"Bang ~" the moment he heard the sound, Liu feiran immediately made a voice of disdain. Then he no longer cared about Xu Ling's response. He turned his face and looked in the direction of the sound. His expression became very dignified. "Xu Laogou, what do you want to do here?"

"Naturally, I've come to see my good friend Xu Ling. But it's you. Did you want to do something against Xu Ling just now?" It was Xu Qianyang who came. He came to Xu Ling with a serious warning.

"This is between Xu Ling and me. I hope you don't interfere any more." Liu feiran expression a coagulation, also to Xu Qianyang warning.

"I don't care what grudge you have, but you can't touch him when I'm here!" Xu Qianyang did not have the slightest concession, eyebrows a vertical, said very decisively.

"You...!" Liu feiran was killed by Chen Yaojin. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Xu Qianyang's influence is not small. If there is a physical collision with him, there will inevitably be something extra. Otherwise, according to Liu feiran's Current temper, he will have a big fight against the old man who is specially making trouble.

Two people so you a I a, pour is let the side of Xu Ling temporarily idle down.

Although in front of the two people are thinking about using their own, but now the situation, Xu Ling is very pleased that there will be two people to their own mind.

The most important thing is that they are in a very contradictory situation. Otherwise, with Liu feiran's attitude just now, Xu Ling really doesn't know how to respond.

If there is no one to stop it, what other choice can we have but to promise?

"Old dog Xu, I warn you that I've been tolerating you for a long time. Don't think you are so rich and powerful. If I want you to end up, it's only a matter of minutes!" Listen to Xu Qianyang and oneself say irony all the time, and it is the appearance that obstructs oneself, this meeting he says with gnashing teeth directly.

"Liu feiran, I know your career has made great progress in recent years. However, the younger generation is always the younger generation. It's better not to be so arrogant." Xu Qianyang's eyes narrowed. Although his tone was not as cruel as Liu feiran's, it also showed a hint of Senran.

"Old dog Xu!" Xu Ling's brain even has green tendons!

"You two, can you stop making noise in the hospital and hear it in the corridor? What should the patients in the room do?" Liu feiran's expression is ferocious, and Xu Qianyang is about to respond in this way. Suddenly another voice comes and inserts into their words.

The tone was full of blame

Listen to this voice, Xu Ling immediately recognized, is to take care of their own for several days nurse Xiao Li!

Liu feiran and Xu Qianyang quarrel like this, which is really not suitable in the hospital. But in this case, Li Mengling may not be able to say anything. After all, these two are important shareholders of the central hospital.

But Xiaoli is different. Although these two are important shareholders, they have always been in the dark. Naturally, ordinary nurses in the hospital don't know each other. That's why Xiaoli criticized them so severely.

"Xiao Li, how did you come here?" Xu Ling didn't expect that Xiao Li would appear at this time. If she knew the identities of the two people she had criticized, she might be scared.

Of course, compared with such trifles, Xu Ling is more afraid of what the two people who have lost their cool will do to Xiao Li.

Maybe Xiao Li will lose his job, maybe

Thinking about this, Xu Ling can't help but feel a little nervous. His own affairs didn't make him feel any better. But when he thought that someone would suffer because of himself, Xu Ling felt very sad.

I don't know if it's Xiaoli's sudden remark that calms them down a little. They didn't say anything to Xiaoli.

"I see." Liu feiran nodded and responded to Xiao Li. Although Xu Qianyang didn't speak, his attitude was the same as Xu Ling.

"Xu Qianyang, there will be a long time in the future. You wait for me!" Liu feiran said to Xu Qianyang fiercely, then took a deep look at Xu Ling, and left the ward without looking back.

It seems that he doesn't worry about Xu Qianyang and Xu Ling saying anything extra.

In fact, just as Liu feiran speculated, after he just left, Xu Qianyang also gave a cold hum and went out from the ward.

It was Xu Qianyang's Kung Fu that made Xu Ling recover from the tense atmosphere just now.

"Mr. Xu Ling, are you ok?" When both of them went out, Xiao Li came to Xu Ling with a worried tone and asked.

"It's all right, Xiao Li. Thank you so much this time," Xu Ling said sincerely, waving her hand. Then she was a little confused. "How did you come here?"

In Xu Ling's memory, since he told Li Mengling that Xiao Li no longer had to serve himself personally, he never saw Xiao Li again. However, according to Li Mengling, Xiao Li would not take care of the patients at this level.

"Dr. Li asked me to come. He said you are in trouble now." Xiao Li didn't immediately respond to Xu Ling. Instead, he looked around and confirmed that no one else would hear him.

"So it is!" In this way, Xu Ling understood the situation. Li Mengling probably saw Liu feiran and Xu Qianyang coming together, and could speculate what kind of chaos they would make in Xu Ling. As the daughter of the person in charge, she really had no way to say more when facing these two important shareholders.

So it's very appropriate for Xiao Li, who doesn't know these two people, to come here.

However, I really admire Li Mengling's thoughtfulness. It seems that she has known for a long time that these two big men won't do anything to a little nurse.

"Mr. Xu Ling, who are those two people?" Xu Ling is still thinking about this series of things. Xiao Li's voice appears on the side again, and asks curiously.

Xu Ling really doesn't know how to explain this. If Xiao Li knows that the two people she criticized just now are major shareholders of the hospital, I really don't know what kind of panic Xiao Li will show!

"Those two... Are my friends." After thinking for a moment, Xu Ling had to explain this.

"Friends? Mr. Xu Ling, you are a liar. Just like those two people, how can they be your friends? " Xiao Li showed a face of disbelief.

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