Facing Xia Xinyu's pressing step by step, Jin Jianguo, although angry, still has to squeeze out a smile on the surface, "Hey, no, how can it be?"

Xia Xinyu winked playfully, "then I'm not polite. In the future, your title as vice chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association will be given to me."

"Take it. Just take it." Mingming's heart is full of MMP, but Jin Jianguo still needs to keep smiling and angry.

"It's boring. I thought you would fight with me."

Xia Xinyu said, "you flattering vice president, I disdain to take it away. You'd better keep it yourself."

"Thank you. Thank you, Miss Xia." Jin Jianguo wiped the sweat accumulated on his forehead and couldn't help thanking him. He didn't care how flattering his image was in people's eyes.

In Jin Jianguo's opinion, where does face matter?

When Xia Xinyu is ready to return to her seat, song Shiren, who has been out of the way, suddenly stops her.

"Miss Xia, wait a minute. I have something to ask you."

Xia Xinyu reluctantly looked back, "Chairman song, I have to go back to prepare for the next game. What do you want to ask later?"

"I'm an acute person. I can't wait long." Song Shiren laughed at himself.

Xia Xinyu pursed her mouth and thought, finally nodded and agreed, "OK, you ask."

Song Shiren asked with a smile, "can you tell us who wrote this word?"

"This one." Xia Xinyu thought, "can I not tell you?"

Song Shiren said with a smile: "you should know the rules of the competition before. If this poem is not written by your team, I'm afraid we can't win this competition. We are just entertaining ourselves. We can't compete with those big competitions. We don't like to invite foreign aid."

Song Shiren's words were immediately echoed by the audience.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, please hand in the person who wrote the words. I'd like to see who can write such magnificent poems."

"I'm also curious. Miss Xia, we are all in the same circle. Don't hide it."

"If this poem is not written by teacher Xiao Xia's team, I'm afraid it can't be used as an entry. After all, our rules have been set before, and no one has the right to break them."

"If you want me to see it, it won't be written by Xia Xinyu's team at all. If you look at their team, there are only two people, both young people, who can write such old and spicy poems. Isn't that ridiculous?"

"It's a bit too much to plagiarize words from anywhere. Taking other people's poems as entries is not only bad, but also bad. We intellectuals are not ashamed to be associated with such people."

"Yes, yes, such filthy behavior and such unruly people, we have to resist and push her out of the cultural circle."

Xia Xinyu was not happy with the people's conjecture. She hummed coldly: "who said that niannujiao was plagiarized? I just said that I didn't write this word. Besides, there is still one person in my team?"

Song Shiren's shoulder trembled a little in surprise. He looked at Xu Ling in the corner and asked uncertainly, "do you mean this word was written by that young man named Xu Ling?"

Xia Xinyu nodded firmly, "yes, what's wrong? I don't remember the rule that young people are not allowed to compete. "

"You girl, you like to joke." Song Shiren scolded with a smile, walked to Xu Ling's back, and asked with a smile: "little brother Xu, is that niannujiao really written by you?"

Not only is song Shiren curious, but all the people present, except Xia Xinyu, cast suspicious eyes at Xu Ling. They don't believe that this popular poem will be written by an unknown young man.

For these people's suspicious eyes, Xu Ling didn't care too much. She just threw the melon seed skin in her hand to the garbage can. Then she grinned at Song Shiren and showed her snow-white teeth.

"Yes, that song is really written by me. What's the matter? Don't you believe it? "

When people heard the words, they all shook their heads.

Only song Shiren shook his head, "I believe you, before you came here to say one-man team, I knew you are not a simple role."

After that, song Shiren faced the public again: "since this song niannujiao was written by little brother Xu, it certainly conforms to the rules of the competition. I hereby announce that the group of little brother Xu won the first round of poetry competition. Let's give our warm applause."

Although people still don't believe that niannujiao was written by a young man in his twenties like Xu Ling, since Song Shiren, the chairman of the Provincial Writers' Association, has approved it, other people have no reason to doubt it. They can only applaud together and shout 666 by the way

At the end of the first round, the next round begins. This time, song Shiren draws lots to determine the content of the competition.

When he saw the words written on the note clearly, chairman song first gave a helpless smile, then glanced at Xu Ling, who was still leisurely eating melon seeds not far away, and finally reluctantly preached: "this time, the content of the competition is still poetry, but there are still restrictions. The full text of the poem should focus on the topic of husband and wife. "

After that, the bitterness on chairman song's face was even stronger. "It's not easy to write. I don't know who wrote this question. It's a bit damaging."

And when they had heard it, they also cried out.

"It's a bit difficult for me to write poems around the topic of husband and wife. At all times and in all over the world, it seems that there are very few poems in this field, and they are not very brilliant. "

"It's easier to write about the love between men and women, but it's tens of times more difficult to write about husband and wife. It's really bad for the person who wrote the question."

"Which problem is this? Stand up and show it to you?"

Among the thousands of calls, a young man walked out of the crowd, took his head, and laughed with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, everyone. I didn't expect that my question would be selected. However, none of you are ordinary people. I don't think you will be embarrassed by this topic, will you

They all looked funny and didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Jin Jianguo stood up again and said with a loud smile: "Xiao Liu, this question is very good. It can not only highlight the interest of the competition, but also increase the difficulty appropriately, so as to stimulate the potential of your colleagues and create better poems. It can be said that you have a good heart."

An old scholar from the provincial Literature Association came forward and hummed discontentedly: "old man Jin, you don't have a pain in your back when you are standing. If you have the ability, you can write it for us first."

"Hey, Lao Wu tou, you can really guess. I wrote a poem that suits the theme. Would you like to give me a long look?"

As he spoke, Jin Jianguo smilingly took out a picture and handed it to Lao Wutou.

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