"Why don't you continue, or can't you adapt to that environment?" Xu Ling heard a trace of retreat from Yun Zhongjie's words.

"No, the working environment is OK, but my broadcasting effect is not as good as that of Mr. Xu Ling. I'm afraid that if I continue to broadcast, it will affect the program." Yun Zhongjie quickly waved his hand and explained, with a look of frustration on his face.

Obviously, he also attached great importance to the audience's response, especially Xu Ling added a question session at the end of the program.

Sometimes, some fans of Xu Ling will definitely have some opinions on such a new anchor.

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Ling didn't say much, just laughed.

It lasted for a while, and then said in the puzzled eyes of Yun Zhongjie, "do you value the status of this program?"

"Of course, this is my favorite teacher Xu Ling. How can you ignore your program?" Yun Zhongjie shows a natural appearance and nods to Xu Ling.

"No, don't you think it's your show now?" Xu Ling just whispered to Yun Zhongjie.

"What?" Yun Zhongjie has been nervous all the time. He didn't respond to what Xu Ling said for a moment.

Xu Ling's voice is very small, but Yun Zhongjie and his example are not far away, so Xu Ling can be sure that the other party has heard every word clearly in his words, and now he just can't accept the meaning of the words.

"I'm going to the director this afternoon to talk to her about giving you this show forever." Without giving Yun Zhongjie a chance to react, Xu Ling directly emphasized the fact and made it clearer.

"Xu... Mr. Xu Ling, this is not good. I have just graduated from school and am competent for such a good program. How can this work?" After hearing Xu Ling's words clearly, Yun Zhongjie quickly waved his hand and began to speak nervously.

"Zhongjie, don't belittle yourself," Xu Ling clapped his hand on Yun Zhongjie's shoulder and said seriously, "these days, aren't you competent for everything?"

"Mr. Xu Ling, I have pulled down the performance of the program by almost one percentage point. Whether it's deputy editor Jiang or editor Wu, I see some anxiety in their eyes." Yun Zhongjie's face is full of embarrassment and tells Xu Ling the truth.

"Zhongjie, are you afraid?" Xu Ling saw the hidden feelings in Yun Zhongjie's heart, and said straightforwardly.

Yun Zhongjie didn't speak. After a while, he finally nodded.

In front of Xu Ling, he didn't have to hide his true feelings

"The quality of the program is not just due to the credit of one person. It is through the unremitting efforts of every person who handles it that the program achieves its perfect appearance." Xu Ling begins to comfort Yun Zhongjie in a deep voice.

Then, without waiting for Yun Zhongjie's response, he went on to explain, "this late night column, at the beginning, was the pillar of the column group, but after a period of time, it was pulled down from the altar, until it came to me, and then it was raised to the pillar position again!"

"Mr. Xu Ling, I know all this, but because of this, I'm afraid!" To Xu Ling's surprise, Yun Zhongjie was not interested in these things Xu Ling said, but continued to show embarrassment.

It seems that he also inquired a lot about the program he hosted.

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Ling is a little strange. Since Yun Zhongjie knows that this program has not always been in the status of the altar, how can he be afraid of the situation that the results fall down?

"I'm afraid to destroy the program that Mr. Xu Ling worked hard to build. I really don't know how to face such a thing." The relationship between Yun Zhongjie and Xu Ling is also unusual. At this meeting, he directly tells us that he has never had any relationship with other people.

"Ha ha, Zhongjie, do you know what you call me?" Listening to Yun Zhongjie's worry, Xu Ling laughed and said.

"I call you... Teacher, what's the matter?" Yun Zhongjie is a little strange. Doesn't he shout like this every time? Why would you ask me that?

"Yes, you are my apprentice. How could you bring down this program?" Xu Ling immediately knew with great confidence to cloud Jietong, "you won't forget all the things I taught you, will you?"

This reminder let cloud hero's eyes also flash a light, in the face of Xu Ling's question, he quickly waved his hand and said, "how can it? I always remember what Mr. Xu Ling said

"That's OK. This program was raised by me in that way. If you anchor it according to what I said, it won't break down!" Xu Ling nodded and did not feel nervous about the decrease of the program's listening rate.

Then, it seemed that the explanation was not clear enough, so he added, "now the reduced listening rate is just some people who like me more. They may like my anchor style more, but some people will like you more. After all, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people. Everyone has his own love."

After Xu Ling's painstaking persuasion, Yun Zhongjie's mood is also relaxed

Seeing the opportunity, Xu Ling then advised, "when your fans get up, the listening rate of the program will rise even more, because you have just graduated, and you keep the program at that level, and the results behind are just limitless."

This is also the reason why Xu Ling wants to give the program to Yun Zhongjie. Although she has helped the program to the peak, she has also made it saturated.

Even for a long time, the listening rate of the program has not increased again.

In the face of this situation, it may be more beneficial for the development of this program to change the audience or anchor with new blood.

"Mr. Xu Ling, is this true?" Yun Zhongjie has already turned from worry to joy, and now he is even a little excited.

"Really, don't you believe what Xu Ling said?" Instead of Xu Ling, the answer is sun Jiaman, who has been listening.

She didn't participate in the broadcast of this program, so she couldn't get in front of those words. But now, she is very happy to hear Xu Ling's praise for her boyfriend.

"Yes, I know! I know! " Yun Zhongjie has only one emotion now, which is excitement. He was troubled by his own demons before, so that he couldn't show his best state when he was live.

Now, after Xu Ling's teaching, he thought about this matter in a flash.

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