This sentence is so powerful that sun Jiaman immediately turns around and looks at it as soon as his expression condenses. He is relieved to see that there is no one behind him.

Obviously, the situation just now has caused a great shadow to the little girl's psychology.

It's no wonder that when a person is discussed behind his back, that person is always listening behind him. It's difficult for him to be embarrassed to bleed without causing psychological shadow.

"Ha ha ha, you are not afraid of heaven and earth, and you are afraid of one day?" Looking at Sun Jiaman's vigilant appearance, Xu Ling couldn't help laughing and was very relieved.

"Teacher Xu Ling, you... You know how to bully me!" Knowing that she was cheated by Xu Ling, sun Jiaman's face was wronged and her eyes were red. She felt like she was going to cry.

"Well, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, Jiaman, don't cry!" Seeing that sun Jiaman is about to break out, Xu Ling quickly apologizes.

"Hum, Mr. Xu Ling, you are bored to death in the hospital alone. I won't accompany you!" Sun Jiaman is also angry, this will be more ferocious said, and then directly turned away.

He didn't give Xu Ling any chance to talk again

Xu Ling also didn't expect that he would make sun Jiaman angry like that with a joke, and didn't know how to keep him for a while.

However, this also saves Xu Ling to find an excuse to let her leave, but the next time we see each other, we have to apologize.

After sun Jiaman left, Xu Ling was the only one left in the ward. At this time, he finally felt that it was the ward where the richest man lived.

It's quiet and elegant. There's no noise in the ward downstairs. Besides, the potted plants can't even smell the special disinfectant in the hospital.

The waiting process is always boring, and Xu Ling is in such a quiet environment. In addition, sun Jiaman pulls her up before she has a good rest in the morning, and she falls asleep after a while.

While enjoying such a quiet atmosphere, Xu Ling didn't know that the door of her home had been fried.

Several luxury cars stop head-on at the door of the apartment. In the middle of the luxury car, two people fight with each other in a very impolite tone.

If you look carefully, both of them are acquaintances of Xu Ling. One is Liu feiran, and the other is Xu Kun, the son of the Xu family.

"It's really hard for such a big star to come to this remote place." Liu feiran at this time with a banter, all said to Xu Kun sarcastically.

"Hum, Mr. Liu is the only one. It's hard for you to come here with such a noble body." Xu Kun listened to his father Xu Qianyang's explanation early in the morning, otherwise he would have scolded Liu feiran with his original temper.

"Old Xu asked you to come here?" Liu feiran is not polite at all. He insults Xu Kun's father.

"You..." although has received Xu Qianyang said everything to calm instructions, but by Liu feiran such abuse, also let Xu Kun feel some can't help but anger in the heart.

See the other side so, Liu feiran heart burst of sneer.

Sure enough, he is still young!

What Liu feiran wants is Xu Kun to break out his temper so that he can teach the boy a lesson.

Although it seems that Liu feiran and Xu Kun are about the same age, Liu feiran has used the props given by the system. To be honest, his age may not be much older than Xu Qian's.

Living such a long time, that life experience is naturally more abundant than Xu Kun's "newborn calf" in his early twenties.

Unless there is a real uncontrollable situation, his temper will always be suppressed in a gentle state.

"Oh, I've come to see my good friend Xu Ling. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Liu again. It's really predestined relationship!" Just when Liu feiran thought his goal had been achieved, Xu Kun took a few deep breaths with anger, and then his mood calmed down again.

This sudden change of mood made Liu feiran appreciate the boy in front of him a lot.

I've heard for a long time that Xu Kun is a dandy who doesn't know how to do anything. He just wants to be a female star more conveniently by relying on Xu Qianyang in the entertainment industry.

Tutor now seems, but it is not the case, so identity can be in Liu feiran so insulted under the control of emotions, its measurement can not be underestimated.

However, appreciating GUI Xinran, after all, he is still the leader of the family. Naturally, Liu feiran will not give in, "brother Xu and I have known each other for a long time, and I really don't know that he has a friendship with big star Xu!"

Before looking for Xu Ling, Liu feiran had already inquired about the information in great detail. Naturally, he was very clear about Xu Ling's personal relationship.

"Ha ha, Mr. Liu is really a joker. I have a long friendship with Xu Ling, and I haven't heard of you!" Xu Kun is not as well prepared as Liu feiran. What he is using now is what Xu Qianyang gave him as a knack to refute what the other party said.

Just when they were fighting each other, a taxi suddenly heard of it and walked out a girl. She was stunned to see that the door of the apartment was so busy.

"What are you doing here?" It was Sun Jiaman who came back from the hospital. She looked at them and asked them strangely.

Although Xu Ling doesn't live in a suburb, it's quite a partial place. Generally, there are not many people walking around. It's really strange that so many cars are parked here,

"Who are you?"

"Go away, little girl. There's nothing wrong with you here!"

Suddenly a voice came in. They were both strange, but their attitude was very different.

"Are you looking for Mr. Xu Ling? He's not here now? " When he came, sun Jiaman also heard what the two people said.

"Isn't he at home?" Xu Kun immediately asked suspiciously, but he came with an important purpose. If he didn't even see anyone, he couldn't go back and explain.

"No, I'm not!" Although Xu Kun is very handsome, his tone to sun Jiaman is not good just now. Sun Jiaman, who was already angry with Xu Ling, is even more unhappy. He will reply directly.

"And where did he go?" Xu Kun appears very anxious.

"I don't know!"


Xu Kun also felt the girl's unkind tone in front of him. After a little silence, he said, "Hello, I'm Xu Kun. Who are you?"

For such a little girl, Xu Kun is very good at dealing with it. First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. That's all right.

"Mr. Xu Ling is out. I don't know where he is. Please go back." But this time, Xu Kun was surprised. Sun Jiaman replied directly and impolitely.

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