Sun Jiaman's attitude makes Xu Kun feel a little stunned. You should know that his identity is invincible in this respect. However, this time, it's a failure.

"I'm Xu Kun? Don't you know me? " Xu Kun is not reconciled, look anxious to ask.

Such a young and beautiful girl, no matter how to say, will also pay attention to things in the entertainment industry. If she has attention, how can she not know herself?

"Xu Kun?" Sun Jiaman repeated the name with a long voice, and then with a very confused expression, "have we met anywhere?"

Sun Jiaman thought very simply, since the other side said so, it must be that they met before, but he had no impression of the person in front of him.

This sentence completely put Xu Kun said despair, looking at each other's eyes, is the kind of absolutely impossible to know their own appearance.

"Ha ha, miss, you are brother Xu's apprentice, sun Jiaman, aren't you?" Not paying much attention to Xu Kun's awkward appearance, Liu feiran looks at the girl and asks.

Listening to the girl's address to Xu Ling, Liu feiran can probably guess who this person is.

"Do you know me?" Sun Jiaman just came out of school, and she didn't even mix with the society for a long time, so she was surprised that a stranger could know herself.

"I've heard brother Xu say it several times. You are his favorite student." Liu feiran readily responded that such a statement proves that his relationship with Xu Ling is extraordinary.

In addition, as far as the current situation is concerned, I'm afraid that only after sun Jiaman's pass can we know where Xu Ling has gone.

"You've been talking about brother Xu. Are you talking about my teacher?" Liu feiran's words really made sun Jiaman's face look better.

"Yes, it's Xu Ling!" Liu feiran nodded happily and then suddenly remembered something. He quickly stretched out a hand to sun Jiaman and said, "I forgot to introduce myself. Hello! I'm Xu Ling's good friend, Liu feiran. "

"Oh, Hello, Hello!" Sun Jiaman has never been so formal to greet others, this will listen to Liu feiran's words, slightly Leng for a while before shaking hands with each other.

"Hello, Miss Sun. Let's meet again. I'm Xu Kun, a singer!" Seeing that Liu feiran and the girls are talking together, Xu Kun is not willing to be outdone. He comes to sun Jiaman and says in a loud voice.

"Well, I remember. Aren't you the one in the TV series?" By Xu Kun so deliberately remind, sun Jiaman also suddenly reaction, pointing to Xu Kun's face began to think back.

"It's Xu Kun!" Forced to bear the discomfort in his heart, Xu Kun stressed his name again. If it wasn't for Xu Qianyang's advice, he would have been angry.

I have said my name many times, but when I got to sun Jiaman's mouth, it was still "this" and "that", which made Xu Kun very upset and feel insulted.

"Are you also a friend of Mr. Xu Ling?" It seems that after thinking about it for a long time, sun Jiaman doesn't even think about it. Instead, he asks Xu Kun.

Xu Kun naturally nodded his head and said, "yes, I'm Xu Ling's good friend."

It's not surprising that Xu Ling has actors as friends. After all, she has met Xu Ling's sister, Yu Wenwen, who has been very popular in China recently.

But even if she can accept this fact, sun Jiaman can't accept such a domineering person as Xu Kun. No matter just now or now, this guy's tone is always superior, which makes sun Jiaman quite unhappy.

This displeasure reminds her of the scene of Xu Ling teasing herself, so her mood is even worse.

"Are you all here to see Mr. Xu Ling?" Sun Jiaman then asked.

Naturally, they nodded in a hurry, expecting sun Jiaman to tell Xu Ling where to go.

"He's out on business today. Come back in two days." At the thought of Xu Ling staying alone in that boring place, sun Jiaman is very relieved. If these two people want to visit, that is to break the environment. Sun Jiaman, who is angry, doesn't want that to happen.

"Do you know where he has gone?" Liu feiran didn't mean to go back. He immediately asked sun Jiaman.

"He... He said and went out. I don't know where he went. When he comes back, you can come back to him." Sun Jiaman didn't expect the other party to be so persistent. In a hurry, he told a lie.

Sun Jiaman has never cheated anyone since she was a child. She didn't expect that this time, in order to satisfy her careful thinking, she made an exception. For a moment, her little face turned red.

The trembling tone and blush make people immediately know that sun Jiaman is lying.

However, they don't want to break sun Jiaman's meaning. They don't know what sun Jiaman thinks, but they think it's Xu Ling who takes care of her.

"In that case, I'll come to see brother Xu another day." Liu feiran was also decisive. After hearing sun Jiaman's words, he said nothing and asked to leave.

In this way, Xu Kun was slightly stunned. It is clear that this person was as eager to see Xu Ling as he was before. How could it be said that he had changed?

And Liu feiran didn't give Xu Kun any time to think and react. After that, he turned and walked to his car, without the idea of staying here for a while.

Xu Ling's departure has exceeded Xu Kun's plan. Now Liu feiran's decisive departure is unexpected.

"Come back, too!" While Xu Kun was still in a daze, sun Jiaman's voice rang out again and pulled his thoughts back.

By the time his eyes turned, sun Jiaman had already gone to the door of the apartment. Meanwhile, the sound of the car engine in his ear was also rising. It was the momentum that Liu feiran was about to leave here.

In a flash, the situation has changed so much that Xu Kun is unprepared. No matter his plan or Xu Qianyang's instructions, he has not considered this situation.

"Let's go!" Watching Liu feiran's car drive away, Xu kunjing stood for a while, then made up his mind to greet several people beside him, and went back to the car.

But as soon as he got on the bus, he called Xu Qianyang

"Father, the situation has changed. Xu Ling has gone out. It's not clear where he is."

"Well, I see. You can go back first. I'll deal with the rest." Xu Qianyang's voice was not surprised or disappointed at all. He told Xu Kun calmly.

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