Indeed, as Xiao Li said, anyone who sees Liu feiran and Xu Qianyang will not feel that they are both friends of Xu Ling at the same time.

"I can't help it. It's just like that. They will quarrel when they meet." Xu Ling shook his head helplessly and thought about it. He still couldn't tell Xiao Li the truth.

After all, Li Mengling didn't disclose too much. Xu Ling still felt that she had to deal with the matter according to her idea.

"Oh, yes." Xiao Li's answer was suspicious, but Xu Ling said that, and she couldn't ask any more questions, but she took care of it and left.

Not long after Xiao Li left, Li Mengling came in quickly. He should have heard the news that the two men he had brought had left.

"Xu Ling, are you ok?" As soon as Li Mengling enters the room, she asks Xu Ling. Obviously, she also understands what happens when the two people stay together.

"It's OK. This time, it's thanks to you, Mengling." Xu Ling quickly waved her hand, and then sincerely expressed her thanks.

This time, if it wasn't for Li Mengling's tactful way to ask Xiao Li to help, he didn't know what embarrassment he would suffer.

"There's nothing to thank for that. I said I would help you at a certain time." Li Mengling didn't care about it.

Compared with these, Li Mengling is more interested in another thing. After a pause, she asks Xu Ling, "I've always wanted to know what the relationship between those two people and you is, why do they come to you again and again?"

After asking, he seemed to feel that they were not perfect. Then he added, "the identities of those two people are not simple, and their relationship is very bad. It's difficult for them to share a room, but you can let them come to the hospital together. What's the matter?"

From Li Mengling's tone, we can see how eager she is to know this matter. It seems that she has endured for a long time before asking Xu Ling.

"This... I can only tell you that they both want to take advantage of me. Xu Qianyang wants me to deal with Liu feiran with him, and Liu feiran wants me to help him with his research," Li Mengling shows such a mood, and Xu Ling is not good at hiding things any more. After pondering for a while, he explains to each other, But in the end, he added, "as for the specific research, I can't tell you."

Li Mengling knew that his secret was not one or two, so Xu Ling didn't mind hiding one more.

After hearing Xu Ling's words, she stares at Xu Ling like this, and probably wants to know the following things. But after waiting for a while, she finds that he doesn't have any tendency to continue to say, so she has to sigh helplessly, "forget it, I understand."

"Mengling, believe me, I will never do anything bad, and this secret, if you know it, is definitely not good for you." Li Mengling's disappointed expression naturally came into Xu Ling's eyes, but he couldn't tell the whole story because of this, so he had to explain it like this.

"Well, I understand," Li Mengling said understandably, looking at Xu Ling's tangled appearance, "I believe you won't ask more about this."

"Alas ~" although Li Mengling showed great tolerance, Xu Ling kept a person in the dark, which made him feel quite uncomfortable. At last, he sighed and secretly made up his mind. He opened his mouth and said to Li Mengling, "when all these things are over, I will explain them all clearly."

Even though Xu Ling has hidden the secret for a long time, he is deeply reluctant to give up when he sees Li Mengling's disappointed face.

Maybe it's because she's the one who's seen her most secrets, or... Some other reason.

"No... no, if you feel sorry, you'd better make it clear to Yunxi and Wenwen. As your family, they have been kept in the dark." Maybe Xu Ling's tone touched Li Mengling. She was a little stunned, and then she said it with a dry smile.

Xu Ling knows that Li Mengling's meaning of this sentence is to remind himself of his identity and put forward his position. Maybe these two days, their emotions are abnormal.

"Mengling, I think I will be discharged today." Xu Ling is also very aware of the current situation, when even if the topic is changed, he knows about Li Meng Lingtong.

"Today?" I don't know if it's my own illusion. Xu Ling feels that Li Mengling's tone seems to have some feeling of not giving up.

"Yes, it's meaningless to continue to be in the hospital. Judging from Liu feiran's attitude, there may be nothing to hide at last," Xu Ling nodded and said with certainty, "besides, there are still many things to deal with."

"Well," there was no extra emotion. Li Mengling just answered and turned around to leave the ward. "I'll get something ready for you."

The things that Li Mengling said are just the medicines for recuperation, but for Xu Ling now, these things are dispensable.

"Mengling, thank you very much these days." Xu Ling looked at the figure that Li Mengling was about to leave, he said in a hurry.

"For what? You are a patient, I am a doctor, and I should take care of you! " Li Mengling turns around with a sweet smile on his face. Then he no longer cares about Xu Ling's response, and goes out from the ward quickly.

Seeing Li Mengling leave, Xu Ling shakes his head with a bitter smile. He decides to leave the hospital today, not only because of the relationship between Liu feiran and Xu Qianyang, but also because he wants to get rid of these strange situations in the hospital.

Otherwise, if we delay again, who knows what irreparable things will happen.

Anyway, it's time for Xu Ling to end his stay in the hospital. Many problems are waiting for him. How can he continue to "hide" here?

"Sister Wu, I'm going to leave hospital today. Can you drive my car to pick me up?" Determined, Xu Ling immediately called Wu Qinglian at home.

"Xu Ling, have you recovered? So anxious to leave the hospital. " On the other side of the phone, Wu Qinglian's voice came over with full concern.

She just came to visit Xu Ling two days ago. At that time, Xu Ling still didn't recover completely. Of course, it was Xu Ling who pretended to be.

"Well, it's almost OK. I still have a lot of things to deal with." Xu Ling immediately gladly responded.

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