"What do you want to do after that? It's no way to be so obscure! " Sun Jiaman is baffled by this dilemma. At this time, she asks Xu Ling anxiously.

"The boat will go straight to the bridge, and the car will have a way to the mountain. I've been in the hospital these days. Is it more convenient than that man?" Xu lingpo is a little complacent.

"Well, ha ha, Mr. Xu Ling, you are considerate. If you follow my idea, I'm afraid it will turn yellow." Sun Jiaman was finally brought into the rhythm of Xu Ling. He thought Xu Ling's words were reasonable.

"Well, don't worry about it for the time being." seeing this opportunity, Xu Ling quickly brought the topic to other places. "Jiaman, I remember you've been helping me run that column group. How's it going?"

In order to make himself more like, Xu Ling deliberately forgot the name of the column group.

"It's the talk show section!" Sun Jiaman didn't know the secret. Of course, he reminded Xu Ling with a complaining face, "Mr. Xu Ling, this is your own column group. You have to remember your name!"

"I know. I know. I just don't remember all of a sudden." Xu Ling had a red face and explained it to Sun Jiaman in a hurry.

"Well, you'll just remember it later." Sun Jiaman warned Xu Ling very seriously.

Then, he continued to explain, "it's OK. Just make some preparations first. What's more, I need Mr. Xu Ling to restore your memory."

Speaking of this, sun Jiaman also became a little lost, because he remembered the fact that Xu Ling had become like this.

"I will recover soon. Don't worry!" Looking at Sun Jiaman's appearance, Xu Ling can't help but flash a touch of guilt in her heart, and then she can't help but promise.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it's better for Xu Ling to have such a status of amnesia first. At least he should find out all kinds of situations first.

And the situation of amnesia is more successful to complete this thing

"I hope so, otherwise Zhongjie and I are going to lose our jobs." Sun Jiaman is naturally full of hope, but under the pressure of reality, he complains to Xu Ling.

"Isn't Yun Zhongjie helping me to do the late night column? How can he be unemployed?" Xu Ling was puzzled about this, but he understood it just after he asked.

The manuscripts I left before can last for a few more days at most. According to the calculation of time, the last few days are the time when the manuscripts are exhausted.

Sure enough, the answer given by sun Jiaman is exactly the same as Xu Ling's. Xu Ling really needs to solve this problem. Moreover, he has to steal the solution.

Thinking of this, Xu Ling can't help but have a headache. How can he make the manuscript look like he left behind? This is really a problem.

"Mr. Xu Ling! Mr. Xu Ling

Just as Xu Ling's thoughts began to spread and he thought about how to solve the problem, sun Jiaman's voice rang out again and called out his name.

"Well? What's the matter? " Xu Ling, who had come back to his senses, responded quickly.

"What's the matter with you? Do you remember anything? " Xu Ling's situation naturally attracted sun Jiaman's special attention.

"Not yet. I don't know why I lost my mind just now." Xu Ling shook his head helplessly and explained.

"This is often the case of people with amnesia. It is caused by the similarity between the memory in the brain and the situation in front of them." Without waiting for two people to speak again, a voice of explanation came from the side.

Xu Lingdao, who had just regained his mind, didn't look at the surrounding environment much. When he heard the sound, he looked over. A young nurse was standing by the bed.

"Mr. Xu Ling, this is the Xiao Li that Mengling said." Sun Jiaman also introduced Xu Ling at this time.

Originally, Xu Ling thought that this was an excuse given by Li Mengling in order to make sun Jiaman feel at ease. Unexpectedly, she really found someone.

"Hello, Hello!" Xu Ling said hello to Xiao Li. According to what Li Mengling said, this is the person who will accompany him for the next 24 hours.

"Hello! I'll take care of your daily life in the days to come. Please take care of it Xiao Li also gave Xu Ling a smile and replied.

"Since all the people who take care of you are here, Mr. Xu Ling, I have something else to do this afternoon, so I'll go first!" It turns out that sun Jiaman has been here for such a long time, waiting for people to take care of her.

It seems that Li Mengling also saw the key point early in the morning, so he realized the decision that Xu Ling thought was an excuse.

"Well, you go and get busy. I don't have any problems here. Let everyone rest assured that I will recover my memory as soon as possible." Xu Ling quickly said to sun Jiaman.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your teacher." Xiao Li also assured sun Jiaman on the side of the meeting.

Sun Jiaman was very relieved about the man who was found by Li Mengling himself. He nodded and then left.

In this way, only Xu Ling and Xiao Li were left in the ward.

Xu Ling is now in normal health and can handle all his affairs. However, it's really embarrassing for him to be equipped with a nurse all of a sudden.

Especially now, Xiao Li is very careful to cut the apple on the table for Xu Ling.

"Well, have some fruit." After Zizai carefully peeled off all the skin, Xiaoli observed that there were no impurities in the apple, and then handed it to Xu Ling.

"Well... I don't have to be so meticulous. I can do all these things myself." Xu Ling took the apple awkwardly, and then said to Xiao Li.

"How can it be? I'm the one doctor Li told me to take care of you. Naturally, I should do all these things. " Xiao Li refuted Xu Ling's words in a reasonable way.

Xu Ling doesn't know whether Li Mengling has made it clear to Xiao Li about his real situation. Therefore, Xu Ling doesn't know whether he should continue to explain to Xiao Li. After pondering for a while, she has to bite an apple and say nothing more.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to talk about this with Li Mengling. For example, Xiao Li's escort should appear at a special time. There is no need to really serve Xu Ling 24 hours.

After all, there is such a person around, completely ruined Xu Ling, want to have nothing, continue to study Xiaoya's plan.

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