autistic state." Wu Qinglian finished, and then speculated.

She really can't accept the self rejection amnesia that Li Mengling said.

"And that kind of thing?" Li Mengling said in a startled voice.

"Don't you know? I heard him say that he lost his memory because he was hit by a car. " Li Mengling's reaction really surprised Wu Qinglian.

Although it wasn't long for Li Mengling to return to Luoyang, at least he took a good look at the medical history in Luoyang central hospital.

I don't know about Xu Ling at all, and even if the hospital doesn't have records, I should be able to get this information from Chen Yunxi.

"Didn't he have an accident in Los Angeles?" Li Mengling's appearance can be regarded as an answer to Wu Qinglian's question, so Wu Qinglian will guess again.

"Miss Wu, take care of Xu Ling here first. I have to go back to the hospital to do something." After a moment's silence, Li Mengling suddenly said, with a slightly worried tone.

"Oh, oh... Good!" Originally, Wu Qinglian still wanted to ask about the solution to Xu Ling's situation, but now the other party's appearance could only nod down.

After Li Mengling left, Wu Qinglian came to Xu Ling helplessly. At this time, the latter was chatting with his two apprentices.

They are also the best people to chat with Xu Ling at present. This is also due to their great respect for Xu Ling and their short time together.

Sun Jiaman, in particular, has been taught by Xu Ling all the time, but now she is addicted to it. When she catches Xu Ling, she says that. She wants to teach Xu Ling everything she knows.

From radio programs to daily life.

This makes Xu lingpo feel helpless, because he is just amnesia, and sun Jiaman seems to think that he has been silly.

Now, for example, three people are in the middle of the kitchen

"Well, Jiaman, teacher Xu Ling knows all about it, so there's no need to talk about it." After listening for a while, even the cloud hero can't listen any more, which will interrupt.

This girl is now talking to Xu Ling about how to take chopsticks for dinner!

"Oh, really? Mr. Xu Ling, do you know how to roar Sun Jiaman slightly a Leng, then seems not to believe, also to Xu Ling confirmed again.

To this, Xu Ling also nods helplessly.

With Xu Ling's own recognition, sun Jiaman finally gave up doing this kind of stupid thing. She was the next. When Xu Ling was a little relieved, sun Jiaman said again, which completely made Xu Ling and Yun Zhongjie speechless.

"Now that we know how to use chopsticks, let's finish the meal here. Let me talk about the daily life," Sun Jiaman said. Then he took Xu Ling to the living room, looked around, and finally made up his mind. "OK, let's start with TV."

With these words, sun Jiaman actually picked up the remote control and explained it to Xu Ling. He turned on the TV while talking. It was like teaching a child.

Such a scene of disobedience makes Yun Zhongjie have to interrupt sun Jiaman again.

However, just when Yun Zhongjie stepped forward to try and stop sun Jiaman's behavior, he found that Xu Ling's expression was strange.

Before sun Jiaman explained those boring daily trifles, Xu Ling's expression was with some embarrassment.

But this time, it was different. Xu Ling was watching TV with full doubts on her face.

At first, Yun Zhongjie thought that he was wrong, but when he looked closely, he really saw clearly. This is not his own blindness.

Is it not that Mr. Xu Ling really doesn't understand this aspect? Yun Zhongjie can't help but get upset.

Even sun Jiaman, after seeing Xu Ling's expression, showed a proud expression, obviously saying: Look! I knew that Mr. Xu Ling didn't know this.

But then Xu Ling quickly broke what they thought.

He pointed to the direction of the TV. The more puzzled he was, the more trembling he asked, "who is this?"

Following the direction of Xu Ling's fingers, Yun Zhongjie and sun Jiaman see a TV play on the TV just turned on.

This TV play is just recently released. It tells the story of the man who loses his memory in order to save the woman, but the woman insists on staying with the man despite the opposition of the people around him.

What Xu Ling asked should be the close-up woman in the TV picture.

"Miss Xu Ling, the heroine of this TV play, the actor's name is Chen Yunxi, what's the matter?" Cloud hero quickly explained it.

"Chen Yunxi?" Get the answer of Xu Ling eyebrows or loose not open, the mouth also constantly repeat the name from Yun Zhongjie there.

Looking at Xu Ling now, Yun Zhongjie is also very puzzled.

As a first-line star, Chen Yunxi has won a lot of fans by virtue of her beauty and excellent character.

In terms of Xu Ling's current situation, she should be one of her fans, but I've never heard that Xu Ling has a Star chaser before?

And even if amnesia, a person do not remember, Xu Ling even have an impression of Chen Yunxi, this needs to have how strong obsession with Chen Yunxi ah!

"What's the matter?" At this time, Wu Qinglian also came over. Seeing that the atmosphere here was different, she asked.

Ming Ming heard sun Jiaman's chirping voice before, but now it's gone, which makes Wu Qinglian feel uncomfortable.

"Sister Wu, teacher Xu Ling seems to remember Chen Yunxi." Yun Zhongjie quickly explained the situation here to Wu Qinglian.

"Chen Yunxi? Is that the actress Chen Yunxi? " Wu Qinglian was slightly stunned and immediately asked.

This is an important message. You know, it took so many people an afternoon to get a clue of "Himalayan FM".

Now I know that Xu Ling even has an impression on Chen Yunxi, which naturally arouses Wu Qinglian's strong concern.

"Even she, I don't know..."


Yun Zhongjie nodded and was about to continue to explain. Suddenly, Xu Ling roared and interrupted him.

"What?" A group of three people looked at Xu Ling at the same time and asked in unison.

Xu Ling's words were loud and quiet, so it was clear to three people.

The reason why they have such doubts is that they really don't understand the meaning of Xu Ling's words.

"Chen Yunxi... Divorce..." Xu Ling continued to say without waiting for people to ask.

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