"Father, what's going on? You know that for a long time? " Xu Kun heard something different from Xu Qianyang's words.

"Go back to take care of the company's affairs first. I have already told Lao Liao that he will help you." Xu Qianyang doesn't seem to want to tell Xu Kun about Xu Ling's situation. He just asks and hangs up.

Listening to the busy sound from the receiver, Xu Kun angrily put away his mobile phone. This feeling of being kept in the dark really made him unhappy.

"Mr. Xu, shall we go back?" See Xu Kun hung up the phone, the driver then asked, he also vaguely heard the voice from the phone.

"Go back? If I'm going to work with that assistant, it's better to kill me! " Xu Kun directly waved his hand to refuse the request, then thought about it a little, and then gave the order, "go to the nightclub!"

"Mr. Xu, your father didn't mean..." hearing this order, the driver hesitated a little. When Xu Qianyang warned Xu Kun, he was also on the side.

"Don't talk nonsense, let you go, you go!" Xu Kun was not in the mood to listen to what the driver told him. He immediately interrupted what he wanted to say and roared.

"Yes, I'm going." As subordinates, they can only do some reminders at most. As for whether people listen or not, they don't care.

At the command, the driver immediately stepped on the gas pedal, and several cars drove directly to the nightclub

"Mr. Xu, if you ask Mr. Xu to come back alone but don't tell him something, I'm afraid he will have resentment in his heart." Xu's company inside, Liao assistant to one side to put down the phone to Xu Qianyang all worry about said.

"Oh, how could he come back obediently, with what I know about that smelly boy?" Xu Qianyang gave a cold smile, as if he had seen through everything.

"That young master Xu..." assistant Liao wants to talk and stops. He also knows that he can think of Xu Qianyang.

"Well, let him fool around. I didn't expect that Liu feiran paid so much attention to this matter that he even had to visit him in person. Naturally, we can't go down to the city!" Xu Qianyang waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to deal with Xu Kun's affairs any more, and then analyzed Liu feiran.

"It must be of great significance to Liu feiran. Otherwise, because he lives in seclusion in the mountains and doesn't even want to be the richest man, he can't meet a person in such a big way." Assistant Liao is also analyzing.

"In this case, we can't let him do what he wants," Xu Qianyang nodded. Then a light flashed in his eyes, and he told assistant Liao, "old Liao, prepare the car. We can't neglect Xu Ling. I'll go to see you in person!"

"Mr. Xu, didn't you get the news from the young master just now that Xu Ling is no longer at home? Where are you going to visit? " Xu Qianyang's order makes assistant Liao a little confused. Whether it's from the eavesdropper installed on Xu Kun or the phone he just called, he has already said this fact. But now Xu Qianyang says so. How can assistant Liao not be surprised?

"Ha ha, where can a person with amnesia go if he doesn't stay at home?" Xu Qianyang continued to give Liao assistant orders, at the same time, he also began to put on his coat, "let old five drive, he drives faster, but he has to catch up with Liu feiran before that boy."

"Well, Mr. Xu, I'll let Mr. five wait downstairs." Assistant Liao is also a smart man. When Xu Qianyang talks about it, he also understands it. Even when he picks up the phone, he starts to arrange it.

Next, it's time for the two sides to race. At this meeting, Liu feiran's cars have already galloped on the road.

"Mr. Liu, how do you know that Xu Ling is in the hospital?" The driver in front of him was driving and asked in a puzzled way.

Before Mingming, the little girl didn't say anything, but Liu feiran turned and left, and told her to drive directly to the hospital.

"This is the only place he will come now." Liu feiran played with the ring on his hands and naturally said.

The explanation is quite simple, but the driver is still at a loss. Obviously, he doesn't understand why there is an inevitable relationship.

"Drive faster, or you will be preempted by old dog Xu." Without waiting for the driver to ask again, Liu feiran's voice rang out again and urged him.

"Ah, good!" After hearing this, the driver immediately increased the throttle. He couldn't figure out what was going on in front of him. However, he didn't give up much in driving.

However, even though he had reached the limit of speed on the road, when he came to the hospital gate, he still saw Xu Qianyang coming out of the car.

Originally also want to ask Liu feiran why Xu Qianyang will also come here, the question also stifled back.

The facts are all in front of us, and there is no need to explain them any more

Sitting in the back seat, Xu Ling naturally saw Xu Qianyang. Without saying a word, he went out of the car and yelled, "old dog Xu, what are you doing so fast?"

The voice went straight to Xu Qianyang's ears. He was a little bit earlier than Liu feiran. He thought he was going to succeed, but he didn't expect to hear the most annoying voice before entering the hospital.

"Yo! Isn't Liu feiran sick? " Since the other party called himself, Xu Qianyang couldn't pretend he didn't hear him. He immediately turned around and said hello to Liu feiran.

"Old dog Liu, don't do anything fancy with me. Besides, if you want to fight Xu Ling, I'm afraid you have to pass me first!" In front of others, Liu feiran keeps a gentle and elegant appearance, but not in front of Xu Qianyang. His aggressive appearance makes people hardly know him.

There's no way. What Xu Qianyang did to him before is more excessive. If it wasn't for Liu feiran's strong toughness and the help of the system, I'm afraid he would not be able to get to his present position.

So Liu feiran for Xu Qianyang, in addition to gnashing his teeth to hate will not have any feelings.

"Ha ha, Liu feiran, don't be hypocritical here. Xu Ling is my ally. I think he's normal. But it's you who want to make use of him to do some unknown business. You have to ask me if I agree with him." Since the other side has all opened their words, Xu Qianyang simply doesn't hide it. He looks slightly angry and directly goes back to the past.

In a flash, the two became tit for tat again!

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Xu, how did you come here?" When neither of them let the other, a voice came from a distance, which untied the tense atmosphere here.

It was Li Mengling who came. She saw two people coming from upstairs. As her father's two good friends, now that his father is away, she should be welcomed by her daughter.

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