Xia Xinyu's face is filled with a happy smile. She smiles and asks Jin Jianguo, "vice president Jin, how is this poem written by niannujiao? Can it surpass the poem of President song?"

Jin Jianguo smiles awkwardly and hesitates: "this... Actually, this..."

For a long time, Jin Jianguo's old face turned red, but he didn't say a complete word.

Feeling his conscience, this poem is very good, but it's a bit difficult for Jin Jianguo to admit it in front of so many people.

After all, admitting that niannujiao was well written is tantamount to self denial. Didn't all the remarks put forward by Jin Jianguo have to be overthrown?

It's like slapping yourself in the face in front of so many people.

It's not a good taste.

However, with so many eyes under the stage, no matter how cheeky Jin Jianguo was, he did not dare to gossip in full view of the public.

If you do that, you will have no face in the literati circle in the future.

As a result, Jin Jianguo was in an awkward dilemma.

He's green with regret now.

This damn mouth, why do you say that bullshit?

Seeing that Jin Jianguo's face turns blue and white, Xia Xinyu's smile becomes more and more intense.

She hastened to take advantage of the victory and asked with a smile, "vice president Jin, with so many people watching, do you still have to speak without conscience?"

"No... no, how could I do such a bad thing?"

Jin Jianguo was so scared that he shook his head and waved his hand.

I dare not wear this big hat indiscriminately. If I'm not careful, I may offend the whole industry. It's not a wise choice to make people angry.

So, Jin Jianguo quickly said with a bitter smile: "Hey, in fact, I don't say, you can see clearly from everyone's reaction, this poem niannujiao is really good, poetic detachment, extraordinary realm..."

"Hey, don't say such empty words." Xia Xinyu waved his hand impatiently, "can you say clearly that this poem can surpass chairman song's poem?"

"This..." Jin Jianguo peeked at Song Shiren, who didn't look very good, and didn't answer.

Xia Xinyu chuckled and turned her eyes to song Shiren. "Since vice president Jin is not willing to say it, please say it to President song. After all, your attainments in poetry are much better than those of us. We all believe your words. Even if you say that this poem written by niannujiao is not as good as yours, we believe it. "

This remark is slow and understated, but anyone can recognize that it is full of irony.

"What a smart girl." Song Shiren's face remained unchanged. He just laughed and pointed to Liu Jinchuan, who was watching the opera beside him. He said with a smile, "Lao Liu, you've got a good apprentice. You really envy us."

Liu Jinchuan modestly waved his hand, "the children's words have no degree. Please don't take brother song seriously."

"It doesn't matter. I like her straightness." With a faint smile, song Shiren said with a smile to Xia Xinyu: "girl Xia, although I'm famous and rich, I still want integrity. Don't underestimate me."

Xia Xinyu chuckled and spat out her scarlet tongue, "I dare not, chairman song, I just like to be more serious, you don't mind."

Song Shiren picked up the niannujiao painting with a smile and said, "the handwriting is good, the level is good, and the poetry is even more majestic. It's a soul stirring thing, and I can't let it go for a long time‘ Life is like a depression, which expresses the poet's boundless emotion about his failure to meet his talent‘ A bottle of wine also sprinkles the moon on the river. "To express one's feelings with wine, to connect the past with the present, and to feel depressed is the end of the whole word. To tell you the truth, compared with song's poem, this word is more than simple transcendence, it's just a hilltop higher

As soon as song Shiren's words came out, there was a lot of discussion.

"Hey, I didn't expect that when I was the chairman of the association, I could bow my head and admit that other people's poems were better than his. It's really rare, rare."

"What's the point? Niannujiao is the best nostalgic poem I've heard for decades. Song Shiren has a good face and can't tell lies. Besides, we are still staring at him. If he admits his own shortcomings, he will lose face at most. If he makes a slip of the tongue, won't the young lady come back home and lose face? "

"I just don't know who wrote this poem. Mr. Wang or Mr. Xu? It's not like that. Mr. Wang has nothing to do with his family today. Mr. Xu can only write poems, but he can't write words. Moreover, his poems have a strong personal color, which can be seen at a glance. "

"Yes, I'm also curious. Who wrote it? I don't want to show it to us."

At this time, people with sharp eyes found Xu Ling sitting in the corner quietly eating melon seeds.

"Hey, there's only one person in the team with Xia Xinyu. Since it wasn't written by that girl, could it be written by that young man?"

However, as soon as these words were uttered, one vote of opposition was immediately raised.

"No way. The young man doesn't look over thirty. How can he write such broad-minded and heroic poems?"

"I've never seen this man before. If he can write such poems, how can he be nameless in the circle? It shouldn't be."

"That's right. The poet described in niannujiao's poem is a frustrated middle-aged man with brilliant hair. How could he be such a young man?"

Xu Ling naturally listened to everyone's discussion. However, he didn't stand up and say anything. He just grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the fruit plate and continued to be his melon eating crowd.

He doesn't want to do things that are in the limelight. Just give it to Xia Xinyu.

After all, people are afraid of fame, pigs are afraid of strength, and big trees attract wind easily.

Xia Xinyu, after receiving song Shiren's fair evaluation, laughs more brightly than the blooming lotus. She turns her hostile eyes to Jin Jianguo and says with a bad smile: "since chairman song says that this poem can surpass his poem, then vice chairman Jin, is it necessary to fulfill her previous promise and transfer the position of Provincial Writers' Association to me?"

"This... Teacher Xiao Xia, I was joking with you before. I can't be serious."

Seeing that Xia Xinyu had made a decision on his career, Jin Jianguo couldn't sit still. He didn't care about the dignity and face. He quickly put it all behind him and played a rogue to keep the position of vice president. That's the immediate urgency.

"Well, vice president Jin, you can do such a thing?" Xia Xinyu hugged her chest with both hands and laughed even more teasingly. "So many people are watching. Aren't you afraid that there is no place for your old face?"

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