The meaning in sun Jiaman's words is not understood by others. Can Xu Ling not know it? This will hear Xu Ling misinterpret their own meaning, she immediately anxious, look puzzled to stare at Xu Ling.

"Mengling, I don't have any problems here. Go and do your own business." Seeing this, Xu Ling quickly said this to Li Mengling to support her.

If it goes on like this, sun Jiaman can't help it. It can be seen from her already tangled expression.

Although it is to ensure that his secret is not found, Xu Ling's appearance makes Li Mengling a little strange.

It's understandable to find a reason to take sun Jiaman away. Why do you want to take yourself away now? Li Mengling was full of doubts.

However, she does have something on hand. Even if Xu Ling doesn't say it, she will leave, so she doesn't think much about it. She just thinks it's Xu Ling's excuse to protect herself.

Nodding, Li Mengling turned and left the ward. Before going out, he suddenly remembered something and turned and said, "I'll let Xiao Li come here in a moment."

Xu Ling quickly responded with great cooperation

"Oh, Mr. Xu Ling, how can you do that? I almost said it for you. " Just before Li Mengling. Leave the ward, the moment the door closed, sun Jiaman immediately rushed to Xu Ling in front, very urgent to ask.

"Jiaman, this is not advice. Just like my illness, you can't be so anxious about this kind of thing." Xu Ling sighed a little and said to sun Jiaman.

And sigh of this tone, completely because Xu Ling feel to this lie, need a lot of lies to round it.

"Mr. Xu Ling, how can you do that? You'd better let sister Mengling know a little bit about what you think Sun Jiaman is still clinging to this.

"I can't be in a hurry. I haven't known much about Mengling yet. It's not too late when I fully understand her mind." How can Li Mengling know such things? What Xu Ling needs to do now is to calm down sun Jiaman's emotion.

"Mr. Xu Ling, you... Ah!" Listening to Xu Ling's explanation, sun Jiaman seems to want to continue persuading, but after his firm eyes, he just seems to sigh that he hates iron but not steel.

Xu Ling didn't expect that in order to avoid the trouble of admitting something, she let Sun Jiaman value it so much. She just took it as her own business.

In this regard, Xu Ling is also quite moved, but moved after, more really embarrassed and guilty.

"Don't worry, Jiaman. I have my own discretion in this matter." In desperation, Xu Ling can only give sun Jiaman such an account first.

"What's your discretion, Mr. Xu Ling? If you don't do it again, sister Mengling will go with others." Sun Jiaman is still very urgent. After Xu Ling finished, she immediately gave a solemn warning.

"Ah? Why do you say that? " Xu Ling Leng for a while to understand what sun Jiaman is saying, immediately very puzzled to ask.

Xu Lingdao has never heard of anyone chasing Li Mengling, and it seems that Li Mengling has not shown such momentum?

However, when I think about it, Xu Ling is still a little pleased. If it's really like what sun Jiaman said, don't you have to worry about this lie?

Except for Xu Ling's sense of loss, this matter is good.

"Just when I came here this morning, I saw a man chasing sister Mengling. He was asking questions there. He must be interested in sister Mengling!" Sun Jiaman, like a little spy, quietly reveals the news to Xu Ling.

"And this? What does that man look like? " Although Xu Ling can't bear to care about it, after hearing what sun Jiaman said, Xu Ling still can't help asking.

"It looks like she is about the same age as Xu Ling..." as soon as she heard that Xu Ling seemed to be interested, sun Jiaman immediately began to recall the situation at that time and described it in detail.

As for Xu Ling, he listened very carefully, but the more he listened, the more he found that things didn't seem to be right, because the way sun Jiaman described them, plus the way Xu Ling described them in his head.

That man is Liu feiran!

No matter how to combine sun Jiaman's words, the result is Liu feiran's face.

"Did you hear what the man said?" In order to confirm her conjecture, Xu Ling also asked.

"I can't hear you clearly. I was hiding too far away at that time," Sun Jiaman shook his head, but then looked serious again. "But if you look at the two of them, you can see that it must be the man who pestered Mengling. It's a pity that Mengling didn't refuse him so hard!"

"It's not necessarily the kind of relationship you said." Hearing sun Jiaman say so, Xu Ling can confirm that the man is Liu feiran.

What's more, the purpose of coming here, needless to say, must be to find himself, which Xu Ling knows best.

As for why there is such a situation as sun Jiaman saw, Liu feiran wants to visit himself. Naturally, he needs to ask Li Mengling. Liu feiran is a major shareholder of the hospital, and Li Mengling should be polite to him.

Xu Ling soon made the situation clear.

But Xu Ling knows that sun Jiaman doesn't know what's going on. When she sees that she has finished such a serious thing, Xu Ling doesn't have any nervous reaction. Even when she is worried, "Mr. Xu Ling, have you heard what I said, but there is a strange man teasing Mengling sister!"

"Didn't Mengling agree? Jiaman, don't be so nervous. " Xu lingrou said in a voice, "besides, we haven't seen that man here for such a long time. It's no use."

"Mr. Xu Ling!" Sun Jiaman suddenly raised her eyebrows and sternly told her, "you can't be so bold and fearless just because Mengling is very concerned about you. If you are pursued by that man for a long time, no matter how much she likes you, you will be poached by that guy!"

"Well... Let's talk about it at that time. I can't be so abrupt. Don't you think that man is so abrupt to pursue, and Mengling doesn't agree?" Xu Ling is really lying to sun Jiaman with her eyes open, but she really talks truth with her.

What's more gratifying is that after Xu Ling's analysis, sun Jiaman pondered for a while, but he also felt that what he said was very reasonable!

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